Urban Witcher

Chapter 2114 Chapter 2122 Five Links 2

After listening to the old man Chen's introduction, Ye Shaoyang and the two of them received incense candles and went to the temple to worship.

When he came out of old man Chen's bedroom, Ye Shaoyang glanced at another room next to it, the door was closed, Ye Shaoyang didn't care at first, thinking it was a warehouse or something, when he walked by, he heard someone inside. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Old Man Chen couldn't help but ask, "Is there anyone else in this room?"

"Ah, don't worry about it, just go to burn incense." Old man Chen urged them to go quickly.

Ye Shaoyang noticed that there was a trace of unnaturalness in the eyes of the old man Chen, and he was puzzled, but he didn't ask any more questions and walked into the temple.

There is only one statue in the temple, which looks like a mortal, wearing a green robe, holding a steel fork, short and fat, with a wide mouth and big eyes, and the two eyeballs seem to be staring out.

On the tablet in front of the statue, the words "King of Inspiration" were written. Mao Xiaofang and Ye Shaoyang frowned when they saw it. What made them curious was not only the name of the god, but the spirit tablet with the name of the god engraved on it. , This spirit card is very old and looks like it is about to decay, but on the upper part of the spirit card, there are a few golden lines, which seem to be decorations, but Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang knew at a glance that this is a part of the Taoist runes. This kind is called canonization symbol.

This kind of talisman can be seen in some small temples. If you trace the origin, it is related to the system of immortals:

Whether it is the gods of Taoism or Buddhism, the gods are divided into several classes. In Buddhism, there are Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Venerables, Arhats...the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, and the system of Taoism is also very large. The theory of eight extremes, nine obscurities and ten capitals, and so on, are all so-called righteous gods. Although human beings cannot know the existence of these gods with certainty, they all have exact names in the records of religious books.

This is the first-class god, and there are some gods who are conferred after death. The most famous of them is Guan Erye, who was conferred gods in Taoism and Buddhism, as well as Kong Shengren and door gods. ... These are also righteous gods, and most of them are real. Except for those who have gone to reincarnation, some of them are staying in the underworld.

There is another kind of god, the evil god.

The so-called evil gods, in ancient times, most of them were generals or bandits. In short, they killed a lot, and in the end they themselves died. Such people are very hostile, and many of them are entrenched in the world and causing trouble. Generally, there are mages who can't deal with them. He will let the local people build temples to enshrine, slowly dissolve his hostility, and gradually become the patron saint guarding one side, which is the source of gods such as mountain gods, land gods, river gods, and sea gods.

If such a ghost wants to become a god, it must be canonized by a master with sufficient prestige in the magic world. After Yinsi agrees, it will hang a mysterious name, set up a tablet, and become an officially recognized god.

Regardless of whether it is in the magic world or in the underworld, generally when encountering those who are not particularly vicious, kill few people, want to become gods and have certain strength, they will acquiesce in conferring gods. To put it bluntly, it is to recruit security. , even if the magic world can barely be wiped out together, it will suffer heavy losses. It is better to enshrine a god and let it protect one party, but become a part of the underworld.

Therefore, the tradition of conferring gods has been passed down from ancient times to the present.

It is said that in the battle of conferring gods back then, the two religions signed the list of conferring gods together, and even King Zhou was conferred gods, just to save himself trouble. However, at that time, the human race was rising and falling, and the strength of the Yin Division was limited. Later, the Yin Division continued to absorb mages and heroes from the past dynasties, and its strength was finally strengthened step by step. Later, such things were done less, but not without.

Although this kind of god is not a righteous god, it is officially recognized by the Yin Division and has certain powers in the human world. Generally speaking, after conferring a god, it will protect the land and water, and will not do evil things that harm people.

This kind of local deity, because it is canonized by the mage, there will be Taoist or Buddhist symbols on the spirit card, representing their own status, and distinguishing those evil spirits and demons wandering in the world.

Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang bowed to incense, but they didn't kneel. Old man Chen saw it and felt a little annoyed, and said, "When you see the king of inspiration, why don't you bow down."

"I have a knee injury, so I can't kneel down." Ye Shaoyang made an excuse, and sneered in his heart, what kind of God is this, even if he was conferred by the Yin Division, he was a celestial master, a spirit tablet, what kind of god is qualified to make him kneel?

"I'll go to make it easier, please ask me..." Mao Xiaofang cupped his hands.

"Go out and turn right, there is a hut under the courtyard wall." Old man Chen waved his hand impatiently.

Ye Shaoyang stood in front of the statue and looked at the statue carefully. The statue was made of plaster, of course it was a dead thing, but Ye Shaoyang could feel the eyes of the statue scanning his body up and down. He believed that this was not his own illusion.

Although he and Mao Xiaofang have sealed the magic weapon on their bodies with a magic talisman, so that no spiritual power will leak out, and they are dressed like ordinary people, but all this can't be hidden from God's gaze.

After Mao Xiaofang came back, Ye Shaoyang and Ye Shaoyang bid farewell to old man Chen, and walked around the top of the mountain. Behind the mountain temple, looking down, it happened to be Toad Valley.

Looking at it from this angle, several creeks in front of the valley were blocked by this mountain and took a detour.

"Understood?" Ye Shaoyang glanced at Mao Xiaofang and asked.

Mao Xiaofang looked down at the valley and nodded. "This is……"

Ye Shaoyang made a silent gesture, and then called him down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, the two did not leave immediately, but found a rock blocked by the mountain, where they enjoyed the cool breeze and discussed the "King of Inspiration".

When Ye Shaoyang first saw these four words, he thought of "Journey to the West". The monster in the first episode of the sequel of "Journey to the West", the goldfish spirit who wanted to eat children, called himself the king of inspiration.

However, in the world of magic, the words "King of Inspiration" refer not only to fish spirits, but to all aquatic monsters.

"Since this mountain god is named 'Inspiration King', it also reveals his real body, it must be some kind of spirit from the water!" Mao Xiaofang judged.

Ye Shaoyang snorted coldly, and said: "What kind of inspiration king is a five-handed spirit."

"Wutongshen!" Mao Xiaofang was startled, slapped his forehead suddenly, and said, "Yes, why didn't I think of it, Wutongshen... yes, most likely it is Wutongshen."

The so-called Wutongshen refers to the essence of five creatures in the water: black fish, carp, turtle (bad fish), toad, and mussel.

Among the aquarium, those who can cultivate themselves to become fine are these five kinds of creatures, such as small fish and shrimps, if there is no adventure, they will never become fine.

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