Urban Witcher

Chapter 2224 Chapter 2232 Return of the King 4

What a familiar feeling...

Finally... resurrected with full blood!

Ye Shaoyang stretched out his right hand, made a seal at random, and spread his hand, an invisible flame generated by the stellar energy danced in the palm of his hand.

The feeling of power... long gone.

After being a real person for too long, he has been discriminated against and ridiculed by others. After being aggrieved for so long, he has finally returned to his prime.

Thinking of the process of my own recovery, it was a blessing in disguise.

Ye Shaoyang straightened his waist, took a deep breath, and let out a "hehe" laugh, imagining that he was a returning king, but suddenly felt that he was a bit stupid like this, not at all like the return of the king, and he This movement of making a ball of fire in the hand is also learned from Taoism... I always feel a bit fake when I use it.

Ye Shaoyang stuck out his tongue, but he was still very excited.

After stretching, Ye Shaoyang began to think about what he was going to do next. The first thing he should do was to go back to find Mao Xiaofang and Wutong. They must be concerned about his own safety, and they would probably go back to the ancient tomb to look for him... He believed in Mao Xiaofang Definitely, Wutong and Miaoxin probably would too.

Ye Shaoyang decided to return to the ancient tomb first...

Although that place is Biqing's lair, she might go back to block herself, but Ye Shaoyang is no longer afraid.

Now that he has returned to the state of full health, although he is still not Biqing's opponent, he can still run if he can't beat him. The point is... what the hell is this place?

Ye Shaoyang climbed up a hillside and looked around. Feeling completely unfamiliar, he simply found a direction and walked all the way down, but ended up going the wrong way... so he had to turn back and go in another direction.

After tossing and tossing for more than an hour, Ye Shaoyang finally touched the Valley of the Toad, found the cave of the ancient tomb, and after getting in, he went all the way to the bottom.

Biqing is not there. The bottom of that pit was empty. Ye Shaoyang noticed that the dragon spirit was still there, but those ghosts were no longer there. Thinking that when he was trapped in the formation, he didn't kill all these ghosts, so he guessed that Mao Xiaofang and the others might have been here before, but they didn't find him and left again .

Ye Shaoyang walked down the slope to the bottom, and saw a corpse, it was the armored corpse that he saw in the corpse refining vat before, when Biqing put away the corpse refining vat, the corpse was also cleared out .

Ye Shaoyang squatted in front of the corpse and inspected it roughly. Inside the broken body of the corpse, there were some things like silk threads. It was probably made by Bi Qing. Like silk, treat this corpse like a silkworm chrysalis, and hide in the corpse to practice?

What kind of cultivation path is this?

Ye Shaoyang finds it really weird, but for evil things, the ways of evil things are always emerging one after another, adapting to local conditions, as a mage, it is impossible to understand all of them.

This corpse should be the descendant of Zhao Yu, and also the original owner of this ancient tomb. Ye Shaoyang doesn't know Biqing's origin, nor when she occupied this ancient tomb, and regarded the corpse as The lair... Thinking of Biqing's previous conversation with Miaoxin, it seems that Miaoxin's ancestor was killed by her, so she has been here for at least hundreds of years.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and glanced at the slope where several human bones were parked before. The human bones were all gone, which proved his guess that Miao Xin and the others must have been here.

Ye Shaoyang stayed here for a while, then left. When he returned to the top of the deep pit, he turned his head and glanced at the two dragon auras. The dragon aura was still hovering in the air, which meant that the feng shui of the dragon veins had not been destroyed. If someone buried the corpse here, it would still be effective.

However, doing this is always a bit of a miracle. After Ye Shaoyang left the ancient tomb, he dug some soil and rocks, and sealed the entrance of the cave. At least in a short period of time, it can ensure that this place will not be discovered. As for the future, it will not be his own. It's over.

Standing in the canyon, Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and felt that since Mao Xiaofang and the others did not find him in the ancient tomb, they would definitely not go far, and they would probably wait for him in the town, so he returned to the town alone, where he lived before. After inquiring, Mao Xiaofang was still there, so he went to knock on the door.

"You're fine!"

After opening the door, Mao Xiaofang was stunned when he saw Ye Shaoyang, and then looked up and down, as if nothing happened, and was very pleasantly surprised.

After entering the room, Ye Shaoyang asked Mao Xiaofang for a pot of tea, Gululu filled half the pot, then lay on the bed sprawled, glanced at Mao Xiaofang, and said: "I almost hung up. I said, why are you alone? where are they?"

"I just left, and someone from the Magic Guild came to them and told them that there was something urgent and asked them to go back immediately."

"Urgent, what urgent matter?"

Mao Xiaofang spread his hands, "How would I know, I'm not from the Magic Guild."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What a coincidence, someone came to look for them just after they came back?"

Mao Xiaofang said: "No, when we came back, the people who came to look for them were here. They have been waiting for them for a long time. After they chatted, they said they would leave. Miss Wutong asked me to tell you... Well, if you can wait until You, let me tell you, see you at Peach Blossom Mountain."

"Oh, Miao Xin is gone too?"

"He wants to send the bones of several ancestors home for burial, so he went back with them. That's what he said, see you at Peach Blossom Mountain."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "Okay, anyway, we have a lot of time, I'll sleep first, and we'll talk when we get up. By the way, do you have anything to eat?"

"There are only leftovers, and we were starving when we came back, so the boss rushed to make it, and I'll get you some more."

"Forget it, I'll just eat this."

After coming to this era, Ye Shaoyang’s biggest feeling is that he is slow, he does everything slowly, even cooking, because there is no pressure cooker or gas stove, cooking requires a high fire, and the firepower is not strong enough, cooking is very slow, Ye Shaoyang is hungry now Feeling uncomfortable, I didn't care about it, I asked Mao Xiaofang for two steamed buns, and lay down and fell asleep directly after eating.

This time I slept soundly. After waking up, it was dark. Ye Shaoyang adjusted his breath for a week, and was surprised to find that part of the hostile energy that he had controlled before was refined by himself, and it was completely integrated with the stellar energy. Together, although not much, it can be regarded as a small improvement.

This is really a blessing in disguise...

This promotion can be regarded as a major discovery for Ye Shaoyang's cultivation path. The last time he refined his hostile energy was purely accidental. Ye Shao didn't think about it at all. This time, he had no choice but to release it again. The hostility, some of the hostility remained in both times and merged into the stellar energy, this is definitely not accidental.

Resurrected with full blood. I finally waited until this moment, and turned on the pretentious mode...

(End of this chapter)——

Resurrected with full blood. I finally waited until this moment, and turned on the pretentious mode...

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