Urban Witcher

Chapter 2225 Chapter 2233 Steamed Bun Invasion 1

When I vomit in the future, I can try it. If I can completely refine the hostility in my body... Ye Shaoyang believes that his strength can definitely be improved a lot, and it is not impossible to even break through the celestial tablet.

He himself knows how much hostility is contained in his body... Ye Shaoyang has defeated many powerful opponents by virtue of being forced to a dead end several times, and the hostility exploded.

Although, he didn't know where the hostility in his body came from. Until now, it's been a mystery. However, this did not prevent him from taking him for his own use.

Ye Shaoyang got up and found that Mao Xiaofang was sitting on the ground breathing, so he didn't bother him. After he finished, he opened his eyes, saw Ye Shaoyang, smiled and said, "Thanks to you, I am improving very quickly now."

Ye Shaoyang hesitated for a moment, and did not tell him about the fact that Da Zhou Tian's inhalation of the mind can strengthen the dantian. He was afraid that this was not a correct way of practice, or that he was able to bear this kind of pain because of his innate spiritual body. He was afraid that if something happened to Mao Xiaofang, he would regret it too late. Anyway, as he is now, he has already improved very quickly, and sooner or later he will reach the bottleneck. At that time, because of a longer period of precipitation, it will be beneficial for coping with the robbery and breaking through the bottleneck.

Ye Shaoyang talked about what he experienced after being captured by Biqing, but he didn't mention that he recovered his strength... He made a temporary decision to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. People think that they are weak, and that also has the benefits of being weak, at least they will not be focused on.

After all, this is not an era that belongs to him. If he gets too much attention, the more traces he will leave in this era. Ye Shaoyang always feels that it is a bit inappropriate to do so, not to mention that he just wants to be a little transparent and not be disturbed by others. , can concentrate on investigating Xu Fu's whereabouts, and strive to go back one day earlier.

Regarding Mao Xiaofang, there is actually no need to keep it a secret. Ye Shaoyang is just afraid that he will know in advance, and when he faces other people, he will pretend not to be like him, and others will see his flaws.

"According to this, you didn't see Biqing when you returned to the ancient tomb. I don't know where she went?"

"I don't know. Anyway, this is the end of this matter, so there is no need to investigate any further."

Mao Xiaofang frowned and said: "Don't worry about her, this evil thing is so good, what if it hurts people everywhere?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled wryly: "First, she wasn't sealed by the ancient tomb, at least she hibernates to practice. If she wants to kill people casually, she doesn't know how many people she killed."

Ye Shaoyang has seen a lot of evil things like Biqing. They stay in the world to practice or to accomplish a certain purpose. They usually don't kill innocent people indiscriminately. It's not because they have any compassion, but because they disdain and kill more people There are only disadvantages and no benefits for them, and they are easy to be targeted by the magic world.

Relying on methods such as killing people to cultivate, although the cultivation base improves quickly, but for evil things, it is also drinking poison to quench thirst. High-end evil things don't bother to do this.

"Secondly, even if we find her... I can't think of any other motive other than sending her head."

Mao Xiaofang was stunned for a moment, and murmured: "That's right. We are no match for her."

"So, we have nothing to do with this matter. Chen Xiaoyu and the others will definitely report this matter when they return to the Magic Guild. As for how the Magic Guild handles this matter, it is their business and has nothing to do with us."

Mao Xiaofang nodded. "So what are we going to do now?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and said: "I made an appointment with Daoyuan before to wait for him here, then continue to wait. I guess he will be back soon."

"Okay." Mao Xiaofang stood up and stretched, "You sleep well, then I'll go to sleep."

After walking to the door, he came back and asked Ye Shaoyang for some money to pay for the room. Mao Xiaofang didn't have much money on him, but knowing that Ye Shaoyang had it, he didn't treat him politely.

Ye Shaoyang is indeed a local tyrant now, so he gave him a few dollars.

Mao Xiaofang turned the silver dollar upside down in his hand, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he said to Ye Shaoyang, "By the way, the treasure house under that ancient tomb...shall we go get some? Nothing else, those You can get a little gold."

Ye Shaoyang said: "You are a mage, just catch ghosts and subdue demons, what do you need so much money for?"

"Catching ghosts and subduing demons, don't delay with this, you have some money, and it's easier to walk on the road, what do you think?"

It's not that Ye Shaoyang is not greedy for money, on the contrary, he is more greedy than ordinary mages, but...he is not a person of this era at all, no matter how much wealth he gets, he can't take it away, so he is not very enthusiastic about Mao Xiaofang's proposal, but he said That's right, getting more money on your body may be useful in the future, so I promised to make preparations tomorrow and go to the grave together.

After Mao Xiaofang left, Ye Shaoyang sat on the bed and thought about these things again. In the end, only the shadow of Wutong was left in his mind. What does Wutong... have to do with Leng Yu?

Ye Shaoyang thought over and over again, and felt that he had to figure this out before returning to modern times.

Suddenly thought of something. Ye Shaoyang slapped his forehead and almost forgot!

Ye Shaoyang took out the yin and yang mirror, and as soon as he erased the talisman on it, he saw a figure flying out, it was Meihua, and seeing Ye Shaoyang's well-behaved, he looked around and found that it was in the inn room, so he relaxed Take a breath. "Boss, are you alright? Why didn't you let me go out before, it made me terrified and wait until now!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled, chatted with her a few words, and said, "What did you say to me before, where is that little guy?"

"Oh, it's still inside, tied up by me, screaming all the time, it's so annoying."

"Okay, you get it out, let me see what's going on?"

Meihua got into the yin and yang mirror and came out after a while, holding a little boy in her hand. Chubby, only a few years old, his whole body was bound by a white aura like a rope, and he looked at Ye Shaoyang a little aggrieved.

Ye Shaoyang put his hands on his hips, looked carefully, and said, "Who are you? Why did you sneak into my yin and yang mirror?"

"Woooo..." The little boy made a strange sound.

"What's the matter, are you dumb?"

"I put a restraint on him, he can't speak." Meihua hurriedly replied.

"Oh, untie it for him."

Meihua stepped forward to release the restraint, the little boy was able to speak, and immediately called out: "Master, I was wrong!"

Ye Shaoyang was so frightened that he almost fell down.

"Damn it, you're not ambiguous, you'll recognize your relatives when you come up, I said, who are you, no, it should be said, what are you?"

(End of this chapter)——

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