Urban Witcher

Chapter 2429 Chapter 2437 Sewer Overturned 3

Opening the door, after Ye Shaoyang entered the room, he glanced at the figure sitting on the sofa, he was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Why are you here?"

The first thing he saw was not Lao Guo, but Bi Qing who had been missing for a long time.

Biqing was sitting on the sofa, watching TV with curious eyes, while Guagua was explaining to her. The house smelled of mutton.

"Why are you here?" Ye Shaoyang looked at Biqing and asked.

Biqing took a deep breath and said, "Ye Shaoyang, let me tell you something. Your master is gone."

Caught off guard. Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment.

"Gone? Where did you go?"

"I was lured to the Asura Realm by Zen Master Zhishen." Biqing told him what happened. After Ye Shaoyang finished listening, he sat limply on the sofa, feeling an indescribable loss in his heart.

"Master is leaving now..." Lao Guo also sat down on the sofa, feeling very disappointed.

"Master said he's coming back?" Ye Shaoyang asked Biqing.

"He said he was just going to have a look, maybe he will come back." Biqing smiled wryly, "But my senior brother may not come back."

"You can still come back after going to the Asura Realm, right?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

Bi Qing said: "I don't know, I haven't heard of anyone coming back from there."

"Master said, then he will definitely come back. Master has always been reliable in everything he does. You have to trust him." Lao Guo patted Ye Shaoyang on the shoulder and comforted him.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly smelled a strong smell, turned his head and looked, Lao Guo rolled his sleeves to his arms, his hands were covered with blood, and his shoulders were also covered with blood, and immediately flicked his hands away, saying: "What are you doing, killing people in the kitchen?"

"Oh, I forgot for a while, sorry, sorry. I was just at the gate of your community and saw mutton and haggis. The quality is good, so I bought some haggis soup for dinner, and I am packing it in the kitchen."

Ye Shaoyang sat on the sofa and thought for a long time, feeling strange, and asked Biqing: "Isn't only a mage who has proved the Tao, or a sage in the world, can ascend to the Asura Realm? Has my master proved the Tao?"

Before Bi Qing could speak, Lao Guo said first, "How is this so, Shaoyang, you forgot Yu Xuanji, she also went to the Asura Realm."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it, thought for a while, and said, "Who knows how to get to the Asura Realm?"

Bi Qing said: "I have only heard of two methods, one is to enter the Asura Realm through the well of reincarnation, and the other is to receive and guide Taoists, who will come and indirectly lead some selected creatures to transcend to the Asura Realm, as for the others, I haven't heard of it."

Ye Shaoyang put his hands behind his head, lay back on the sofa, and murmured: "Actually, I can think of my master leaving. He always wanted to leave. I forced him to stay. As for your senior brother... ...I have always suffered and hated deeply, how come I suddenly became enlightened?"

Biqing shook her head, indicating that she didn't know either. "Maybe, after he preached the Tao, he didn't care about everything in the past."

Lao Guo sighed: "It doesn't matter if Qingniu is gone. The key is, there was a proverb before that if you want to enter Taiyin Mountain, you must have the four spirit beasts together. Daofeng searched hard for a long time, and only Qingniu , and now he has gone to the Asura Realm, what will we do then?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Daofeng must go to Taiyin Mountain?"

"What if, didn't Daofeng have been looking for him before?"

Ye Shaoyang pondered, suddenly remembered something, and asked Biqing: "You came to me to talk about this?"

"I want to find Daofeng."

"You looking for him? What are you doing?"

Biqing took out something from his sleeve and said, "My brother asked me to give this to him."

When Ye Shaoyang and the others saw it, they were shocked. It was Li Haoran's magic weapon, Diamond Cutting!

"No way." Ye Shaoyang came back to his senses after a while, and said in a broken voice, "What kind of idea is your senior brother thinking of?"

Don't say that Li Haoran has enmity with Daofeng, even if there is no enmity, he has no reason to entrust his natal magic weapon to the other party. Just like my own Seven Star Longquan Sword, sincerity is a treasure that is more important than my own life.

"I don't know. My senior brother asked me to give it to him, saying that this treasure can replace him."

replace him……

"I know!" Lao Guo was excited, and patted Ye Shaoyang's thigh with his bloody hand.

Ye Shaoyang was very annoyed, but when the matter was getting to the point, he held back his anger and said angrily, "What do you know!"

"This is what I said before... Suzaku White Fox, Qingniu Xuanwu, these four beasts are together to open Taiyin Mountain. Now that Qingniu is gone, he left King Kong Zhuo to Daofeng, meaning that King Kong Zhuo, you can also open Taiyin Mountain... Do you understand?"

"Is that what you mean?" Ye Shaoyang frowned.

"Otherwise. He left Vajra Cutting to Daofeng, what else could he do for it?"

"Okay." Ye Shaoyang stretched out his hand to Biqing.

Biqing looked at him nervously, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Give me something! I will give it to Daofeng when I see him."

Biqing said coldly: "What are you thinking? My senior brother told me to hand it over to him. How could I hand it over to you?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned. "That's my senior brother, you're the same as me, don't you worry about detaining his stuff?"

"That's not okay, I must do what my senior brother told me."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, "Okay. I'll call him over, and you give it to him yourself." Immediately, he took out the Snowflake Agate Ring, the special communication device of Nausicaa of the Wind, and activated it with Gang Qi, but there was no response for a long time.

"Maybe he's busy, just wait, he'll definitely come when he's free."

Biqing had no other choice.

"Taoist Jieying, that Zen Master Zhishen is actually a Taoist Jieying..." Ye Shaoyang murmured to himself with emotion. Speaking of which, this Taoist Jieying in the two sects of Taoism and Buddhism is not a real god enshrined, but a deity. There are also many folk legends about the figure in the legend. Some say he is the younger brother of the Tathagata, and some say he is the deity of the Bodhi Patriarch. In short, Ye Shaoyang never thought that there are actually Taoist guides in this world.

The Asura Realm... is the most mysterious one among the big spaces. If I have the chance, I would like to go in and see what kind of place it is.

"Shaoyang, don't forget about our business." Xie Yuqing sat down beside Ye Shaoyang and said, she didn't understand what Ye Shaoyang discussed with Biqing and the others before, so she didn't intervene, and kept listening and watching them After finishing speaking, I couldn't help reminding me.

"Oh yes, that, Brother Guo..." Ye Shaoyang turned to look for Lao Guo, but found that he couldn't find him, so he called him loudly.

"Ah. What's the matter?" Lao Guo's voice came from the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)——

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