Urban Witcher

Chapter 2430 Chapter 2438 Shadow 1

"It's business, it's business." Ye Shaoyang said.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll boil these haggis, put them in the pot and cook them, and I can eat them later."

"I said, don't do that for now, okay!" Ye Shaoyang protested loudly.

Lao Guo quickly finished the haggis, boiled it in the pot, washed his hands, and went back to the living room, listening to Ye Shaoyang describe the evil thing.

"A shadow that can transform into an adult, move with people, and even transform into a shadow of a ghost... It can be big or small, and it can also pull people into the shadows and suck away the energy... Even you almost caught fire, lying down Trough, there is such an evil thing in the world?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, expressing helplessness.

"Is it Night Demon?" Old Guo asked.

"Certainly not. In the case of Ye Mo, I can hit ten of them."

A night goblin is an evil spirit that can take the form of an adult's shadow, but in its shadow form, it is not aggressive.

Lao Guo said a few more names, some were refuted by Ye Shaoyang, and some were refuted by himself as soon as he said them. "I've never seen such an evil thing before. If you're like this, I'll go back and look through "The Encyclopedia of Evil Things" to see if there is anything similar."

"Is there such a book? Who wrote it?" Ye Shaoyang frowned.

"I wrote it myself. No, it should be said that I made it up. When I had nothing to do, I searched everywhere for ancient books, and included all the various forms of evil things in it." Lao Guo patted his chest proudly. "However, I didn't read most of them carefully when I edited them. I went back and looked through them."

Xie Yuqing said: "Has it been published yet? Bring me a copy when you get back, and I will study it too."

"How is this kind of book published in the human world? I plan to publish it in the underworld. Go read it after you die."

Xie Yuqing kicked over.

"You said, it was a shadow that attacked you?" Bi Qing looked away from the TV and said to Ye Shaoyang. Seeing him nodding, he asked some more questions. After asking, he frowned and thought for a while and said, "Ye Shaoyang, have you heard of Yingmei?"

"Yingmei? Didn't Senior Brother Guo just guess it? It's not Yingmei. This thing is much stronger than Yingmei's methods."

Bi Qing said, "What you're talking about, I'm afraid it's the lowest level Yingmei."

"Yingmei still has high-level ones?" Ye Shaoyang shook his head. Although he had never dealt with such evils before, he had a little understanding of them. They were a kind of Yin-born evil spirits, which were contaminated with evil spirits and formed out of shape. Moving, Yingmei is the shadow of a person becoming an evil spirit. To be precise, it is not an ordinary shadow, but some human-shaped statues.

Ye Shaoyang has not specifically studied how shadow ghosts are formed, but such evils as shadow ghosts are rare in the world, because shadows themselves are nothingness, and they must be attached to the deity to exist. When the deity changes, the shadow will naturally change up.

Yingmei can generally only maintain its existence in the place that is filled with Yin Qi formed by itself, and it is basically impossible to cultivate. The only possibility of leaving that place is that someone went to this kind of place, turned into the shadow of this person, left together, became a kind of parasite, and then sucked the yang energy in the host's body to practice... But because he is soulless , and the shape often changes, so very few people can truly cultivate into a spiritual body.

Ye Shaoyang has heard of some of them, but they are not good. In fact, when I first met that guy, I thought it was Yingmei, but the ensuing battle made him completely deny this idea. It was very simple. To the point of killing himself.

After hearing his reason, Biqing smiled and said: "You are right, Yingmei is indeed difficult to form, but I have heard from my senior brother that at least one Yingmei has achieved a positive result... I hope you touch it." It wasn't him."

"Yingmei has achieved a positive result? What is that?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"It's still Yingmei."

"I'll give you 100 points for this answer." Ye Shaoyang said, "Where is this Yingmei you mentioned?"

Biqing said: "The Seven Great Elders of Xuanyuan Mountain, you have heard of it, right?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart skipped a beat, and he exchanged glances with Lao Guo, both with solemn faces.

"I only know Qing Changfeng and Xingyue Nu, and I don't know the others. Could it be that..."

"I heard that among the seven great elders, there is one who has become a ghost and has cultivated into a true fruit. I just heard that because it is a rumor, I didn't mention it when you asked me last time. I hope it is true. Just hearsay."

The elders of Xuanyuan Mountain...

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said, "What's the name of this elder?"

"I don't know, I told you, I just vaguely heard about it. After all, compared to the world, Xuanyuan Mountain is too mysterious. There are very few rumors about them in the world, and even my senior brother doesn't know much about them."

Ye Shaoyang turned to look at Lao Guo, and said, "Do you think it's possible?"

"Uh, I don't know, but... If it is true, then we will be in serious trouble. One Xingyue slave is enough for us, and if we add an elder, how can we deal with it?"

"If you want to know if it's true, go and investigate." Xie Yuqing interjected.

"How do you investigate this? Just ask Xingyue slave?" Ye Shaoyang said.

Xie Yuqing said: "Idiot, you can't do a frontal investigation, but from the side. We can first investigate the background of the Holy Spirit Society to see if it is related to Xuanyuan Mountain. Don't we know everything?"

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, this method is not bad...

Lao Guo said: "That's right. I also inquired a little before. Now there are Holy Spirit churches in many cities. We can go to other branches to find clues."

"At least get a statue over here." Thinking of the statue, Ye Shaoyang told what he saw in front of the shrine, and Lao Guo and Biqing couldn't explain why. Finally, after discussing, Lao Guo decided through his relationship in the magic world. The location of another Holy Spirit branch, and then go to investigate. As for the case in this city, Xie Yuqing will continue to investigate, but Ye Shaoyang doesn't hold out any hope that he can find anything because of the alarm.

"But it may not be." Biqing looked at Ye Shaoyang and said suddenly, "If it is, you are probably dead by now."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "In your eyes, am I easy to deal with?"

"You are no match for any of the elders of Xuanyuan Mountain."

"I accept this, but if you are singled out, it will not be easy to kill me."

Biqing smiled, noncommittal.

Lao Guo pondered for a long time on the side, and said: "Shaoyang, what Biqing beauty said is also reasonable, if it is really the elder of Xuanyuan Mountain, why would you give up fighting when the situation is superior, understand what I mean , It’s one thing to be able to catch you, but it’s another matter whether someone does it.”

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