Urban Witcher

Chapter 2435 Chapter 2443 Alliance Assembly 1

"Brother Ye, you must count me in when the time comes, don't leave me alone like last time." Wu Xiaoxun toasted Ye Shaoyang with a glass of Coke, "I'm serious."

Ye Shaoyang agreed and asked her about her short-term plans.

Wu Xiaoxun said that she has nothing to do, and she will stay in Shicheng for the time being, waiting for his action, but in order not to disturb him, she can find a place to play by herself. Ye Shaoyang thought about it, and felt that this would be a waste of hospitality So he found Zhang Xiaorui on WeChat, told her about Wu Xiaoxun, and asked her and Ye Xiaomeng to entertain him. One of these two is his apprentice, and the other is his cousin, who can completely help him to fulfill the friendship of the landlord. The point is, Zhang Xiaorui is rich, so he will definitely be able to please Wu Xiaoxun to his satisfaction.

When Zhang Xiaorui heard that Wu Xiaoxun was a famous mage, he was very excited, agreed immediately, and immediately drove to pick him up. Ye Shaoyang asked her to eat, but Zhang Xiaorui couldn't bear the smell of haggis soup, and claimed to take Wu Xiaoxun to eat real delicious food, and half dragged her away.

Xie Yuqing was also invited, but this female man still didn't reject the haggis soup, so she didn't follow.

"Shaoyang, I've always had a question. You're talking about catastrophe. You say, if the corpse tribe or Taiyin Mountain invade the world, will it affect the lives of ordinary people?"

"You're not talking nonsense."

"But... I always find it unbelievable. Think about it. Ordinary people shop for treasures, eat and play games every day. No one knows all kinds of magic world. Could it be that one day, just like the end of the world, a demon god descends from the sky and kills everyone?" killed?"

Ye Shaoyang held the haggis soup, thought about it seriously, and said: "First of all, it cannot be the end of the world, and there cannot be mass murders, because no matter whether it is Taiyin Mountain or the corpse clan, innocent people will not be killed indiscriminately."

Xie Yuqing blinked and looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"The ghost domain and the green and underworld are projections of the human world, so they can exist. If there are no creatures in the human world, the balance of yin and yang will be lost. If the balance of yin and yang is lost, there will be no way of heaven and earth, and there will be no human world... ...Then these spaces will no longer exist, so whether it is Taiyin Mountain or the Corpse Race, it is impossible to kill all human beings."

Lao Guo took a sip of white wine and said: "What Shaoyang said is true. Besides, the corpse tribe is here to grab territory, not to kill people. Taiyin Mountain, I dare not say a word, what the Wuji Ghost King wants to do most , is to replace the Yin Division and revise the rules of the Three Realms, which is like the peasant uprising in ancient times. After it succeeds, a new imperial court will be built, and the lives of ordinary people will still be the same, and it has little to do with human beings. "

Xie Yuqing nodded half-understanding, and said, "So...then why are you resolutely opposing Taiyin Mountain? I have no other intentions, just curiosity."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at her and said, "You are an agent, if someone wants to subvert the existing law and create a new law, would you accept it?"

"Of course not. Although the existing law is not perfect in some places, it is already very rare. If we change the law again, who knows what it will be like."

"That's it. Although the Yin Division has many problems, it is still good overall. Once Taiyin Mountain is overthrown and a new Yin Division is established, the consequences will be disastrous, and the creatures in the Three Realms will not be able to withstand the toss. As for the invasion of the corpse race, that is even more Needless to say, we human mages will never accept letting those zombies rule the world."

Lao Guo answered, "So, this is what the Magic Guild is playing now. It's better to welcome them to the world to preside over the overall situation than Taiyin Mountain and the Corpse Clan."

This is a clichéd topic. Ye Shaoyang shook his head slightly, and continued to drink the haggis soup.

After drinking the haggis soup, Xie Yuqing and Lao Guo also went back to investigate the matter of the Holy Spirit Society separately, and Wu Jiawei stayed at Ye Shaoyang's house. Biqing also stayed to wait for Daofeng, and occupied Ye Shaoyang's mobile phone, watching TV series all the time.

In the evening, Ye Shaoyang vomited for four weeks, and then went to bed, but was pushed awake just as he fell asleep, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Biqing, sitting on the bed, looking at himself with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing in the middle of the night?" Ye Shaoyang shrank back.

"Why hasn't Daofeng come yet?"

Daofeng... Ye Shaoyang is also very strange, it is said that every time he summons Daofeng, he will arrive quickly, what happened today, is there any accident.

However, with Daofeng's strength, he has always bullied others, and being bullied by others has never happened. Ye Shaoyang thought that Daofeng might be delayed because of something, so he simply called Guagua and asked him to go to the Valley of the Wind.

"You must be careful, the Valley of the Wind is not too far from Taiyin Mountain."

"Don't worry boss, Taiyin Mountain has no time to trouble me now." After Guagua finished speaking, he climbed over the window sill and slipped out.

"Just wait a little longer." Ye Shaoyang said to Biqing.

"I'm not in a hurry. Well, you can change a TV series for me. I don't like this one very much."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, so he had no choice but to take the phone, and found another TV series for her. Biqing happily went out to watch it, and came back after a while, asking him to change another one. Ye Shaoyang simply taught her how to do it, and it took her a long time to send her out. As a result, she came back not long after she lay down. It turned out that a certain function was forgotten...

Ye Shaoyang was going crazy, so he had to teach again. "You can remember clearly this time, don't come again at night, if you come again, I will call you molested!"

Biqing played with her mobile phone and said without raising her head: "You can scream, it's useless if you break your throat."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned immediately. "How can you know this line? Could it be that this line existed a hundred years ago?"

Biqing ignored it, fearing that he would have to come in if he didn't make it right, so he just sat on the edge of Ye Shaoyang's bed and played with his mobile phone. Ye Shaoyang begged all kinds of things. When I looked up, it was Lin Sansheng floating in from the window, followed by Li Linlin.

Li Linlin and Biqing had also met in the Sky Realm before, and they were not surprised to see her here now.

"It seems that Miss Biqing has already told you the situation." Lin Sansheng stepped down from the windowsill and said.

Ye Shaoyang knew that he was talking about Qing Yunzi and others going to the Asura Realm, nodded and said: "You are also here to tell me about this?"

"No, I have something more important to tell you." Lin Sansheng asked Ye Shaoyang to sit down, and sat down opposite him himself, looked at him and said, "I just came from Qingqiu Mountain and got a piece of news...the Corpse Clan has recently There is a new trend."

Hearing what he said, Ye Shaoyang immediately concentrated, nodded and said, "Say it."

(End of this chapter)——

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