Urban Witcher

Chapter 2436 Chapter 2444 Alliance Conference 2

"Give me a piece of paper, yellow mounting paper is fine."

Ye Shaoyang immediately pulled out the belt from under the pillow, found a piece of yellow mounting paper, and spread it on the bed.

Lin Sansheng leaned over, let out a sigh of relief at his finger, wiped it on the yellow mounting paper, and immediately left a crooked line on the paper, which appeared green, a bit like fluorescent light.

This is Lin Sansheng's soul qi gathering, leaving an imprint on the paper, ordinary people without yin and yang eyes can't see it. The reason why I use yellow mounting paper is because it is specially used by mages, and it is different from ordinary paper materials, so that some spiritual things can be preserved for a longer period of time.

"It's like a boundary river. You can understand my drawing like this?" Lin Sansheng pointed to the curve and said.

"I'm not an idiot, you continue to draw."

Lin Sansheng drew a circle not far from the "Boundary River", and said: "This is Qingqiu Mountain. I have seen the map over there, but it is not easy to bring out the things in the Qingming Realm, so I remembered it in my mind and drew it. show you……"

Lin Sansheng successively drew several places that Ye Shaoyang had visited or heard about as coordinate points.

"The Zombie Clan has already occupied a small half of the space, and has deployed many strongholds on the south bank of the boundary river. The forces of the space alliance are branching along the boundary river on the north bank. The two sides are facing each other, and the battle is not going to stop for a while."

Lin Sansheng said while pointing to him, "Not far from the north bank of Jiehe River, there is a large mountainous area with four mountains and twelve gates. Except for Xingxiu Sea, which hangs alone overseas, the rest are behind this mountain range. This is the core pillar of Kongjie. , Only by eradicating the influence of these sects, can the corpse clan further devour the air realm...you can understand me when I say this."

After waiting for a long time without a response, Lin Sansheng raised his head, saw Ye Shaoyang staring at him, widened his eyes and said, "What's the matter, don't you understand?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "No, I just found that when you talked about these things, you spoke eloquently and clearly. You looked like an ancient general, so handsome."

Lin Sansheng grinned, "I'm not a general, I'm a military adviser, and I'm planning a strategy to win a decisive victory thousands of miles away."

"Don't be sour, just keep talking."

"If the Zombies want to defeat the Air Realm Alliance, they must cross this mountainous area as a natural barrier, but most zombies can't fly, so the way they can choose is similar to that of humans, and that is to forcefully break through the blockade... I asked Xiaojiu, in that large mountainous area, poisonous miasma wanders in it. Zombies are not afraid of poisonous miasma, but they will get lost when they go in. Once they get lost, it is like being made dumplings, and they will definitely lose. And in that mountain, there are only two or three The Dao Canyon can pass through, so the corpse clan will definitely choose one of them and forcefully charge over it... This is an inevitable choice."

Lin Sansheng drew three circles on the map, representing the three canyons, pointed to the middle one and said: "Now, the army of the corpse clan has quietly gathered here, and a general attack may be launched in the near future. The Air Realm Alliance is mobilizing troops. Sending generals, intending to ambush in the canyon, an ambush, annihilating the elite troops of the corpse clan... I heard from Xiaojiu that for this station, the corpse clan's side, Nuba and Yinggou were dispatched, so I immediately Came to find you."

"Empty World War, what are you... looking for me for?"

"Did you hear what I said? In this battle, the best of the Corpse Clan have come out, and they are determined to win. Even Nuba and Yinggou have been dispatched. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand, ah!" Ye Shaoyang slapped his forehead suddenly, "You mean... let me find this opportunity to go to Tianqi Mountain to rescue Leng Yu?"

"It's pretty much the only chance."

Lin Sansheng said, "Tianqi Mountain is in the middle of the Zero Realm. It is usually protected by layers of guards. It is impossible to break in. Not to mention the three corpse kings blocking the way, even if the Ghostbusters Alliance and the Valley of the Wind act together, there are only a few There is no return. Only by taking this opportunity to break in suddenly can there be a glimmer of hope."

Ye Shaoyang's heart shook.

"However, we don't know the way to the dark forest on the outskirts of Tianqi Mountain, so it's impossible to get through."

"This is the only difficulty. You can think of a way, but this opportunity must not be missed. Did you hear me?"

The last sentence has already used the tone of command.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Lin Sansheng's anxious appearance, and a warm current flowed in his heart, what is a brother, it has nothing to do with him, but he thinks it is good for you, and then acted more anxious than yourself. Those who can do this are true brothers.

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

"Let's go, come with me to see Xiaojiu. Let's continue to discuss."

"This... go now? Should we discuss it first?"

"It's not to discuss this matter. The Air Realm Alliance is going to hold a meeting in Poyue Cave. Xiao Jiu asked me to come and ask you to go there together and meet everyone."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned. "What are you doing seeing them?"

"First of all, because of the previous battle of Xingxiu Sea, Chanjiao and Fozong formed a relationship with you and Xiaojiu. If you want to cooperate to fight the enemy this time, you must be united, so everyone needs to meet up and at least express the purpose of cooperation. Sincerity, secondly... I need your help."

"You?" Ye Shaoyang frowned, "What does it have to do with you?"

"I have analyzed this war. It is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface. I am afraid that they will be tricked, so I want to contribute my strength."

"You... want to command this war?"

Lin Sansheng nodded, "When I was alive, I had the revenge of fighting on the battlefield and strategizing. Unfortunately, it has not been realized. It has been hundreds of years. I want to command this war. In contemporary terms, I will realize my ideals all the time. I don't want fame. Yes, I just want to command a battle and live up to what I have learned in my life."

In the end, the brilliance in his eyes became more and more blazing, staring at Ye Shaoyang, and slowly said: "No one in the Space Alliance knows me, and if I want them to listen to me, I need Xiao Jiu's help to recommend, but for the sake of unity, she If someone objects, she can't be too tit-for-tat, you have to help me suppress the situation."

"Understood." Ye Shaoyang only said these three words, got up to pack his things, and put on his coat.

Lin Sansheng's so-called help is not asking for help, but a simple statement: You must help me. Therefore, Ye Shaoyang didn't need to say that he would definitely do it, and those polite words were not used between brothers. A "know" is enough.

"Are you going?" Ye Shaoyang asked Biqing after packing up.

While listening to them talking about the business, Biqing finally stopped watching the TV series, thought for a while and said, "I won't go now. I will take back my spiritual thoughts in the future, and I will definitely turn against Li Shan's old mother. Now I will go with you. When the time comes, they Will blame you and think we're a gang."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You are quite righteous."

(End of this chapter)——

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