Urban Witcher

Chapter 2705 Chapter 2714 Chaos 1

Xie Yuqing watched the beginning and turned off the video. Although the gossip has become very popular recently and she is a gossip addict, at this moment, she has no intention of watching this at all. It should be said that she has no intention of watching anything.

Xie Yuqing silently walked to the window, looked outside for a while, then turned around, and said to Xueqi who was eating ice cream: "Xueqi, you say..."

"Shaoyang will come back."

"I haven't asked yet!" Xie Yuqing protested.

Xueqi looked away from the TV screen, rolled her eyes and said: "You have asked me twelve times today, and I knew what you were going to ask as soon as you opened my mouth, so I comfort you, do you want to hug me?"

Xie Yuqing said angrily: "Damn girl, he is also your master, why don't you worry at all!"

"I didn't say I'm not worried, but it's useless for me to worry. Besides, he just disappeared, not dead."

The word "death" made Xie Yuqing's heart tremble, and she said comfortingly: "No, he will definitely not die."

"That's right. So many storms and waves have come over, I naturally believe that he will definitely come back."

"But, he has been missing for two days..."

One day ago, there was news from Lao Guo that Ye Shaoyang had disappeared in the ancient tomb, and then everyone was in chaos. Zhou Jingru went there with Zhang Xiaorui and the others immediately. She was going there too, but Lao Guo Said that if someone stays in Shicheng, if Ye Shaoyang comes out from another dimension (although she doesn't understand the meaning of this sentence), it is very likely that he will come to Shicheng.

Xie Yuqing just stayed in Shicheng, waiting for the news in agony.

After Xueqi finished eating the ice cream, she went over to comfort her. Xie Yuqing felt better and decided to go for a walk and do something to distract herself. So she went downstairs alone, walked out of the community, and went to the supermarket outside.

Bought a bunch of things without knowing what to say, when checking out, Xie Yuqing suddenly felt as if someone was watching her from behind, she turned her head suddenly, a figure flashed across the shelf, she was not sure if she was thinking too much or what, look After a while there was nothing abnormal, so I checked out and left. On the way home, this feeling of being spied on was always there, Xie Yuqing looked back frequently, but couldn't find the target.

Entering the corridor, Xie Yuqing made a bold decision. She hid at the corner and remained motionless. After waiting for two minutes, a shadow came in from outside the corridor and approached slowly. Footsteps could already be heard.

Xie Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief, there were footsteps, that was a human being, as long as it was a human being, there was nothing to be afraid of. Xie Yuqing loosened the Exterminator Nail in her trousers pocket, waited for the sound of footsteps approaching, rushed out, pre-emptively grabbed the person by the neck, and looked at the person's face at the same time.

Then, she was stunned.

A few seconds later, she opened her mouth suddenly, took a breath, and cried out: "Shaoyang!"

It was Ye Shaoyang!

Ye Shaoyang, who was strangled by him, looked at her with a mean smile on his face.

At this moment, Xie Yuqing felt that Ye Shaoyang's face was so kind.

"Shaoyang! You dead man, where did you go!" Xie Yuqing lay in his arms and cried uncontrollably.

Ye Shaoyang hugged her, his body trembling slightly.

"I'm back." Ye Shaoyang buried his head between her long hair and took a deep breath.

Yes, he is back. After going through so much, he finally... waited for this opportunity, and then, it came.

Xie Yuqing hugged him tightly, and after a while, she finally calmed down, looked up at Ye Shaoyang, stretched out her hand to pinch his face, and said, "Come back with me first, Xueqi is still at home."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "I can't go up, I can't let people know that I'm back."


Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said, "It's hard to say. Now, they all think that I'm trapped in the ancient tomb, even the Holy Spirit Society thinks so. If I come back secretly, I can deceive people and do many things."

Xie Yuqing was startled, and said, "Do they know you're back?"

"I don't know, only you know now. You go to drive, just tell Xueqi that you want to go out and take me home."

Xie Yuqing was stunned for a while, told him to wait, and went back to get the key.


When he entered the elevator, Ye Shaoyang stopped her again.

"Try to be as natural as possible." Ye Shaoyang smiled at her, "Also, I really miss you."

Xie Yuqing blushed, walked into the elevator, and smiled at him, "No matter what, it's good that you come back, I'm very happy."

After a while, Xie Yuqing took the car keys, picked up Ye Shaoyang on the first floor, took the elevator directly to the underground garage, and after getting in the car, Ye Shaoyang instructed her to drive the car to her home.

"Where are the Four Treasures? Are they all back?"

"No, I'm the only one back."

Xie Yuqing listened and looked at him in surprise.

"Don't worry, they are not in danger. I sneaked out for my plan."

Xie Yuqing nodded. What Ye Shaoyang said made her completely relieved. After all, she knew that Ye Shaoyang was not the kind of person to leave his companions alone. Since he could put them in the ancient tomb, they must be safe.

"In the ancient tomb, where is it? Why can't they find you?"

"It's another space."

Xie Yuqing looked at him inquiringly.

"I can't explain it."

"Is it like the map of mountains and rivers?"


"Oh, then I know." Xie Yuqing thought for a moment, then said, "Jingru and the others have all gone to Chengde, they are very anxious, are you sure you don't tell them, they won't tell anyway. "

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "It's different. If they know it, they will show it subconsciously. What I want now is that no one will notice that I have come out. I am the first one to look for you."

Xie Yuqing blushed slightly, no matter what, as a girl, she was very happy to hear such words.

Since Ye Shaoyang decided not to speak, there must be her reasons, and Xie Yuqing can't force it, but deep down she still has a little calculation in her heart.

"What are you doing home now?"

"Look for Shanhaiyin." Ye Shaoyang rubbed his temples, "I got into a fight in the ancient tomb and lost a lot of memory. I can't remember many things. That...have I told you where Shanhaiyin is? place?"

Xie Yuqing shook her head numbly, "No, I vaguely heard you say that even you don't know where Shanhaiyin is." Xie Yuqing didn't ask him what he was looking for for Shanhaiyin, catching ghosts and subduing demons. , she doesn't understand either.

Ye Shaoyang frowned, looking very embarrassed.

Drive home.

As soon as Ye Shaoyang entered the door, he immediately searched for Shanhaiyin, but found nothing. ()

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