Urban Witcher

Chapter 2706 Chapter 2716 Extra people 1

The nun knew at a glance that this was absorbing the essence of the corpse's blood.

The deep pool in front of him is the source of corpse blood flowing from Tianqi Mountain. Its purity is many times stronger than that flowing down the mountain. Absorbing blood essence here is naturally more effective.

Not to mention, the piece of jade under her body, Ye Shaoyang recognized at a glance as a treasure of their corpse clan. It was a top-grade magical weapon that they snatched from the Huashan faction when they fought against the human mages: Extreme North Frost Ice The built lotus platform, where people breathe and meditate, can accelerate the speed of absorbing the wind and earth. There is also a rune engraved by a former master of Huashan on it, which can make the lotus platform more effective.

After Houqing snatched it back then, he found that this lotus platform can be used not only by humans, but also by any living beings, even zombies, through the lotus platform to speed up the absorption of the surrounding breath.

Unlike human mages, the corpse tribe can forge all kinds of magic weapons, and they also like to use magic weapons, which can be regarded as a way of borrowing external forces. It was obtained by robbing, and this ice lotus stand is one of them. It is exclusive to the three brothers and sisters, and has never been used by others.

Seeing the girl sitting peacefully on the ice lotus platform at this moment, the female demon immediately understood that it was Hou Qing's fault. Burning with jealousy, she jumped off the back of the flower snake spirit and walked over angrily. With a burst of blood, he gently raised his hand, and the blood flew, like an arrow, and shot at the girl on the ice lotus platform.

Just at the moment when it was about to hit, a wave of waves suddenly turned up in the blood, and a figure came out from below, stood upright on the wave of blood, raised his hand, and swiped in the air, forming a barrier like water ripples, covering the blood Light scatters, then engulfs.

"Houqing!" The female demon clenched her fists and roared at Houqing.

"Hail to Allah!"

The flower snake spirit took human form, knelt on the ground and dared not get up.

The Taoist nun on his back stood there, staring blankly at Hou Qing, with fear and anger in her eyes.

Hou Qing ignored the nun, first glanced at the nun, and said in shock, "Why did you catch her here!"

The nun walked up to the nun and patted her on the shoulder. The nun let out a cry of pain and sat down on the ground. The nun stroked her head with one hand, and said to Hou Qing, "Do you recognize her?"

"Isn't she the junior sister of the military division, her name is..." Hou Qing couldn't remember her name for a while.

"It's not only the military master's junior sister, but also his sweetheart. This military master killed my elder brother. The hatred is irreconcilable. My Japanese wanted to kill him, but by mistake, he captured his junior sister and came back. I wanted to slap him to death. But he thought it could be used to blackmail him, so he sealed her acupuncture points and brought her up the mountain."

"Good thing." Hou Qing gritted his teeth and sneered at Li Linlin.

The nun's expression changed, she looked at the girl in the blood pool, and said jealously: "Who is this!"

When Hou Qing wanted to say something, he swept his eyes and saw Li Linlin and the Flower Snake Essence. The nun understood, reached out and tapped on Li Linlin's seal, and Li Linlin immediately passed out.

"Take her to the foot of the mountain and wait for me." The nun ordered to the flower snake spirit.

Hua Shejing shook her body, turned into a snake body, grabbed Li Linlin in her mouth, and wanted to leave immediately.

"Remember, don't underestimate her."

The nun ordered again, watched the flower snake go away, then turned to look at Hou Qing.

Hou Qing turned around and came to the girl, and pulled her face. It turned out that what looked like a veil was not a real veil, but a water film covering her face.

Hou Qing opened a hole in the water film, and then quickly closed it again, explaining: "I want her soul not to be invaded, otherwise she would not be her."

The female demon clenched her fists tightly, her eyes were burning with jealousy, and she said through gritted teeth: "I guessed it a long time ago, it really is her! Are you completely fascinated by her?"

Hou Qing's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "Aren't you curious why she is in the blood of the corpse?"

The nun frowned slightly.

"I want her to become a zombie, a member of the corpse clan." Hou Qing smiled, "She is a reincarnated ghost child, born out of heaven and earth, with a very special physique. There is no doubt that this ancient corpse will die in the blood. But she is fine."

The female demon stared blankly at Rui Lengyu in the blood of the corpse, and murmured: "She is a reincarnated ghost child, a seed left in the world by the ghost king of Wuji who avoided reincarnation, and he would be willing to let her be killed by me." Clan captive?"

"The Promise Ghost King. So what?"

Houqing smiled coldly, "Now, I have obtained all the blood of the generals. As long as the sacrifice is successful, even the ghost king of Wuji may not be able to do anything to me. Within three days, it has always been the battle between Taiyin Mountain and Yinsi. Now, my corpse The family wants to break this thousands of years of tradition."

The nun put her hands on her hips, raised her head and looked at him quietly, then looked at Rui Lengyu, and said, "If this is her, then who is Ye Shaoyang taking away? It can't be a fake, otherwise Daofeng and Ye Shaoyang will be together." It's impossible not to see how clever he is."

"It's all her, and it's neither."

The nun looked at him puzzled.

Hou Qing looked at Rui Lengyu, his eyes softened, and he said slowly: "That day, Ye Shaoyang and his gang broke into my Tianqi Mountain, even though many things far exceeded my expectations, do you think I would let her go willingly? "

"There can't be two of her in this world." Nuba insisted on her point of view.

"Why is it impossible?"

Seeing that his tone was serious and not joking, the female demon thought about it seriously, and suddenly realized, and said, "So that's the case, but... which one is the real her?"

Hou Qing smiled slightly, and stared at Nuba, although she didn't speak, but Nuba already understood.

"I want you to do something, and you do it yourself." Hou Qing took a step in front of her and said, "Go to the world and find Ye Shaoyang."

"Looking for him?"

"Take Shanhaiyin, or kill him."

"Shan Hai Yin? What do you want Shan Hai Yin to do?"

"The Shanhai Seal has infinite uses, so I naturally want it too." Hou Qing paused and said, "If I'm not wrong, the Yin Division, Taiyin Mountain, and the Magic Guild will all go to snatch Ye Shaoyang's Shanhai Seal, and it may have already started. You can also fish in troubled waters, if it doesn't work, then kill him to avoid future troubles."

"Are you afraid that he will come to steal your wife?" the nun said with a snort.

Hou Qing smiled and said, "Now that I have received the inheritance from a general, would I care about a mage in the world?"

The nun stared at him, changed her tone, and said: "Houqing, if you change your mind, I am willing to bring a girl who is no less beautiful and status than hers to you as your confinement."


"Fairy Yaoguang." The female demon said with some pride, "She has been controlled by me, and she will fall into the devil step by step. There will be no place for her in the sky."

(End of this chapter)——

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