Urban Witcher

2743 Chapter 2753 Going the wrong way 1

The bricks slapped the monk's bald forehead again and again, causing his nose to bleed, and he lay rolling on the ground.

The pony jumped up and slapped his head like a flower...

The pony was so cool, he froze for a while, then turned around and asked Guagua: "Small man, how did you find me, where is your boss?"

"The boss is here too, and he's rushing over here, let's not talk about it, let's deal with them all!"

When Xiao Ma heard that Ye Shaoyang had also come, his morale was boosted, and he greeted those evil things: "My good brothers are here, brothers, come to me!"

After some rushing, those sorcerers couldn't resist and hanged several more. Among them was an old Taoist priest in a red Taoist robe who was the leader. They were in chaos, unable to resist, dead or wounded, and the last few simply surrendered.

Xiao Ma asked someone to watch them, and then ordered his men to go to the mountain pass for reinforcements, "Brothers, remember, don't kill them, wake them up for me, keep as many as you can, and let them run away." Remember my title of Dasao Ghost King! Sooner or later they will come to join me!"

At this time, Ye Shaoyang and Teng Yongqing also climbed up the mountain. Ye Shaoyang was stunned when he saw the pony, and then excitedly went up and punched him.

"Damn it, little Ye Zi, I finally found you!" Xiao Ma was also very excited, and greeted Ye Shaoyang affectionately, and suddenly saw a pig behind him looking up at him.

The pig looked at him, and he looked at the pig.

"Little Ye Zi, why are you still bringing a pig with you? You killed food on the way, and this pig is quite fat. Brothers, let me take him to slaughter, and everyone have a barbecue!"

Zhu Zhihui trembled in fright, fell to the ground and passed out.

Ye Shaoyang briefly explained the origin of this pig. After listening to Xiao Ma, he thought it was very funny. "Pig demon, hehe, this is the first time I've seen a pig demon. It's fun." Zhu Zhihui was woken up with a slap in the past.

"I said, look at you fat, you have a nice body, don't mess with Xiao Yezi, and mess with me in the future, how about being a mount for me?"

Zhu Zhihui was so frightened that he shrank to the ground and dared not make a sound.

"Don't talk about this is useless, pony, why are you here?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

Xiao Ma walked to a rock on the edge of the cliff and looked towards the mountain pass. With the joining of the group of men just now, they formed a siege around the mages and officers and soldiers at the pass, beating them powerless to fight back.

"With all these dishes, I still want to encircle and suppress my king..." Xiao Ma pretended to shake his head, "Invincible, how lonely it is."

"Don't pretend, I'm asking you, why are you here?"

"It was you who got me in here, and you still come to ask me."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, "I mean, why are you here? Isn't this gang of bandits? What's the name of the boss... Dali Ghost King, right?"

Xiao Ma patted his chest, "I am the King of Dali Ghost!"

"You..." Ye Shaoyang glanced at him up and down, "You... where is your strength?"

"Everywhere is vigorous! Don't you think this name is cool? Vigorously works miracles!"

Ye Shaoyang sneered twice. "To be honest, I really think this name is lousy."

Xiao Ma was upset, and asked Gua Gua and the others for verification. Their evaluation was even lower than Ye Shaoyang, so he scratched his head and muttered to himself, "Why don't you change the word and call it Big Sword Ghost King?"

"Where's your knife?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"It's true..."

Ye Shaoyang slapped him on the forehead, "I'm here to tell you something serious, it's useless for you to talk about it with me, I asked why you are here, what about the others, monk and Baimei?"

"Baimei, he went to look for you, but I didn't see the monk."

"To fetch you?"

"I don't have a target. I don't know where you are, so I searched for each city. If I found it, I came here to meet you. Xiao Yezi, you still blame me. I became a bandit because of you. I want to make a name for myself here. Attention the imperial court, you will definitely notice it when you hear the name, how modern it is, I will definitely come to see the situation, hehe, I did not expect to attract you so soon, it seems that my name is already loud enough Already."

Without giving Ye Shaoyang a chance to intervene, he grabbed Ye Shaoyang and said mysteriously: "Let me tell you, I discovered a super secret. After people here are killed, they will become evil things. They have everything. I caught a few of them, and asked them carefully, it turned out that they all came through time like us, everyone! It’s just too scary, it’s probably not an ancient time here, but another space..."

After finishing speaking, looking at the smiling Ye Shaoyang and the others, he wondered, "Hey, let me tell you, why don't you seem surprised at all?"

"I knew it a long time ago, and I'm waiting for you to find out." Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes and asked him about his experience after time travel.

Xiao Ma told the story, it turned out that after he crossed, his soul was attached to a body (it was later found out that it was a corpse in the real world, and was dug up by the Holy Spirit to be used by ghosts), and his identity at that time was actually a blacksmith. Just one relative, a blind old mother. The memories he was instilled at that time were to forge iron every day, then buy vegetables and cook, serve his mother, buy some pork head meat every night, and drink two taels of shochu...

After living like this for three days, one day when he was shopping for vegetables in the market, he met a noble young man, whose face became more and more familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before, so he followed him mysteriously and entered an alley. He lost his heel, and as soon as he looked back, the young man was right behind him, before he could speak, he was knocked over by a sap stick. When he woke up, he had already become a ghost. remembered.

That son is Wu Jiawei.

After talking about this experience, Xiao Ma couldn't help sighing: "Little Yezi, it's not fair for you to say that the Holy Spirit can do things, right? Why did he come over with white eyebrows and become a son, and I'm a blacksmith, if it wasn't for being He wakes me up, don’t I want to be ironed for the rest of my life? By the way, what are your identities when you crossed over?”

"I am the guard guarding the city." Teng Yongqing said.

"Those who eat imperial food are better than me. How about you, little devil?"

"The young master of Lord Hou's mansion has a wealth of wealth, a hundred acres in two days." Guagua raised his eyebrows at him.

"Fuck! Little Leaf, you..."

"I am Lord Hou." Ye Shaoyang smiled sweetly.

"Damn!" Xiao Ma was furious.

"By the way, how did Baimei wake up?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

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