Urban Witcher

2744 Chapter 2754 Going the wrong way 2

Ye Shaoyang and the others looked at each other, and there was such an operation.

"No, it's not that people here don't have sex, why is he the only one who wakes up when he's having sex?" Ye Shaoyang expressed doubts.

"I don't know, he's very shy, and he won't tell me when I ask him, anyway, that's roughly the case."

Xiao Ma told about his later experience. After he awakened, Baimei told him a discovery of his own, that is, the people here are all pretending to be evil things, and they were instilled with memories. For the experiment, Xiao Ma went home and turned his blind eyes The old lady was knocked out, and turned into a female ghost, she was quite beautiful...

Xiao Ma and Bai Mei thought about it, since they have time-traveled, everyone else must have time-traveled too, the most important thing is to find everyone. Because there was no clue, Xiao Ma thought of the most direct method: rebellion.

Regardless of whether this is the real Ming Dynasty or not, at least the rules here are the same as in ancient times. Rebellion is a heinous felony and will definitely be wanted by the whole country. What I thought at the time was that if Ye Shaoyang and the others could see the notice, they would naturally come to look for them.

Even if you can't find it. Xiao Ma also has a great plan, which is to really rebel, gather a group of evil things to go to the capital, take over the emperor, become emperor himself, set up an army, look for Ye Shaoyang and the others everywhere, and don't believe they can't find them.

Now the plan is underway...

"Be the emperor, I'll fuck you, you can really think about it."

"Why not, these officers and soldiers are very good, let me tell you, they will wake up when they are hit hard, and they will go crazy when they wake up, killing people everywhere, but many of them will wake up in the end, and then worship me as the boss of the strong ghost king. That's how Wang's team grew, haha, Xiao Yezi, I think this way is right!"

"I think you have thought about the emperor's addiction." Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes.

"Hey, this is an additional purpose, isn't it fun." Xiao Ma waved his hand generously, "Whoever we brothers will be with whom, when we conquer the country, we will take turns to be the emperor, Guagua, you can be the prince. "

"Says like someone is rare!" Guagua stuck out his tongue at him.

At this time, the battle at the bottom of the mountain was over, and a large group of people came along the road. Ye Shaoyang glanced at them roughly. There were ghosts, demons, evil spirits, and a few ghost corpses in this group. Ye Shaoyang felt that he had everything, and just walked over like this. He didn't feel like an army at all, just like a group of rock and rap killers, rural non-mainstream.

Ye Shaoyang laughed out loud.

"My lord, those mages have all been dealt with, and all the officers and soldiers have awakened. Most of them have fled, and there are still some. The three kings are leading people to educate them."

Ye Shaoyang walked up the rock, stretched his head to look, it was still the bird, circling in the sky, shouting something to a group of officers and soldiers under control, I couldn't hear clearly from here, I don't know if the three kings Xiaoma mentioned the bird.

"Come on, you guys just came here, let me introduce you, I said that Ye Shaoyang and I are brothers, do you all think that I am bragging, this is Yan Ye Shaoyang, you all look good, except that I am worse than me, it is also considered Yushu Lingfeng, handsome and unrestrained..."

As soon as these evil things heard the word "Ye Shaoyang", their eyes all focused on his face, and they automatically ignored what Xiaoma said later.

"He is Ye Shaoyang, not as handsome as in the legend."

"No, no, he's quite handsome. He's very handsome. Did you notice that the more he looks, the more pleasing to the eye... It's interesting to train such a man."

The two chattered, not knowing whether it was a female ghost or a demon.

Being watched by so many people, Ye Shaoyang was already very shy, but he actually made such provocative remarks publicly, Ye Shaoyang turned his head away in embarrassment.

"Ah, look, look, he's actually shy, hahaha, so cute!"

The two girls laughed even more.

Depend on!

Ye Shaoyang felt his face was hot, coughed twice, and asked them:

"You... all know me?"

The female ghost with heavy make-up said: "Who doesn't know you, Taoist god in the world, just building a mansion in the underworld as a human is amazing. The little girl has long wanted to go for refuge, but her skills are weak. I'm afraid you don't want to..."

Several evil things around her also showed similar meanings.

It was only then that Ye Shaoyang remembered that they were all evil creatures of his time, and they were all relatively low-level ones. He didn't know them, but they had heard of what happened between the core magic world and various forces. Yes, just like entertainment gossip.

Xiao Ma cheerfully said from the side: "I told you a long time ago, if you meet me, you will be considered as joining the Onmyoji Division. When we return to the world, everyone will report to the Onmyoji Division. What a wonderful thing! , I agreed for him."

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him and said, "You will make the decision for me."

Xiao Ma laughed and said: "This is a good thing, I want them to come to my Taiyin Mountain, but they won't do it."

The female ghost curled her lips and said: "My lord, although we all worship Daofeng, but going to Taiyin Mountain is tantamount to betraying the Yin Division, and it is difficult to enter reincarnation. Going to the Yin Yang Division is different. Opportunity is a ghost..."

These evil things will make up their minds.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered something, and asked loudly: "Are there any evil cultivators? Although I am not as rigid as those traditional mages, I will never associate with evil cultivators."

Xiao Ma said: "Don't worry about this, I have screened them long ago, they are all evil creatures in the world, most of them are just formed, if they are really powerful evil creatures, they will basically not let the Holy Spirit Society catch them. "

Ye Shaoyang thought the same thing, whether the Holy Spirit will provoke a really powerful evil thing, it’s not that he dare not, but the cost is too high, after all, they cast their nets widely, and they don’t have any requirements on the cultivation of evil things, or even on the contrary, Too powerful evil, even if it is used, the potential risk is even greater.

These are all low-level evils. Ye Shaoyang glanced over and saw many people who had just cultivated human form. Most of them were not proficient in the art of transformation. They changed seven points like humans, and three points still had the characteristics of animals. Look carefully If it is, you can tell at a glance what kind of animal their deities are, so they look so unorthodox.

However, they are really solid objects.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, looked at them and said: "Actually, there is nothing to say. We were all arrested and tried to escape together and returned to our own world. However, it is weak to work alone. Let's unite and kill Get out of this world!"

(The World Cup is in full swing, everyone watch the game and pay attention to rest early!)

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