Urban Witcher

Chapter 2760 Chapter 2770 Heart words 2

A shout sounded behind him.

At the same time, a relic flew from behind and hit Daofeng on the back.

Daofeng was already at the end of his strength, since his soul was slackened, after being hit hard, he couldn't resist anymore, his soul accelerated and slackened, and he couldn't even control himself, floating in the air, his figure became fainter and weaker.

It turns out that the feeling of death... is like this.

Daofeng's only lingering remnant, looked down at his soul body, which disintegrated and melted little by little.

He died twice, the first time he cut off his physical body, which was a death in the human sense, and the second time was in the Lost Forest, where he cut off his spiritual root and soul. Both deaths brought him different experiences , made him enlightened.

However, these two times were not real deaths. To put it simply, although he had a near-death experience at the moment of the two deaths, he knew that this was just a process of enlightenment, not a real death.

But this time, it's completely different.

Even though he was as strong as him, at the last moment when the primordial spirit died, he still felt fear and confusion, even a little despair.

If I do this, is it right or wrong, and is it worth it?

He felt that he was flying upwards, out of the seminary, and into the air. He saw those big guys standing in the courtyard of Beidou Temple, looking up at him.

(He doesn't even know which shot gave him the last shot, but that doesn't matter at all)

He saw Qing Changfeng galloping towards him, and Qing Changfeng also spotted him, stopped suddenly on the mountainside, and stared at himself. In his hands, he held the God Whip and the Fantian Seal.

Once belonged to his own exclusive magic weapon.

The glory of the past, Nausicaa of the Wind, Ye Shaoyang, Yang Gongzi, Chen Lu...all of these are gradually gone.

Nothing was taken and nothing was left behind.

In a lifetime, going around in circles, crossing the Three Realms, sweeping the world, so what?

He saw Emperor Fengdu, sitting upright in the court hall, with an open mind and strict laws.

He saw Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, in purgatory, holding scriptures, pleasing flowers and not saying a word, compassionate to heaven and earth.

He saw Shaoyang, Qingyunzi, the master and his disciples, eating hot pot and singing in the room in winter.

He saw his previous life, as if it was right in front of him, but also as if it was very far away, after all, it was still passing by scene by scene.

He saw the memory of the past life, the evolution of the history that has been shuttled.

He saw all living beings, eating, drinking, scatter, birth, old age, sickness and death.

(There is nothing new under the sun)

In the end, these two scenes merged together again, deep in his consciousness, as if suddenly enlightened, and understood some truths.

Everything is under the rules, time, space, creatures. Unchanged rules. The so-called Great Dao of Heaven and Earth turns out to be like this.

"The wind..."

Qing Yunzi's voice suddenly came from his ear, bringing him to a new world.

When he was a teenager, he stood on the edge of a cliff in Xuanqing Mountain, and the chilling autumn night was full of stars.

Daofeng has been standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at the mountains in the distance, the dots of lights and will-o'-the-wisps hidden in the middle of the mountains, which filled his young heart with longing.

Qingyunzi and Ye Shaoyang, who was only a few years old at the time, these two dudes were catching snakes in the grass, planning to roast them and eat them.

"Daofeng, what are you pretending to be standing there, hurry up and help!" Qing Yunzi scolded.

Daofeng ignored him and continued to look into the distance calmly.

The old and the young were busy for a long time without catching a snake, but they caught some autumn locusts, which Qing Yunzi roasted and ate.

"What are you doing standing here?" Qing Yunzi asked.

Daofeng held a bunch of grasshoppers in his hand, pointed to the distance, and said, "Master, when can I go down the mountain?"

Qing Yunzi came over with his hands behind his back, and stood beside him, and the little brat Shaoyang also followed, standing beside him curiously.

"From here, what can you see?" Qing Yunzi asked.

"Mountains, there are mountains everywhere, and that's all for the lights." Shaoyang gnawed on the scorched locusts, and his mouth was full of black ashes.

"Dark night." Daofeng said. Endless night.

Qing Yunzi nodded, patted Ye Shaoyang's head (wiping all the black ash on his head with his hands), and said: "If you see a mountain, then go to climb the mountain. The scenery on the top of the mountain is always better than that at the bottom, but There are mountains beyond the mountains, you will never be able to climb the highest mountain, even if you climb up, there is a sky taller than you, you will be the top of the mountain, and the world will look up to you, what should you do when you get to that point?"

Ye Shaoyang blinked his eyes flickeringly, and said casually: "Mountain climbing is for fun, just climb to the highest mountain, and that's enough. Why go to the sky?"

Qing Yunzi smiled slightly, and asked Feng again: "The night is the sky, endless and free from any constraints, but the night also represents cold and loneliness... This child Shaoyang will be invaluable in the future, and he can stand on the highest tower." On the mountain, but he is innocent and acts rashly, but in the world, everything can be controlled by your temper? If you want him to break through the sky, he has to enlighten himself and find his own reasons. At that time, no one will Can stop him.

And you, Daofeng, you are like the night, boundless and unconstrained, but you are dark and lonely after all, are you not afraid? "

This is almost one of the few times in Qing Yunzi's life that he speaks at the most level.

Daofeng turned his head and looked down at the cliff, and said with a slight smile, "Master, I have never been afraid of anything, and I have never expected anything, but after ten years, everyone in the world will know my name, even if they don't like it, there is nothing they can do about it." Daofeng 'These two names will definitely shake the world and upset the Three Realms!"


The past is still vivid in my mind.

"Master, it's been more than ten years now. What I said back then has been done now."

At the age of thirteen, holding a three-foot magic sword, he killed the corpse king alone;

Fifteen years old, traveling around the world, subduing demons and eliminating demons;

At the age of eighteen, he has fought all over the world with his peers, without losing a single one.

At the age of twenty-two, with a single sword, he killed twelve yin gods, three great witches and demons, and broke through the six reincarnations... His fame moved the world, and he was named "the god of Taoism in the world".

After being in the devil for ten years, after returning, he established a sect, divided into three parts of Huangquan, and fought against the Yin Division and Taiyin Mountain with his own strength.

In my life, how glorious, how lonely, how incomprehensible, but... Isn't this what I want?

After all, it was not a waste of time.

It's just...Master, at this moment, I really want to see you again, and Shaoyang,

It's just that I got everything I wanted, but I didn't feel happy.

I miss those days in Xuanqing Mountain.

I am constantly gaining and losing.

All my life I have done is just not to be someone else's pawn.

After all, the calamity is gone, and the world becomes empty.

At the last moment when the primordial spirit disappeared, Daofeng thought of the unchanging line on the stone tablet outside the north gate of Fengdu City:

(There is a competition today, you can watch it. I don’t have this blessing. I have a problem with my cervical spine recently. I feel dizzy and want to vomit. I insisted on writing a chapter. Don’t worry, it’s impossible to say that Daofeng will die when he dies. Let’s move on look……)

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