Urban Witcher

Chapter 2761 Chapter 2771 Heart words 3

The way of doing nothing, God knows human feelings,

Inaction is quiet, ghosts see human form,

Heartfelt words, ghosts hear human voices,

The ban is full, and the land harvests people's souls.

Rules are rules.

Enlightened, completely enlightened. But the last bit of divine sense in the primordial spirit also disappeared at this moment.

The primordial spirit annihilated, turned into a spirit, scattered in the air, gathered together again, and flew towards the gate of Xuanyuan.

The big bosses of Xuanyuan Mountain, and those disciples who didn't die in Beidou Temple, all silently watched the spirit ascend to heaven, with dull expressions.

The Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, the master of the Three Realms, is really... dead?

Zen Master Shanshan was in the valley, looking at the flying souls, chanted the Buddha's name, and recited the mantra of the past life again.

When Jingpo flew to the middle of the mountain, Qing Changfeng suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly created a barrier to intercept Jingpo.

"Master Beidou, why is this?"

The sound was like a bell, coming from the mouth of an old man in white.

Qing Changfeng raised his head and saw that it was the old man in white robe who was watching the excitement before, walking down from the top of the mountain.

"Uncle, I will trap this wind essence so that he will not fly away. If there is any chance, there is still the possibility of gathering the soul to be reborn."

Essence is the most primitive composition of living beings, basically it cannot be dissolved, but it can be easily trapped by people.

The old man in white smiled and said: "Where is there such a chance, even if there is, then his life should not die, so why do you do such an absolute thing, for your own life karma."

Qing Changfeng said unhappily: "Because of this guy, my Beidouguan disciples were almost killed. Shouldn't this revenge be avenged?"

"The man is dead, haven't you already taken revenge?" The old man in white was not angry, but still smiled.

"There is a saying in the world, it is called to cut grass and roots, what if he has some chance to regenerate his spirit, so what?"

The white-clothed old man took a few steps forward and said: "One yard is worth one yard. If he is dead today, everything will be sold. Beidou, you are doing this, it is not my Xuanyuanshan's behavior."

Qing Changfeng was stunned for a moment, ignored him altogether, and continued to practice, pulling the trapped Daofeng's soul towards him.

The white-clothed old man chuckled and shook his head, made a seal with one hand, and pointed towards the sky, a clear wave flew out like a water column, piercing through the enchantment arranged by Qing Changfeng, and his spirit flew out, heading towards the gate of Xuanyuan .

"Master, you!" Qing Changfeng was furious.

The old man in white smiled and said nothing.

Seeing the spirit flying away, Qing Changfeng tried to stop him, and heard the old man in white say in his ears: "Words can't be exhausted, power can't be exhausted, everything is exhausted, and fate is bound to end soon... Beidou, you can't do this. You still Go and see Nanyin's physical body."

Qing Changfeng's heart tightened, if this is the top priority, and seeing what the white-clothed old man meant, if he made another move, he would still stop it. I really couldn't communicate with this kind of elder, and I couldn't get serious with him, so I snorted coldly and jumped up the mountain.

Fortunately, Xingyue Nu's physical body was intact. Qing Changfeng asked a few disciples to bring some high-quality instruments and put them near the training center. Don't worry, go back to the main hall and send people to take care of the battlefield. Not long after, some disciples came to report back. Nearly half of the disciples in Beidou Temple were killed by Daofeng, and they were all his inner disciples.

"Bang!" Qing Changfeng punched the table, even the incense burner was blown up.

"Thief, my Beidouguan foundation has been established for many years, and this guy has almost hacked the bottom of it!"

At this time, a disciple came to report, and Bai Ze came to visit.

Qing Changfeng can only please.

Bai Ze and Qing Changfeng were on the same status and had a good relationship. After they came in, they were not very polite and sat directly in the guest seat.

Qing Changfeng called for tea, and soon someone came up with two celadon teacups. Bai Ze found one, and when he lifted the lid of the cup, a cloud of mist immediately rolled up. Bai Zedong took a big mouthful greedily. I saw that there was half a glass of water in the cup, and a brown stone was soaked in it, full of luster, the top blood spar.

This thing also exists in the human world. After encountering water, it can continuously produce aura, but because it is rare, it is very precious. In the human world, if someone's character explodes and obtains a top-quality blood spar, it will be used by mages to inlay magic tools, or used for refining. The outer alchemy, which is an evil thing, is placed in the cave, and then matched with a pile of spirit stones to form an evil formation, which is used for cultivation, so that the spiritual power of the blood spar can be maximized without causing waste.

But here in Qing Changfeng, it is just "tea" used to entertain distinguished guests.

Qing Changfeng was still immersed in the previous battle, depressed, holding a teacup, swallowing the spiritual energy one mouthful after another, without saying a word.

"I was also watching the battle in the mountains before, and I witnessed the incident." Bai Ze opened his mouth and glanced at Qing Changfeng, "It's a pity that you lost a lot of disciples, Daofeng, but... you also killed Daofeng, This is extremely rare, and after all, it’s not a loss.”

Qing Changfeng sighed: "It's not a loss, it's not a loss. It's really relieved to be able to kill Daofeng, but it depends on how you look at it. My junior sister is naturally happy. She only hurt one apprentice. In exchange I am naturally happy to have Daofeng as a strong enemy, but I am Beidouguan, after all, I am just a helper, but I am not reconciled to having such a loss, but Daofeng has been killed, but I can only end it and swallow this breath."

Bai Ze laughed and said, "How can you get nothing? Didn't Daofeng's two heaven-defying artifacts fall into the hands of real people?"

When Qing Changfeng heard it, he immediately took out the God Whip and Fan Tianyin from the chair behind him, and his eyes also showed joy. He held the God Whip, poured his true energy, and immediately encountered strong resistance—this is the way The magic weapon dedicated to the wind has a very strong ray of thought power poured into it. The artifact has long been psychic, even if it is him, it cannot be refined, and it is the same if it is changed to Tiantianyin.

But this didn't make him feel unhappy: anyway, he has plenty of time, ten years, twenty years, or a hundred years if not enough, and one day he will be able to refine successfully.

Although with his status, there is no lack of top-grade magic weapons around him, but the God Whip and Fan Tianyin are different after all, and the ordinary nine-level light magic weapon is simply incomparable.

"I can't believe it until now, Daofeng is really dead..." Qing Changfeng shook his head and said with emotion, suddenly thought of something, and asked Bai Ze: "Is there something wrong with the immortal chief?"

"Just chatting. The real person was just in a daze just now, seems to have something on his mind?"

"I was wondering... why did Daofeng do this?" Qing Changfeng showed a pensive look, "His death today is completely self-inflicted. Why did he really do it?"

"Of course it was to assassinate Lord Xing. He and that Ye Shaoyang were one body. He was also the one who killed the six disciples of Lord Xing. The two sides were at odds. He knew that Lord Xing was here, so he could take advantage of it. It happened that the fake Ye Shaoyang Going to tease him again, he will use his tricks and come to assassinate, there is absolutely a reason."

(End of this chapter)——

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