Urban Witcher

Chapter 2804 Chapter 2814 Road 1

"My Dao heart will be broken." Ye Shaoyang said truthfully.

"It's not just your Dao heart." Lin Sansheng said, "Xingyue Slave is too ruthless, aren't you the chosen one, you are the pillar of the revival of the human magic world, once you are charged with killing the elders, you You have become the worst person in the magic world. This stigma will never be washed away in your life. How can you lead the magic world? Even Xuanqing Mountain will be implicated. The two factions attack each other, and there is no unity in the world of magic... "

Speaking of this, Lin Sansheng himself took a deep breath. Purely from the perspective of strategy, Xingyuenu's move really brought the conspiracy to the extreme.

Lin Sansheng suddenly realized that Xingyue Nu has been keeping a low profile all along. She has always given people the impression that although she has good strategies, she has a violent personality, is emotional, and moody. people.

Ye Shaoyang stood in despair for a long time, and murmured: "Then what to do, if we don't do anything, we will all be trapped here, and we will never be able to get out..."

This is simply a knot!

Moreover, Xingyuenu is about to complete her cultivation. Once she completes it, she will prove the Tao. She created this world again, and she sets the rules. When the time comes, she will randomly pull a group of subordinates over and beat them every minute. These people.

Ye Shaoyang gritted his teeth and said, "There's no other way. Besides, it's not just our own business. So many people are trapped here. If we don't break the formation quickly, everyone will die, so..."

"So what?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged.

Lin Sansheng said: "Shaoyang, if you want to have a clear conscience, if you are really for the sake of all beings, then you should think about it from another angle, if the Jiuxing Pavilion is in my body, or Xiaoma, Xiaoqing and others, can you make a move?" This decision... If you can't make it, then you will inevitably be entangled in guilt to death in the future!"

Ye Shaoyang seemed to have been struck by lightning, and was stunned on the spot. After a long while, he let out a sigh of relief, and sneered at Lin Sansheng: "Military teacher, sometimes I am very upset with you. There's nowhere to hide, and I can't find an excuse."

Just now he tried to think about it according to Lin Sansheng's prompt, but he couldn't do it, really couldn't do it...

Lin Sansheng smiled and said: "You should be lucky to have a brother like me. Once some things are done, there is no turning back, but as long as you don't do them, you still have a chance to choose."

"But I really can't choose now."

"Then don't choose."

"No choice?"

Lin Sansheng patted him on the shoulder, "Maybe someone will help you choose."


Lin Sansheng didn't answer, and then comforted him, he had to investigate again to make sure if his suspicion was wrong, so he asked Ye Shaoyang to go back to rest first.

I really need to think about it, Lin Sansheng has said it so thoroughly, I can no longer let him choose for me, Ye Shaoyang went back to the room, shut himself in, calmed down, and thought about it from the beginning...

Lin Sansheng was still standing by the lake, thinking about things alone, after waiting for a while, Guagua and Baozi came over, but they couldn't find Ye Shaoyang, and asked him where he had gone.

"He has something to think about, you can play for a while, don't bother him."

Guagua stuck out his tongue and said, "Well, we are here to report, someone was eavesdropping not far away..."

"I know, you go and play." Lin Sansheng sent them away, stood alone by the lake for a long time, and went back to the palace behind.

The palace is very big, and there are many houses, all of which are for eunuchs and maids, who were all kicked out by him before, and lived in with his group.

Lin Sansheng thought about it, but he didn't know where the man's room was, so he went back to his own room.

Soldiers stood outside the door, watching him come back, one went to light incense, and the other went to prepare cloud and mist tea, and handed them to him respectfully.

"Go outside, someone will come looking for me later, you stay at the outer door, don't let anyone in except the first one who comes to me."

The two soldiers were confused, but they left obediently.

Lin Sansheng sat cross-legged on the bed, holding the incense burner in one hand and the cloud tea in the other, and was silently in a daze. After waiting for about half an hour, footsteps sounded outside the door, and then there was a knock on the door.

"come in."

The door was pushed open, and it was Qu Bo, a disciple of Longhu Mountain, who came in. Lin Sansheng was not surprised at all. He got off the bed and said, "Why are you here?"

Qu Bo smiled respectfully and said, "Hi, Generalissimo."

Lin Sansheng smiled and said, "You're welcome, come to me for anything."

"Well, my master asked me to come, saying that he found a jar of good wine and wanted to talk to you."

Lin Sansheng followed.

Arriving outside Zhang Wusheng's room, Qu Bo knocked on the door, then opened the door, indicating that Marshal Lin is here.

"Master Lin, please, Qu Bo, come in too."

Qu Bo was a little surprised, so he had no choice but to follow in.

Zhang Wusheng is really drinking, there is a wine jar in front of him, and there are several dishes, he is holding a big elbow in both hands, and he is eating, the oil is all on his beard, Zhang Wusheng completely ignores it, and eats on his own He pointed to a futon in front of him for Lin Sansheng to sit on.

Lin Sansheng sat down, looked at Zhang Wusheng, and said with a smile, "Patriarch has a good appetite."

"I can assure you that these things are all obtained from the world. The taste is very good, and the wine is also very good. I asked Qu Bo to find someone from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to find them. They are good things."

"It's a pity that I'm a ghost, so I can't drink this."

"So you should drink more when you are alive, and become a ghost after death, and you won't be able to enjoy many things."

"It's too late for you to tell me this now, I've been dead for hundreds of years."

"For me, it's not too late."

Zhang Wusheng laughed.

"How about it, are you envious?"

Lin Sansheng didn't speak.

Qu Bo stood behind him with a dazed expression, not knowing what they were talking about.

Zhang Wusheng ate meat, and said vaguely: "You know, I am a person who enjoys it very much. I don't pay much attention to many precepts, but I practice Qingjing Tao. I have never eaten meat, but I I have never forgotten the feeling of eating meat..." As he spoke, he took a bite of the meat in his mouth and began to chew.

While Zhang Wusheng was eating, he asked Qu Bo to make him a cup of tea. Qu Bo respectfully handed over the tea, and awkwardly proposed to go out and guard it. suitable.

Lin Sansheng smiled and said: "You can't leave, I'm afraid I will still count on you for many things in the future."

Qu Bo was stunned, not understanding why he said that. Lin Sansheng asked him to stay still, drank tea, ate less violently, drank slowly, and did not speak.

Lin Sansheng sat obediently across from him, and also kept silent.

(End of this chapter)——

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