Urban Witcher

Chapter 2805 Chapter 2815 Road 2

After being silent for a while, Zhang Wusheng lit him with chopsticks and said, "You're not honest, you know I'll take the initiative to speak up?"

Lin Sansheng lowered his head and murmured: "I even hope you don't say it."

Zhang Wusheng was stunned for a moment, seeing the sincerity in his eyes, he was moved in his heart, and murmured: "Ye Shaoyang is lucky in his life to have a friend like you."

"Don't dare, actually I didn't do anything, the one who can make the choice...is you."

Zhang Wusheng pointed at the dishes on the dining table with his chopsticks, and said, "Isn't that what I have chosen?"

Lin Sansheng took a deep breath and said, "Did you hear what I told Shaoyang earlier?"

Zhang Wusheng nodded slightly, expressing his acquiescence.

"Everyone knows that I am a direct descendant of Zhang Daoling, and a nobleman in the Taoist sect...People think that I should be the head teacher of Longhu Mountain, but they don't know how I got to this point. Marshal Lin, I and I You tell a story that you wish you could keep secret from anyone, can you make me believe it?"

Lin Sansheng nodded, "If you need it, I can swear."

"That's not necessary, it's all about Chen Zhima's rotten millet, I guess you are not interested in telling others... When I was young, I used to practice Taoism with Xingyue slave..."

As soon as these words came out, both Lin Sansheng and Qu Bo were stunned. I've never heard of this before. If Zhang Wusheng hadn't said it himself, he wouldn't believe it.

"I was abducted by her. I was by her side for three years, and I was fifteen years old that year. The reason..." Zhang Wusheng hesitated, and said, "Forget it, let me start from the beginning. I, Master Daoyuan, once Had a relationship with Xingyue Slave..."


Lin Sansheng and Qu Bo's jaws almost dropped.

Master Daoyuan... and Xingyue slave? This... Lin Sansheng felt that his three views were going to be shattered.

"That, that, Master, I'd better go out, I don't dare to listen..." Qu Bo restrained his strong curiosity, and begged tremblingly.

"Just stand here for me, you'll have your business for a while!" Zhang Wusheng scolded him before he became honest.

"This past incident, because it involves the elders, I can't go into details. The situation at the time was that my uncle rejected her and returned to the Linglong Pagoda alone. He vowed to guard the pagoda and never stay on the mountain. This relationship also has something to do with it. ..." (For details, please refer to the episode "Xuanqing Mountain Ghostbusters Prequel: Origin", don't search, it hasn't been written yet)

It turned out to be like this... Lin Sansheng also solved a mystery in his mind: Ye Shaoyang traveled to the Republic of China before, and spent a period of time with the young Daoyuan real person. At that time, Daoyuan real person was still full of ideals and ambitions. After discussion, Daoyuan Daoyuan's personality is not weird, why did he later willingly stay under the Linglong Pagoda for the rest of his life, living a life of seclusion?

Although he explained the reason later, he didn't actually say the original motive.

This has always been a mystery in everyone's mind, and today I finally found out the root cause, it was actually... trapped by love.

It's just that Daoyuan Daoyuan, who looks like a Mr. Taoist, actually had feelings for Xingyuenu... The difference in status between the two of them, Daoyuan's actions are not outrageous, but shocking to the world.

"Headmaster Zhang, Xingyue slave must be several hundred years old, Patriarch Daoyuan is...the age gap is too big."

Zhang Wusheng glanced at him, "Does Xingyuenu look very old?"

All right……

Lin Sansheng had nothing to say, the character of an evil thing really has nothing to do with age, after all it takes many years just to cultivate a human form.

"My uncle likes Xingyuenu, and at first he didn't reject the two of them being together—you are familiar with Daoyuan, and he has never cared about etiquette. He was with Xingyuenu for a while, so let them separate. The reason is Xingyuenu's ambition. Xingyuenu is unwilling to be the elder of Xuanyuan Mountain. She wants to rule the world. For this reason, he is willing to go far away with her...

Instead, Xingyuenu persuaded him to cooperate with the outside world and use the influence of Longhushan to win the world together. So my uncle broke with her, went back to Longhu Mountain, and locked himself under the Linglong Pagoda. That year, when I was twelve years old, I went to deliver meals to him every day and learn Taoism from him.

One day, while he was teaching me Taoism, Xingyuenu suddenly came and asked his uncle to go with him. I took..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Wusheng shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Xingyuenu didn't do this for revenge. He wanted to force my uncle to go to Xuanyuan Mountain to meet her, but my uncle knew it was a trap, so he didn't go..."

"This...he just left you alone?"

"He knows that Xingyue slave must not dare to kill me, and has been trying to rescue me, but he has never found Xingyue slave." Lin Sansheng continued, "I have four brothers, and I am the fourth, a descendant of my family. The one with the highest talent, because it was related to my uncle's reputation, my grandfather was very angry at the time, and also deprived my uncle of the right to inherit the head... That's how the rumors of competing for the head came from.

However, my grandfather just wanted to punish him. It was his own choice to squat in the Linglong Pagoda because of his arrogance and frustration in love. At that time, only a few people in the core of Longhushan knew about my disappearance, so it was impossible to say anything about it, otherwise, once the news about Daoyuan and Xingyuenu got out, Longhushan's reputation would be ruined.

Over there, for the sake of her own reputation, of course Xingyuenu didn't dare to say anything. In order to deceive others, she always brought me by her side. Except for his core disciples and senior brothers, no one knew of my existence. "

Speaking of this, he looked at Lin Sansheng and strengthened his tone: "I am the fourth eldest, and Xingyue Slave asked some of his disciples to call me 'Little Fourth Brother'. It is also to deceive people by calling me that instead of my name. Kunpeng was in seclusion at that time, and I I haven't seen him before, but as long as he inquires a little bit, he will know immediately that this 'little fourth brother' is me!"

It turns out... everything is like this.

Now all the mysteries are solved. While Lin Sansheng breathed a sigh of relief, his heart became more and more heavy.

"Marshal Lin, I really admire you. With such a few clues, you can deduce that it is me..." Zhang Wusheng shook his head and sighed, "Your future is limitless. Of course, you are already very powerful..."

Qu Bo listened to their conversation from the sidelines, feeling as if he was listening to a scripture, with a dazed expression on his face.

"I'm curious, why did you go back to Longhu Mountain?"

"Xingyue Slave waited for three years and didn't see my uncle come to see her. She was disheartened, and she couldn't really kill me, so she let me go...because I'm sweet-talking and good-natured, and she really likes me She let me go back, she was also trying to make me a pawn... After all, I have been with her for three years, and I have always been nice to her, which made her feel that if I become the head in the future, it will definitely help her rule the world ..."

(Announcement for a single chapter will be issued tomorrow, it is too late today...)

(End of this chapter)——

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