Urban Witcher

2881 Chapter 2891 Travel 3

Ye Shaoyang nodded, hesitated for a moment, and told the story of meeting Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, as well as the rumor of the "four sons who saved the world".

After hearing this, Lao Guo was dumbfounded, holding his chicken paws in his mouth and not moving for a long time.

"Fuck, you want... to deal with the Wuji Ghost King?"

"Basically, if the ghost king isn't eliminated, I won't be able to survive at all."

Lao Guo took a deep breath, spit out the unfinished chicken feet, and had no appetite to eat any more. He looked at the sunset with melancholy in his eyes.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't say anything.

After a while, Lao Guo turned his head and smiled at him, "Little brother, you are not a mortal, I shouldn't use mortal standards to ask you, so don't say anything, brother, I will accompany you, I am afraid What a hair, isn't it some kind of ghost king, and it may not only grow two eggs!"

Ye Shaoyang was originally in a heavy mood, but he couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this, and said: "He is a ghost, maybe he doesn't have any eggs."

The two clinked glasses and drank, and the atmosphere became lively again.

Although the sunset on Mount Tai is not as famous as the sunrise, it is still worth seeing. After watching the sunset, the weather became colder and people began to descend the mountain one after another. When they were all gone, Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo started to move, unpacking a large travel bag, Find two foldable flat shovels, drill into the grass, and come to the front gate of Dijun Temple. The two discuss it, find a good location, and then take turns to dig a hole. Then, put on disposable gloves, and said to Ye Shaoyang, "Go ahead and dig the hole, I'll do it."

Ye Shaoyang knew what he was going to do, stood aside, watched him open a plastic bottle, poured in the prepared chicken intestines, internal organs, etc. Ye Shaoyang hurried away after smelling the smell. Magical artifacts are afraid of seeing dirt, otherwise they will not work.

Ye Shaoyang went into the courtyard, walked from a piece of ruined walls to the front of the main hall, found a similar location, and dug a hole. When he looked up, he saw the statue of the emperor in the main hall, reflecting the light under the moonlight, facing him directly. Looking at himself, his eyes seemed to be looking at him, Ye Shaoyang smiled, "Dijun, I have offended you."

After Lao Guo buried the jar, when he came to the yard, Ye Shaoyang had already dug three holes in different places. The two of them buried the jar separately, and then Lao Guo turned the dirt into it, buried it well, and then used a prepared hole to bury the jar. Cover with veneer.

Ye Shaoyang knocked on the board and said, "Is it okay if it's so thick?"

"You'll see when the time comes." Lao Guo was very proud of his mechanism, looked at the four barrels he buried, nodded, and said with satisfaction: "As long as one of the four can be hit."

After finishing all this, Ye Shaoyang originally wanted to set up an formation, but after thinking about it carefully, he was afraid that it would be self-defeating. The group of people like Li Shan's old mother are not ordinary people, and since they came here secretly, they must be very suspicious. Searching, if an ambush is found, all other designs will be in vain, and nothing will be done at all.

The two went down the mountain all the way, and when they reached the middle of the mountain, a mosquito-like voice suddenly came to their ears: "Boss, let's go..."

It's Qiuying.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head to look, but didn't see her, knowing that she was invisible, he smiled and said hard work, went all the way down the mountain, and returned to the inn.

Everyone was there, surrounded by Biqing's tablet computer, watching the drama with relish, seeing Ye Shaoyang coming, they all got up to say hello, Ye Shaoyang let them continue, sat on the balcony by himself, thought about the deployment of this battle, and occasionally glanced at the room , Seeing a group of people around the computer, commenting on the plot in a hurry, in Ye Shaoyang's view, this scene is indescribably warm.

No matter what happens in the future, having such a group of brothers and sisters is worth it.

Lin Sansheng came in the middle of the night, together with Xiao Jiu, after meeting, he didn't even say hello, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "They will go up the mountain in the middle of the night!"

"So fast!"

Ye Shaoyang had just laid down and was going to sleep, when he heard this, he jumped up immediately.

"Yes, I got the information that they have gathered the sacrifices and are going to act tonight."

"Tonight..." Ye Shaoyang looked at him, then at Xiao Jiu, and said, "Then let's wait here for Qiu Ying's information."

"Not going up the mountain to ambush?" Xiao Jiu asked.

"Don't go up the mountain!" Ye Shaoyang explained that no one will go to the scene tonight, so as not to be noticed by Li Shan's old mother. After Qiuying gives the signal, they will go up the mountain and lurk within the safe range until the priest ceremony is held. In the middle, rush over suddenly and destroy the ceremony... At that time, everyone will cover their faces and try not to be seen. Although Li Shan's mother will guess that they did it afterwards, there is no evidence after all. admit……

After hearing this, Lin Sansheng nodded and said, "It's up to you to arrange. It's not convenient for me and Xiaojiu to come forward. You should do it first. If it succeeds, then don't let us come forward. If it is really dangerous, then we will do it again."

Ye Shaoyang agreed, and asked Lin Sansheng: "Do you know what the process of offering sacrifices is like?"

Lin Sansheng shook his head, "This matter is too secretive to get it through informants, but they heard that they prepared a person as a sacrifice."

"Human sacrifice?" Everyone was taken aback.

"Yes, a living sacrifice." Lin Sansheng said, "And it is said that this person has a special identity, and it took a lot of effort to find him and this person."

Live sacrifice... This is the most primitive sacrificial ceremony in China. It is not unique to Taoism. Later, because it was too bloody and cruel, pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep were used instead of humans. However, there has always been a tradition of live sacrifice in the magic world. , not only living people, any evil objects and living beings can be used for sacrifice, but it is not taken by the orthodox sects, but there are still evil cultivators, especially the southern shamanism, who secretly practice it.

Since Emperor Dongyue was an ancient god, he probably liked living sacrifices.

Ye Shaoyang pondered for a moment and asked, "How many people are there?"

"From the air world, there are old mother Li Shan, Fairy Yaoguang, and Qiu Mingzi from the sect of the pavilions, and some of their own disciples who are also good hands. It's just...they came to the human world before, Maybe we found some more people. Those of us should be fine, besides, our purpose is to destroy the ceremony, not to fight to the death."

Lin Sansheng looked around at the crowd and said, "They are all my own people, so I won't say any polite words. In short, everyone must be careful, pay attention to safety, everything else is secondary."

Ye Shaoyang also gave some instructions, and then studied the tactics together to confirm everything that can be determined, but everyone understands that no matter how good the plan is, it can't keep up with the changes, and the real situation will only be known when it catches up.

The matter was discussed, and everyone just waited, only Lao Guo was tinkering with his "hidden weapons" in the outhouse, shaking his head and sighing: "I can't get so much by myself, little brother, you should call Yuqing and the others together , oh yes, Yuqing has gone out of town, when will she come back?"

(End of this chapter)——

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