Urban Witcher

Chapter 2882 Chapter 2892 Qingyun Golden Lantern 1

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, his heart ached and he didn't answer.

Waiting was a bit boring, so Ye Shaoyang let them stay in the room, and took Xiao Jiu to the rooftop to have a private chat. Actually, there was nothing to talk about, just wanting to be alone for a while.

"Are you not in a good mood?" Xiao Jiu tilted her head and looked at him and said.

Ye Shaoyang nodded, without going into details, just took Xiao Jiu's hand, put it on his knee, and said silently: "I never thought of hurting anyone in the past, but I still failed a lot of people. This feeling...is terrible. "

"I don't know how to persuade you, but I think that as long as people don't hate you and hate you, then it's still good, and you shouldn't blame yourself too much."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her, and they looked at each other and smiled.

The two moved to the edge of the roof and sat side by side, Xiao Jiu leaned her head on his shoulder, as long as she was in front of Ye Shaoyang, she always tried to be gentle and gentle, like a virtuous girlfriend.

Ye Shaoyang likes her the most, but when he thinks about the future, he will have to choose between her and Rui Lengyu, and he feels uncomfortable, so he can't think too much about it.

"Tell me something, I like to hear you talk." Xiao Jiu said with a smile.

"What are you talking about..."

"Then sing, I like listening to the songs of the world, but I don't have many opportunities, so please sing me one."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head, thinking about it with his tone-deaf voice, and sang the song "Rolling Yangtze River East Passing Water". Although he usually listens to songs and can hum a few lines, he can't remember the words, so he I remember this song and the theme song of Journey to the West clearly, because I watched these every day on Xuanqing Mountain when I was a child.

After singing, Ye Shaoyang himself was a little embarrassed.

"Is this your first time singing in front of a girl?" Xiao Jiu asked, covering her mouth.


Xiao Jiu smiled with satisfaction, "It's the first time anyway, although this song... I've heard you sing anyway."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and smirked.

The two chatted intermittently for a while, and suddenly Ye Shaoyang felt a heat in his palm, as if a muscle was twitching, and hurriedly spread his hand to see, Qiuying's soul seal really lit up.

"They're going up the mountain!"

Ye Shaoyang jumped up, pulled Xiao Jiu down, and told everyone that the group set off immediately.

"What if they leave someone on the mountain road to watch?" Meihua asked.

"No, Yingying and I have a secret signal. Once the soul seal is activated, it means that everything is normal. Now she is following them up the mountain, and we will go there now."

A group of people walked up the mountain on foot, and when they climbed all the way to the top of the mountain, Qiu Ying activated the soul seal twice more, which was also an agreed secret signal, indicating that they had reached the place.

Ye Shaoyang sensed the location, and he was overjoyed: Judging from the location, it was the Emperor Temple.

So I took everyone into the bushes, told everyone to wait, sat down first, and went to the top of the mountain to have a look.

Unless it is a targeted spell like opening the eyes of the sky, the primordial spirit is invisible in front of any living beings. Ye Shaoyang is not worried about being discovered, he wants to see how many people there are in the opponent, so he can be prepared.

Ye Shaoyang's Yuanshen flew out of the inn and flew towards the top of the mountain.

Yuanshen has no body, and can easily walk through the jungle and thorns, and come to the front of the Emperor Temple. Looking at it in the form of Yuanshen, the entire Emperor Temple is resplendent and resplendent—although it is still ruined, but there is a layer of cold light around the main hall, Ye Shaoyang flew to the branch, supported himself by a leaf, and looked down.

In front of the main hall of Dijun Temple, there is a row of red lanterns, one every two meters, dozens of them in a row. The huge dojo in front of the main hall was full of people.

Ye Shaoyang just took one look and was stunned.

There are too many people!

Li Shan's old mother and Fairy Yaoguang stood at the front, and there was an old Taoist priest in the same row as them. Ye Shaoyang met him in the sky and recognized this as Qiu Mingzi, the head teacher of the Zhongge sect. Unexpectedly, this old man came too. , I thought to myself, there is another strong enemy coming.

Behind these three people, each followed a few disciples dressed in the same clothes. Ye Shaoyang glanced over and saw the heads of several sects in the world, and even two of them were Buddhists, Xiaoyaofei from Wuzhou Mountain, and Nanhai Mountain. Compassionate teacher.

What are they doing here?

Seeing so many people, Ye Shaoyang estimated in his heart, and found it quite troublesome. Neither he nor Lin Sansheng had expected so many people before.

I glanced around and found that around the Dijun Temple, about a few meters away, there were auras overflowing from the grass in the front, back, left, and right. Although it was very weak, he was currently in the state of Yuanshen, and he was most sensitive to breaths. It is clear that someone is ambushing inside, probably to prevent someone from disrupting the ceremony.

Not far behind Kuangshan's old mother, Ye Shaoyang found Su Mo, dressed as a Taoist nun, Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but take a second look, he didn't know Biqing before, he didn't feel much about her, but when he saw her again, he really looked alike, Even more like twins, every gesture is exactly the same as Biqing.

"The auspicious time is coming, let's set up the formation first!"

The old mother of Li Shan shouted loudly, and with a wave of her sleeves, dozens of lanterns flew up, lined up, and flew around the Dijun Temple. A circle was formed, just covering the Emperor Temple in the middle, all the lanterns were brightened together, and the aura was tilted, forming a dome-like enchantment.

Old Mother Lishan and Fairy Yaoguang each found the positions of Qian and Kun, stretched out a hand each, and stuck them together, chanting something, one red and one black breath rose up, blended with each other, gathered together, spun up, and formed It formed the shape of a dragon, merged with the enchantment, and the breath flowed faintly. Immediately, a disciple brought a huge judge's pen. The two sisters held the pen together, and Qing Qi immediately gathered on the tip of the pen, following the rotation of the pen.

A rune was quickly written, and the word "Chi" formed by the condensed air supported the barrier and made the barrier look stronger.

Qiu Mingzi stretched out his hands, sensed the aura of heaven and earth, and said, "If there is a strong attack, this barrier may last for half an hour."

"That's enough." Li Shan's old mother looked around and called a few disciples to set up the altar.

An incense table was placed in front of the statue of the emperor in the main hall. There was no such thing as a pig’s head of fruit that humans used in worship, but someone took a jar and placed it on the incense table. The old mother of Li Shan and her party respectfully offered incense. Ask a disciple: "Where are the sacrifices?"

The disciple took out a demon mirror and shook it on the ground. A figure fell from it, it was a person, and he fell to the ground.

"Ye Shaoyang!" Master Compassionate took a look and called out. ()

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