Urban Witcher

Chapter 3033 Chapter 3043 Origin 1

These eight people are all above the realm of Earth Immortal and Arhat. Once they join forces to form a formation, the power is considerable, and it is a magic formation specially designed for the characteristics of zombies. As long as there is enough time to cast it, even if they cannot capture the corpse king, at least they can kill the corpse king. Trapped him.

So the eight people glanced at each other, settled down secretly, and prepared to fight.

Houqing and Nuba stopped at a place tens of meters away from them. Houqing glanced over the faces of the crowd, and finally landed on Lin Sansheng's face, and said, "What's wrong, did you miscalculate?"

Lin Sansheng's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "You think you won like this?"

"Not yet, but soon."

"Thief, we are all here now, do you think you can escape today!" Qiu Mingzi looked at Houqing and shouted loudly.

Hou Qing smiled faintly, "It is because you are all here that I am here."

His expression was calm, and he seemed to have the feeling of winning, which made everyone even more uncertain.


Qiu Mingzi yelled secretly, stretched out his hand and pointed down the mountain. At the end of the mountain road behind Hou Qing, a wave of black shadows appeared, rushing up the mountain. Soon, the same scene appeared in other places. Countless black shadows surged up from all directions like a tide.

Corpse soldiers everywhere...

Surprised expressions also appeared on the faces of the bosses in the air world. Houqing is... wanting to catch them all?

"You have been guessing where I am and where my main force is. You thought I would appear in the fourth canyon. In fact, I am here waiting for you."

To tune the tiger away from the mountain, Hou Qing's trick was really clever. Not only did he make a surprise attack to the rear, but he also brought so many men with him.

Not so long ago, they thought that Hou Qing's surprise attack to the rear of the battlefield with the time difference was to destroy their mountain gate, but they had already set up an ambush to catch them all.

It is unbelievable that the conspiracy can be used to such an extent.

"I'm curious, how did you send so many people here?" Lin Sansheng asked.

"From Yunshan Mountain in the south, there is a small road."

Everyone was shocked and looked at each other, all at a loss.

"There is one." Li Shan's old mother murmured, "It's not far behind my Lishan Mountain. It can lead to the Boundary River, but there are many miscellaneous roads and intricate roads. If no one leads the way, you will definitely get lost in it..."

With a thought in his heart, he wondered if there was a traitor in his family? Otherwise, how could Hou Qing, a zombie from outside, know this way? Even if he knew, it would be impossible to walk out in such a short time without guidance. But even if there are not many people in my own door who know how to get through this secret path, who could it be?

However, since they came across that small road, it is no wonder that they were the first to destroy their own mountain gate... As for what they saw in the camp before, it should be deliberately arranged by Hou Qing in order to lure them Come here, and wipe out collectively...

While speaking, the corpse soldiers had already gone up the mountain, surrounding them in all directions.

"Houqing, do you think we will give in if we do this!" Qiu Mingzi pointed at him and cursed.


Hou Qing smiled faintly, "So, I just want to kill you." After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and the corpse soldiers burst out with thunderous roars, and rushed forward together.

Standing on a raised rock, Houqing and Nuba looked at the besieged people. Even though these were the top powerhouses in the sky, they were nothing but mantises in front of their army.

"That's the end?" Nuo frowned, "Could it be too simple?"

Houqing stared at Lin Sansheng steadfastly, and Lin Sansheng also looked at him from the air, calmly, even with a smile on his lips.

This kind of performance made Hou Qing feel that something was wrong. Could it be that he still has some hole cards?

"The four of them, are they really willing to sacrifice?"

Earlier, when Daofeng and Ye Shaoyang met again, they finally took the initiative to talk about the five swords.

At this time, they were in the picture of Shanhe Sheji, basically everyone was there, listening to Daofeng's talk about how to deal with the Wuji ghost king.

"Just sacrificing the body, the soul is still intact."

"Then this sacrifice is big enough. They all have hundreds of years of cultivation, and the old turtle must have thousands of years of cultivation. This... Did you force them?" Ye Shaoyang said worriedly.

"Don't force it, they understand this truth. Only the four great spirit beasts can restrain him."


Daofeng was silent for a while, and said: "We have to start from the beginning. I told you before that although the Wuji Ghost King and I are both disciples of the Great Emperor, we don't know each other, and I don't know his origin. I met the emperor one day, and the emperor called the ghost king 'A Shuang', and I immediately thought of his origin. His real name is Meng Shuang."

Everyone showed a look of surprise.

"Mengshuang's... I seem to have heard of it," Sibao said with a frown, "I forgot which ancient book said this name..."

As a result, I didn't think about it for a long time.

Daofeng said: "Meng Shuang is a pair of human brothers and sisters in ancient times. The boy is called Meng and the girl is called Shuang. They are brothers but they love each other. They got married in private and were spurned by the world, so they hid in the mountains. In the book, I occasionally got three volumes of heavenly scriptures, and these two people were also very talented. After decades of practice, they have achieved the Dao. At that time, when the Great War broke out, both Xuanyuan and Chiyou recruited soldiers and summoned the world's spirits.

The two brothers and sisters did not want to die in the mountains, so they smugly went to the Xuanyuan clan. The God of Xuanyuan despised their sibling love and destroyed human relations, so after a big battle, they captured the two brothers and sisters, one was held in Beihai Glacier, and the other was imprisoned in Minshan. , Seal them firmly with the law of heaven, and give them a thunderstorm, so that they will never be freed..."

Hearing this, everyone was so startled that they couldn't close their mouths, Ye Shaoyang murmured: "God Xuanyuan, isn't he a pervert?"

Daofeng continued: "After the world changed, Minshan was washed away by the flood, and Meng's seal was also lifted. He went to the South China Sea again, and there were two sisters. The two brothers and sisters were imprisoned for thousands of years for no reason. Seeking revenge from Xuanyuan God, but worried that he was not an opponent, so he hid and devoted himself to cultivation. Although they have been subjected to thunder and calamity all these years, their inner hostility has continued to accumulate, and they have transformed it into a cultivation base. After a hundred years, I realized the principle of yin and yang to communicate with each other, so the two joined together and had the same mind, so that no one can separate them anymore.

The two of them achieved great feats and went to seek revenge from God Xuanyuan. At this moment, Emperor Fengdu found them and told them that God Xuanyuan was no longer there and wanted to convert them. Later, he was persuaded by the emperor, and he was accepted as a disciple. At this time, they actually became one person, simply called Meng Shuangshi. "

(End of this chapter)——

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