Urban Witcher

Chapter 3034 Chapter 3044 Origin 2

After saying this in one breath, Daofeng let out a long breath, and said, "You all know what I found out recently, and what happened after that."

"What a fuck!"

Pony hit his leg with a fist, and said angrily: "I'm afraid there is something wrong with Xuanyuan God. Although brother and sister are in love, it's wrong, but it's their own business. They didn't kill people and set fires. What's bothering you? Even if you look down on him and drive him away, why lock him up and torture him, if you want me, I will rebel!"

Daofeng said: "Since they were able to be persuaded by the Great Emperor to practice well, they naturally let go of this grievance. Later, they came out of the Yin Division because of their differences in the way of heaven and earth, and it has nothing to do with personal grievances."

Everyone felt grateful, no one thought that the seemingly invincible Great Demon of the Three Realms, Wuji Ghost King, would have such a miserable experience...

"But, what do these four spirit beasts have to do with him?"

"Back then, God Xuanyuan sealed the Mengshuang brothers and sisters and sent four spirit beasts to guard them. Qingniu, Suzaku, White Fox, Snake Turtle, the four spirit beasts respectively guarded Minshan and Beihai. White Fox and Suzaku were in Minshan. The cow and the snake tortoise are in the North Sea... In order to prevent these two people from escaping, God Xuanyuan set a seal with the blood of the four great spirit beasts, as long as the four people stay in the magic circle, these two people will never be able to escape."

After hearing these words, everyone gasped.

"Why did God Xuanyuan do this? I'm afraid it's not just to punish them for their crime of disorderly talk?" Rui Lengyu guessed.

"Yes, among them, there is a reason."

An old voice sounded from behind, everyone turned around and saw the old turtle walking over.

Originally, the four of them were practicing some kind of formation together, otherwise it would be difficult to discuss matters such as their dedication in front of them.

The old turtle walked into the crowd and scared everyone when he opened his mouth: "God Xuanyuan punished them because he fell in love with Amon, the younger sister among the brothers and sisters."

The scene was completely silent.

Except for Daofeng, everyone looked at the old turtle in shock.

"Is a third party involved, so bloody?" Rui Lengyu covered her mouth.

"It's not that simple. God Xuanyuan, who was still the emperor at the time, he took a fancy to the aura of the mysterious mother in Amon's body. It is said that it is a kind of aura inherited from the Nine Heavens Xuannv, which can give birth to life... even her own It's not very clear, God Xuanyuan took a fancy to this, so he asked Amon to marry him and be the mother of all things.

God Xuanyuan made this request, but I believe he is from the perspective of the prosperity of all things, and has nothing to do with selfish desires. But Amon and Ah Shuang are husband and wife. Of course she disagreed. God Xuanyuan locked her up and asked him to reflect. As a result, Ah Shuang secretly rescued her and was discovered by God Xuanyuan. The two tried to kill the king again.

God Xuanyuan was furious, separated them, locked them in different places, and used us to guard them. This was not only because of personal enmity. God Xuanyuan said that the two brothers and sisters are created by Yin and Yang. If they are yang, they are good. , can become the mother of the Three Realms, if it is Yin or evil, it will definitely cause cholera in the Three Realms and disturb the universe. "

Ye Shaoyang heheed twice, "What kind of logic is this? I think you might become a bad person in the future, so I'll kill you now?"

The old turtle scratched his head and said, "God Xuanyuan didn't tell you these principles. He was the ruler of all things at that time, and he was the truth. Besides, it was the prehistoric period, when the great way of heaven and earth had just taken shape, and the laws of the three realms had not yet taken shape. Whether it is a god or a demon, it is very rude to do things, and there is no reason to speak."

"So you are willing to help God Xuanyuan guard them for so many years?" Ye Shaoyang was a little upset.

"I have no choice." Old Gui curled his lips, "At that time, we were not mature yet."

Everyone was shocked.

Lao Gui then explained that he, Suzaku, White Fox, and Green Ox are all cast copper statues, used to guard the core of the magic circle, and function like those stone beasts that suppress mountains.

Because of their shape, they absorbed the aura of the magic circle and the water vapor of mountain spirits for many years, and finally became evil spirits, but because their bodies were in the magic circle, they themselves were suppressed by the magic circle, unable to leave, the old turtle and the green bull In the North Sea Glacier, I have been with Amon for many years, and I have listened to Amon for the secrets I just told.

On Minshan Mountain, the situation is the same, the white fox and the vermilion bird have also become spirit beasts, and are also trapped in the formation. Later, due to the flood, the landslides and the ground cracked, and the formation was destroyed (the old turtle thought it was destiny), Then Ah Shuang came out, and the White Fox and Suzaku were also free... At that time, the human world has gone through thousands of years of changes, and everything is different, and Xuanyuan God is no longer there.

It took Ah Shuang a long time to find the extreme northern glacier and rescue Amon... The old turtle and Qingniu were also free. Qingniu came to the world and comprehended some mysteries of heaven and earth. An ordinary creature.

After he was reincarnated, he became a real green bull (that's how the name of the blue cow came about), and later, by chance, he met Laojun and became his mount... Everyone knows the rest.

Hearing this, everyone was amazed, Meihua wondered: "Then Yue Heng and Little Fox didn't tell us about this before?"

"They've long since forgotten."

Daofeng took the conversation and said: "They are like Qingniu, they practice hard, and finally go to reincarnation. The mystery in the womb makes them forget everything. They don't have the opportunity like Qingniu, and they are not outstanding, but they are like Yuanshen. , has always retained the imprint of that time, and once awakened, all these memories will come back."

Chengzi suddenly realized: "No wonder the little fox and the big bird are a couple, so they stayed together for thousands of years, maybe they hooked up then."

Suddenly thought of something, and asked Old Gui: "You and Qingniu have been together for thousands of years, right? Why didn't you two develop into a couple?"

"Hey, we are both men, what kind of a couple are we?"

"Men and men are true love. Besides, I am also wondering. You were all cast in copper at the time, and you were all the same at the beginning. Why did you change into a man and the little fox into a girl?"

The old turtle said: "Everything is divided into yin and yang, even non-living things, there are yin and yang, little girl, your question is really strange."

"I still have a question, why don't they remember, only you remember these."

The old turtle smiled, stroked his beard and said, "Because, I have never died, and I don't want to cultivate into a human being. Just be an evil spirit... You see that I have a physical body today, that's because I feed on myself. Refined, I am still a bronze turtle in essence."

He is actually an evil spirit!

(End of this chapter)——

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