Urban Witcher

Chapter 3086 Chapter 3096 Talking about Qingyou Valley 1

After the tree branch picked up the clothes, there was a huge bottle inside. Inside the bottle was an ugly child with only half of the body, one leg and one hand, and a part of the face was shriveled. It was indescribably ugly.

This is me...

The little girl looked at her ugly self and sobbed. After a long time, she wiped away her tears, turned to look at the young man, and said, "I want revenge, so I can do anything."

"You don't have to pay anything, we are a family." The young man turned around and waved to the crowd gathered around. Everyone nodded at the little girl and smiled kindly and friendly.

The little girl feels lucky.

"Everyone here has a name, what's your name?" the young man asked.

"I... don't have a name."

The young man sized her up and said, "If you are wearing a red dress, let me call you Honghong."

Honghong, that's great, I have a name for myself.

Hong Hong raised her head and gave him the first smile in her life.

The young man took her hand and led her into the lake. Since the lake diverged, Hong Hong followed the young man to the bottom of the lake...

After that, some scenes appeared in Ye Xiaomu's mind. It was Hong Hong playing with a group of children by the lake, talking to everyone, and everyone was like a family.

He also saw a pitch-black hole in the middle of the large rocks at the bottom of the lake, from which a black breath continuously flowed out. Hong Hong and the ghosts, big and small, were greedily sucking on them under the leadership of the young man.

From the depths of the cave, some kind of roar kept coming, and he could feel the curiosity and instinctive fear in Hong Hong's heart. The young man had warned them that they must never enter that abyss cave...

When he woke up, it was already dawn, and Ye Xiaomu felt his head swell, as if he had just done a high-intensity mental work.

I actually had a dream all night, and it was all related to that female ghost!

"What's wrong with you kid?" Old man Liu had already gotten up and was brushing his teeth, when he saw Ye Xiaomu sitting on the bed with hairy eyes, he stretched out his head and asked.

Ye Xiaomu recounted what he had dreamed about. After listening to the old man, Liu's face was solemn, and he walked to the window sill with his toothbrush in his mouth, and checked the pot of small flowers on the window sill last night. He laughed and said, "It has nothing to do with ghosts, it's probably because you got scared yesterday and had a nightmare."

"Are you so sure?"

"Of course, this purple sage can sense Yin Qi. I put it on the window sill specially. As long as something evil enters the house, the leaves of this grass will turn white, and it won't fade away in a long time. This is definitely not the case. Mistakes are going to happen, so stop thinking about it.”


Ye Xiaomu stared at the purple leaves in a daze. Could it be that he imagined everything he experienced in his dream?

Ye Xiaomu expressed strong doubts about his own imagination.

But since old man Liu said no, he didn't think much about it.

After washing up, Bai Hongbing also came, took them downstairs to have breakfast, told them happily when they met that Bai Yiran was much better, woke up in the middle of the night last night, and drank a bowl of porridge in the morning.

Ye Xiaomu was also very happy when he heard the news, and secretly told himself that he must help Bai Yiran get rid of that entangled female ghost.

However, thinking of what happened to "Hong Hong", Ye Xiaomu couldn't bear it.

Bai Hongbing found a relative to help take care of Bai Yiran, drove over by himself, and wanted to take them to Qingyou Valley himself - he was the person involved and insisted on going with them.

Old man Liu didn't object either. After driving, he took out a mahogany sword tied with a red thread and asked Bai Hongbing to fasten it on his hand.

Ye Xiaomu also wanted to ask for one, but was told by old man Liu that the chicken blood jade pendant on his body was ten times better than this one.

While driving, the three of them discussed this place called Qingyou Valley.

Bai Hongbing came out of this small town and knew a lot about the situation inside. He told Ye Xiaomu and the two that the rumors outside were mostly nonsense. Qingyou Town was not an underground nuclear power plant, nor was it an arsenal for aircraft and artillery as everyone imagined. , but a precision machinery factory, mainly in cooperation with the military to manufacture military instruments and equipment.

The level of the chemical factory is very high. At its peak in the 1980s, the factory was very large, with tens of thousands of workers and family members. Because the factory is located in a mountainous area, it is very inconvenient to get in and out, so many related buildings were built near the factory area. There are hospitals, schools and other livelihood institutions, and it has become a town with a good scale.

There is also a technical school in the town. If the children of factory workers fail to pass the entrance exams to key high schools or universities outside, most of them will study in the technical school in the town, and they will be directly assigned to work in the factory.

As for the rumored underground building, in fact, it was an air-raid shelter that could accommodate 10,000 people built in response to the call of "digging deep holes and accumulating food widely".

It took several years to hollow out almost the entire mountain. When Bai Hongbing was a few years old, the project stopped. Later, many experts came to investigate the site. Later, these people in white coats came from other places There are more and more scientists, and they go in and out of the air-raid shelter every day. It is said that a research institute has been established in it. As for what to study, no one knows.

At that time, Bai Hongbing was still young, so he didn't know what happened, but he also heard a few words from the conversations of his parents. It seemed that some strange things were dug in the mountains, and these experts from other places were studying that thing.

For a period of time after that, the factory continued to transfer workers to work, but they did not enter the real research institute, but were responsible for digging holes, and continued to open up an already deep hole.

Bai Hongbing asked his father later, and also learned about the situation inside. Under that mountain, there is a network of caves extending in all directions. They are responsible for opening up an approach to an underground river.

To put it simply, during the process of digging a hole, a huge underground river was discovered, which was abundant in water, but it was hidden tens of meters deep underground. On the ground, a large reservoir is formed in the valley. Originally, agriculture in the nearby area is backward due to lack of water. If there is such a reservoir, it can at least irrigate the farmland with a radius of hundreds of miles...

Speaking of this, Bai Hongbing turned his head and smiled at Ye Xiaomu, "Does this sound a bit absurd? Now we know that changes to the groundwater system will have a very large impact on the surrounding natural environment, so we must be very cautious. At least it needs to go through many demonstrations and careful planning. But at that time, it was impossible to imagine that such a large project would be confirmed and started within a few months.

(End of this chapter)——

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