Urban Witcher

Chapter 3087 Chapter 3097 Let's talk about Qingyou Valley 2

In the following years, many workers were transferred from outside to participate in the excavation work. At that time, I was still young, and I didn't know many things. My parents told me later.

At that time, the workers in the factory had to take turns to work in the mountains. It was not a problem at first, but later everyone who went in to work would suffer from a strange disease. People became darkened and unresponsive. Later, they became afraid of light and anorexia .

Everyone gradually discovered that the people who had these symptoms were all people who had worked in the mountains. The factory checked their condition, but they couldn't find out what disease they had, but as long as they didn't go into the mountains for a period of time, the situation would get better.

Later, the water diversion project was completed, and a reservoir was formed in the valley, which is the one you saw. Because of the calculation of the altitude, after the lake water rose to a certain level, the pressure disappeared, and the tributaries of the underground river no longer went out. Once the water is used up, the underground river will flow into the lake through tributaries to maintain a balance.

From this point of view, the project was a success. But not long after this, incidents of livestock loss began to appear in our town, including chickens, ducks, geese, cattle and sheep.

At first, I thought it was someone from the nearby villages who came to steal, so the factory organized manpower to watch at night. Later, I found a few people stealing livestock. They were very agile and failed to catch up several times. In the end, they got lost on the mountain, and everyone searched around, only to find the stolen livestock piled up in one place, and many of them were smelly.

The ones that hadn’t rotted were bled without exception. There was no blood in their bodies, and they looked shriveled like new year’s goods that had been exposed to the sun.

After the news spread, the whole town exploded. The factory investigated and refuted the rumors, but it was useless. Everyone began to spread rumors that there were zombies. After a few days, someone disappeared in the town, and was later found in the mountains. , like those domestic animals, were all bitten off their necks and sucked dry of their blood.

All the people in the town had moved away, but most of them stayed in the town. People were in a state of panic, and the doors and windows of every house were closed at night.

I remember that day, at the end of 1985, when I was sleeping at home, I was suddenly called up by my parents, and my father left behind my back.

After I got out, I saw a group of people running, and some people—scientists in white coats who had been working in the research institute in the mountains for a long time, biting people in the town, basically biting everyone, like crazy.

Many people resisted and wounded them with weapons, but it was useless. These people were like zombies in movies, they couldn't be killed no matter what. Everyone was terrified and fled out of the town as if desperately.

Along the way, many people died. I fled to the road outside Sa with my parents. When I was running, I met a big truck that the factory had called for rescue, picked us up, and sent us to the city.

Along the way, we saw troops driving armored vehicles into the mountains to deal with the situation. And we were sent to the city. That night, a leader came to talk to everyone, saying that those scientists had been infected by some kind of virus, and told us not to spread rumors, and we must strictly keep secrets.

Afterwards, all the workers who escaped from Qingyou Valley were told that they could not go back. As for their jobs, they were all settled in KM City with official help.

Although most people kept the secret strictly, this matter was still spread, forming all kinds of bizarre rumors, but after a long time, this town was also forgotten by people. As for why those scientists everywhere bit people, and how they dealt with them later. No one will know. When I grew up, when I recalled that scene, I always found it difficult to explain.

But I'm an atheist... At least until yesterday, I always thought that it might really be some kind of mysterious virus as the official said. "

He finally finished his narration about Qingyou Valley, turned his head and glanced at Old Man Liu who was leaning on the back seat and smoking a dry pipe, and asked for his opinion.

"A walking corpse, most likely a walking corpse."

Old man Liu frowned and said, "In that mountain, or there is an ancient tomb, the owner of the tomb has become a zombie, because the ventilation in the cave is not smooth, and the corpse gas is pervasive. Once your workers leave the cave and are exposed to sunlight, they can slowly recover, but those scientists who have worked in the cave for a long time will slowly become walking corpses."

Ye Xiaomu and Bai Hongbing were very shocked when they heard this explanation. They would not have believed it in the past, but recently they saw ghosts with their own eyes, and their three views exploded, and they silently accepted the theory of zombies.

"By the way, Uncle Bai, I heard from you yesterday that when Yiran was operated on, her mother was also a helper. Why... haven't I seen her?" Ye Xiaomu asked tentatively.

Bai Hongbing's expression darkened for a moment, and he said, "She's gone."

After a while, he whispered: "Feng Jianan was willing to help me, not because of my relationship with him, but because of Lu Wei—that is, Yiran's mother, who was a boyfriend and girlfriend with him in college... I won't mention the past events. In short, he reluctantly agreed to participate in the operation and give him treatment later because of Lu Wei's face.

After the operation, in order to take care of Yiran, Lu Wei asked Feng Jianan for help, and was transferred to that hospital. The two got along for a long time, and then... After Yiran recovered, they left together. I have never seen them again . "

It's... a sad story.

After driving for two hours, I came to the winding mountain road closest to Qingyou Town.

Bai Hongbing parked the car, and the three of them climbed over a mountain on foot, and Qingyou Town was in front of them.

Old man Liu stood on a high place and watched for a while, without saying anything, he walked down the valley first.

Standing in front of the lake, Old Man Liu's face became serious, staring at the mist hanging over the lake in a daze, he murmured: "It's strange, I thought it was a demonic aura, but I didn't expect it to be a chaotic aura... how can the world be so powerful? There is such a place!"

"What is the air of chaos?" Ye Xiaomu asked.

Old man Liu shook his head, and said nervously: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, hurry up, look for her bones before dawn!"

A corpse, for a ghost, is its last attachment in the world. No matter whether that Hong Hong has used the corpse to cultivate into a ghost corpse, she will never leave her corpse alone. Therefore, Old Man Liu's plan is to burn her The corpse was set on fire and burned. She felt the damage of the corpse, so it was impossible not to come, and then I would fight her decisively...

This is Old Man Liu's plan.

Bai Hongbing looked around, looking for the place where the corpse was buried. He found a willow tree and dug under the tree with a folding shovel. Because it was close to the lake, the soil was soft, and a deep pit with a radius of several meters was quickly dug, but there was nothing but tree roots.

(Happy New Year’s Day to everyone again, red envelopes will be distributed in the Ghostbusters Alliance group tomorrow, don’t miss it!)

(End of this chapter)——

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