Urban Witcher

Chapter 3088 Chapter 3098 Conspiracy 1

Impossible, isn't it here? "

Bai Hongbing identified it again, and confirmed: "It's right here, with the back against the town, and there's only this one tree in this area, so it's impossible to make a mistake."

After finishing speaking, I continued to dig nearby, but still found nothing.

The two were at a loss.

"Could it... be taken away by her?" Bai Hongbing looked at old man Liu asking for help.

"No, since she went in a soul body yesterday, there is no corpse aura on her body, which means that she probably didn't practice with a ghost corpse. Besides, her body is so deformed that it is not suitable for control. After more than ten years, even if she practiced day and night , it’s impossible to have such a powerful cultivation base and be able to afford the corpse! Keep looking, it must still be nearby!”

Looking up at Ye Xiaomu staring at the lake in a daze, he said, "Why are you in a daze, come and help me!"

Ye Xiaomu's eyes were still searching the surface of the lake, and he suddenly pointed somewhere and said, "Her body should be in the valley over there! It's in a pool, and a young man helped her move it there!"

"How do you know?" Old man Liu looked at him in surprise.

"I... dreamed about it last night, and saw this place in my dream, exactly the same."

When I came last time, I didn’t stop by the lake, and I didn’t see many details. Today, I found that many places are exactly the same as what I saw in my dream last night, so I tried to recall those fragments, and I remembered a lot.

Old man Liu looked at him in surprise, and was about to speak when he suddenly heard a crash, and something popped out of the water, and he took a closer look, it was a glass bottle.

Inside, lay a mutilated baby impressively...

The hearts of the three trembled violently. They were looking for the corpse of the female ghost, and the bottle containing the corpse floated up by itself, which was so weird that people couldn't believe it.

Ye Xiaomu and Bai Hongbing looked at old man Liu together.

Old man Liu looked nervous, looked at the bottle, and murmured: "Don't go there, this must be a ghost trick, she found us!"

The bottle floated to the shore together, rising and falling with the waves.

Old man Liu pulled the two of them back a few steps, with three pairs of eyes fixed on the large glass bottle.

Suddenly, a small pale hand stretched out from under the water, grabbed one end of the bottle, and then the water splashed, a large wave of black oily hair slowly emerged from the water, and then exposed the forehead.

With a ferocious half face, two blood-red eyes looked at them.

This scene is simply weird and terrifying to the extreme.

Bai Hongbing fell to the ground on the spot, and Ye Xiaomu's heart jumped up.


The female ghost in the water let out a series of crisp laughter, which seemed to have some magical nature, making people dizzy and confused.

Ye Xiaomu couldn't help walking towards the water's edge.


A flame rose from the female ghost's hair, pulling Ye Xiaomu back to reality. Seeing that he had reached the edge of the lake at some point, and was about to go in by only one or two steps, he was shocked and looked at the female ghost. Go, a talisman ignited on top of her head, burning her hair, and the female ghost screamed and sank into the water together with the bottle.

"Go, take me to find the real corpse!" Old man Liu said as he grabbed Ye Xiaomu.

Ye Xiaomu collected himself, identified the direction, ran towards the valley on the right side of the town, and asked, "Master Liu, didn't you say that ghosts can't haunt during the day, so just now..."

"The surface of the lake is shrouded in chaos, cutting off the sunlight. She can appear inside, but she may not be able to go ashore." Old man Liu glanced back, and immediately stopped in surprise.

Ye Xiaomu followed his gaze, and saw that the mist above the lake was rolling like water waves, spreading towards the direction of the town.

"Yes, it was the same that day, and then the whole town was covered in fog!" Ye Xiaomu reminded nervously.

"I didn't expect that there is such a powerful evil hidden here. I miscalculated! Let's go and find her body!"

The three ran wildly, entered Qingyou Town, passed through the deserted streets, Ye Xiaomu turned his head, and found that the fog had covered a section of the town and was slowly unfolding.

At the end of the town, there are two mountains squeezed together, and there is a small open space in the middle, most of which are covered with stagnant water, because it is stagnant water, covered with green algae, surrounded by mountains on three sides, forming a dead corner that cannot be exposed to sunlight , Even the rock walls are very wet and covered with moss.

"That's it. In my dream, that boy put the little ghost's corpse here!" Ye Xiaomu pointed in a certain direction based on the memory in his dream.

He didn't know why he dreamed about these things, and old man Liu couldn't figure it out, but now is not the time to discuss this, old man Liu looked around and peeped out: "I'm afraid it's true, this is Fengshui **, just right Use it as a ghost nest corpse cave. Go down, Xiao Mu, and fish that thing up!"


"You are young and have the best physical fitness, it's not who you are!" Old man Liu turned his head and glanced, the fog had filled half of the town, and kicked Ye Xiaomu's ass anxiously, "Hurry up, you! Once this place is covered by chaos, ghosts can come over!"

Ye Xiaomu threw off his shoes and socks, threw his heart out, and jumped down.

The water stinks to the nose, and the bottom of the water is full of slippery mud. Although Ye Xiaomu doesn't like to clean normally, he has done things like not changing his underwear for three days in winter and taking a bath once a week, but at this time his feet are stepping on such a In the dirty water, he had to stretch his hands in to touch things. This was disgusting, and he had goose bumps all over his body.

I touched a bulging thing, took it out of the water, and saw it was a clay pot. What's terrible is that there was a bra on it. Although it was rotten, the steel ring was still there, and there was a layer on it that couldn't be soaked. lace.

"Fuck! How could there be such a thing!"

Ye Xiaomu quickly threw it out, shaking his hands vigorously.

"This place used to be a dump."

Bai Hongbing's words were like a magic bullet. Ye Xiaomu was about to vomit on the spot. If he had known earlier, he would not have poured such dirty water even if he was strangled to death by a ghost. It would be too late to say anything now.

He took a breath and touched the location in his memory.

The fog gradually approached, and old man Liu kept urging.

Ye Xiaomu touched a bulging object from the depths of the mud, picked it up and took a look, thank God, it was right this time, it was the glass bottle containing the little girl's corpse!

He took a few steps ashore, and saw that his legs and hands were covered with black mud, and there were many flocs like red nematodes stuck to his hair.

"I don't have time to spoil you!" Old man Liu roared loudly, "Let's go, get out of this damn place, and let her chase me. As long as I'm out of their sphere of influence, I'm still a little bit sure of dealing with her alone!"

(End of this chapter)——

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