Urban Witcher

Chapter 3555 Chapter 3560 One thought is eternal 1

Ye Shaoyang began to think according to her words.

"Then this world will be without me?"

"There is still Ye Shaoyang in this world, who is sealed in the Republic of China in another timeline... He will come back one day. This is why your influence on this world is not too big, because Ye Shaoyang and the ghost king in this world To put it simply, you defeated the ghost king for Ye Shaoyang in this world, and the ghost king also lost a game for him in this world..."

Defeated the ghost king for another Ye Shaoyang...

Ye Shaoyang thought about this sentence repeatedly, and then asked: "But the ghost king of this world will come back sooner or later."

"Well... I don't know, that Ye Shaoyang told me, you should concentrate on dealing with the ghost king first. If you can defeat him, you will know what to do later. If you fail... then all possibilities are impossible." Gone."

"How many worlds are destroyed together?"

"It won't be destroyed, and I don't know what will happen." Xiao Jiu took a deep breath, looking relieved. "It's finally finished. I've memorized this knowledge for a long time, and I don't really understand it myself."

Ye Shaoyang continued to think.

The rules of the parallel world are like this...Ye Shaoyang is not very surprised by this aspect. Originally, he has only a half-knowledge of the rules of the parallel world, so he can accept any information he gets. What he is thinking about now is another question: To this world, he is actually an outsider... If Wuji Ghost King knows the news, how would he feel? After he'd messed around with it so much, this wasn't his world at all.

However, this doesn't seem to have any effect, the world is the same, and even people are still those people... Then, is my little friend still my little friend?

Suddenly he thought of a possibility, his mind got stuck, and he grabbed Xiao Jiu's hand: "In other words, Xue Qi in our world is still alive, and Gong Zi is also alive..."

Xiao Jiu nodded.

"If we defeat the ghost king and go back to the past, then they won't die, because this is not our timeline, and our time has only passed half a year, um, plus this half a year, that is more than a year, Everyone is still young."

Oh My God……

This is obviously something to be happy about, but Ye Shaoyang couldn't be happy at all. He felt a weird feeling that almost no one felt: the distortion of time and space caused this wonderful feeling.

"Then they in this world are still relatives to me..."

"Of course." Dao Feng's voice came from outside the window, and then the curtains were pulled open. It turned out that he had been sitting on the window sill listening to them.

"There is no Daoism in this world, and there is no Ye Shaoyang, so everyone has the same feelings for us. You just saw them more than ten years later... Is there any problem? Just like in those movies, we Traveling to the future, passing through some things, and then going back to the past, the relatives of the future are still our relatives."

These words made Ye Shaoyang feel better. Daofeng was right, no matter whether they are in the same time and space or not, and no matter how long the time is apart, relatives will always be relatives.

"It's just... Gong Zi is already dead here, when the real Dao Feng returns, can he be resurrected again?"

Daofeng pondered for a moment, and said: "He can wait five hundred years for her to gather her soul and be reborn. This is the price of war. After all, we have defeated the ghost king, and they don't have to fight again."

Just let them take the damage of war...

Ye Shaoyang thought to himself.

"However, these are not things to consider now. We must win this battle first, otherwise everything will be empty talk."

Ye Shaoyang sat back on the bed, continued to think about what Xiaojiu said, and suddenly remembered a question: "You just said that you were sent back by Ye Shaoyang with the Shanhai Seal? He is from the past, right? Then how can he use the Shanhai Seal? "

Xiao Jiu pursed her lips and smiled at him, "Because Shan Hai Yin can be used all the time."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"If you understand the power of time and space, even if you don't fully grasp it, it is enough to control the seal of mountains and seas. Moreover, the eternal void will let you understand the true meaning of the power of time and space."

so? ? ?

Ye Shaoyang took out the Shanhai Seal and held it tightly in his hand.

Since the power of the rune on the Shanhai Seal disappeared, although I have been with me all the time, I have never messed with it again.

Trying to release the power of time and space to wrap the Shanhai Seal, and then a miracle happened - the originally dim runes on it brightened up little by little.

It really works!

Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized that although he didn't understand the principle, the power of time and space matched the attributes of Shanhaiyin, so he was not too surprised, but regretted why he hadn't thought of this earlier.

Nodding to Xiaojiu and Daofeng, Ye Shaoyang entered the eternal void.

I haven't been back for a long time...

Seeing this familiar place, Ye Shaoyang really resisted. After all, he has been trapped here for more than ten years, and he is so familiar with everything.

No matter how complicated the time axis is, after more than ten years of research day after day, there is no secret at all. Ye Shaoyang did not care about the time axis, but sat down cross-legged, entered a meditation state, and began to perceive the power of time and space.

It's not that practicing here is any different from outside—the moment he entered here, Ye Shaoyang figured out the key to cultivation without a teacher, and that was time.

It has only been a few months since he discovered the power of time and space, and he has already roughly controlled this transcendent power. It is a great thing for him to be able to survive the battle with Patriarch Styx before. Encouraged, he once thought about completely controlling this power, and spent the next few days trying to sense it, and then sadly found that time was running out.

Given enough time (he doesn't know how long it will take), Ye Shaoyang is confident that he can fully control this ability.

Now, I really have infinite time—since the time of this eternal void is constant, no matter how long I stay here, the time of the outside world will not pass.

In other words, I can practice here to fully control the power of time and space, and then go out to fight against the ghost king and the others... The only thing I have to overcome is loneliness. After all, there is nothing here. I have been here for more than ten years. Now, I was almost blocked, this time I was alone—yes, why am I alone?

Ye Shaoyang stayed for a while and went back. Seeing Xiaojiu and Daofeng still looking at the way before, he asked them how long it had been.

"In less than a second, you come out as soon as you go in." Xiao Jiu said.

(Shaoyang is finally about to complete his last upgrade and evolution...)

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