Urban Witcher

Chapter 3556 Chapter 3561 One thought is eternal 2

That's not bad, I deliberately stayed for about ten minutes, but in fact it was only a second - this second is probably not the time consumed by myself, or produced by crossing the distance between the real world and the eternal void consume.

So he excitedly talked about his discovery, and invited the two of them to practice together.

"He said that as long as you can activate the seal of mountains and seas, you will be able to discover its mysteries. I have always been puzzled, but now it seems that it is indeed the case." Xiao Jiu was also very excited.

"You should have told me earlier." Ye Shaoyang spread his hands.

"I... I'm worried that after you know the truth, you won't be able to accept that you are an outsider..."

She was right about this point, at first she couldn't accept it, Ye Shaoyang secretly sighed, after working for more than half a year, this is not her own world... This feeling is really indescribable.

But the big battle is imminent, and there is no time to think about anything else. Ye Shaoyang uses the seal of mountains and seas to open the space-time rift, brings the two of them in, and starts to practice...

This is an extremely long process.

Fortunately, there are three of them, and they can take a break when they are tired halfway, talk to each other, relieve loneliness and boredom, and then continue to practice.

"Days" passed day by day, and the strength of the three of them continued to improve under this kind of indefinite practice.

"This is the longest time I have spent with you since I went down the mountain." During another group rest, Ye Shaoyang said to Daofeng.

Daofeng glanced at him, and the warm eyes showed that he was also enjoying this time together.

Just like it was on the mountain back then.

Ye Shaoyang's samadhi took longer and longer each time. He was perceiving the power of time and space bit by bit. This process was very slow and inefficient, and sometimes even made no progress at all for a month.

Even if he is as firm as him, he has experienced many times of getting angry and self-doubt, and even wanted to give up, but finally he persevered.

Once again, after persisting for an unknown period of time, I suddenly entered a state of ecstasy, and found the eternal law in the chaotic lines of time and space.

Countless lines shrink toward themselves, and then unfold, turning into various mirages and illusions:

He saw the flowers bloom and fall, the sky was dark and the sky was bright, he experienced the moment between a thought, and also experienced the eternal eternity.

He sees time.

I have seen the passage of time, I have reaped the long and silent waiting, and I have also witnessed the miracle of karma far beyond reincarnation...

He understands what eternity is. Then, enlightened.

A hundred years of water is exhausted, everything is gone, and in the blink of an eye from ancient times, a thought becomes eternity.

Finally, he withdrew from the trance state, took a deep breath, and saw Daofeng and Xiaojiu silently watching him from the side.

"I've realized it." This was the first sentence Ye Shaoyang said. He spread out a hand and shook it gently. Countless golden lines flowed around him. With another movement of his fingers, all the lines gradually shattered and turned into fine grains. Sand-like things formed lines of various shapes, constantly rotating around him in various strange shapes.

The spectacle left the two stunned.

"What is this?" Xiao Jiu asked.

"Eternal power." Ye Shaoyang said, then shook his head suddenly, and said, "I'd rather not realize it."

"What's the meaning?"

"It's just that there is a feeling...that nothing is meaningful." After truly realizing eternity, many things in life seem to have become trivial things as small as sesame seeds and mung beans, which are simply not worth mentioning...

"But there are some things that must be done."

Ye Shaoyang took a long time to balance this feeling in his heart, and found that Xiao Jiu was looking at him with strange eyes, and hurriedly asked what was wrong.

"So... are you still human now?" Xiao Jiu expressed her inner worries, "I'm afraid you will become that kind of person... a god who has no desires and no desires, do you understand what I mean?"

"Don't worry, I'm normal, more normal than ever." Ye Shaoyang made a grimace.

Daofeng asked him what is special about the power of time and space.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and concluded: "It can partially stop time, and then change time, or even cut time."

Daofeng was silent for a while, and said, "What about talking about people?"

"Well, I can cut a small piece of space from any time and space, stop the time here, and then put everything here into the eternal void, or send it to any time and space. Personally, I can Going to any time and space at will, I no longer need the seal of mountains and seas, the barriers between time and space are unimpeded for me, and the so-called rules of the three realms can no longer trap me."

Xiao Jiu gasped, although Ye Shaoyang said it lightly, but she heard that fright, what a terrifying power it is.

Daofeng thought for a long time and asked, "Then if the ghost king uses the original power of yin and yang to deal with you, what will you do?"

"I can't fight directly with this ability, but I can cut time and space and introduce his power into the void, so that he can't hit people, but I shouldn't be able to beat him directly. After all, he is too strong. To deal with him, I It requires too much power, and it may not be able to bear it. But the main reason is that I missed the last step, and it does not mean that I have completely controlled the power of time and space."

"Practice, there is plenty of time here."

"If time can solve everything, those spirit beasts that have lived for thousands of years would have been invincible long ago." Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "Without actual combat, there are some things that cannot be comprehended."

Xiao Jiu nodded empathetically, "Me too, I got stuck in the bottleneck of cultivation, and I'm still a little short of the original power, probably...it can be about the same as Daofeng's previous strength."

Ye Shaoyang didn't expect much when he heard her say that he was still "a little worse", but when he heard the last sentence, he was shocked. Daofeng's previous strength was not far from mastering great supernatural powers. "

"So, what about you now?" The two turned their heads to look at Daofeng together.

"I re-refined the three corpse gods that were consumed in the previous battle, and further strengthened them." Daofeng's words are always so concise.

"I guess you may not be able to beat me now." Ye Shaoyang raised his eyebrows at him proudly.

Seeing this humble expression, Xiao Jiu was also relieved: Ye Shaoyang is still the same Ye Shaoyang.

Daofeng sneered disdainfully.

"Don't worry, your senior brother will always be your senior brother."

Ye Shaoyang still wanted to refute, but Daofeng said seriously: "I'm not joking, since there is no way to improve, let's go out first."


Ye Shaoyang went through the criss-cross time axis, and found one of them, which had the nodes he had set on it.

That is your own world. Now, I can go back anytime.

Xiao Jiu held his hand.

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