Urban Witcher

Chapter 441 Surprised

The descendants of those tomb owners looked at each other, and of course they didn’t want their ancestral graves to be dug up, but when it was their turn to speak, no one dared to take the lead. For one thing, the country people were in awe of wizards and the like, and dared not Offend, besides, this wizard was invited by Wang Dashan, and no one wants to offend Wang Dashan.

Secondly, combating drought is a major event for the whole village or even the whole town, and no one wants to be labeled as affecting the overall situation for their own benefit.

Seeing this scene, the wizard looked around and said righteously: "Folks, it is important to respect the dead, but the lives of the living are the most important. I, Gu, would rather bear the infamy of digging people's ancestral graves, and do the same." , I only want to get rid of the drought and restore peace to the place, please cooperate."

As soon as these provocative words were uttered, everyone thought that this was indeed the case, and they couldn't say anything. Some even nodded secretly.

Ye Bo sighed, and said: "Anyway, to excavate someone's ancestral grave, the direct descendants must agree. The descendants of these seven graves who are present will stand up first and stand in front of their ancestor's grave."

A dozen or so people came out of the crowd and stood in front of several selected graves. Except for the two graves of Ye Shaoyang's family, there was no one in front of another grave.

Ye Bo looked around the crowd and said, "Ye Bin is not here, someone go call him." He called a young man's name and asked him to go down the mountain to call someone.

The wizard looked at the two graves behind Ye Shaoyang, and said, "Where are the descendants of these two graves?"

Ye Bo glanced at it and said: "This is the grave of our old village head. There is only one son in his family. He was taken away by a Taoist priest of Xuanqing Mountain when he was young, and he hasn't come back for many years." Pointing to Xiaoshuai, "This The child's father is the only close relative of the owner of the tomb, Xiaoshuai, go and call your father."

When the wizard heard the words "Xuanqing Mountain Taoist", an imperceptible light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Since the descendant is not here, there is no need to wait. I will start digging from these two graves first."

After speaking, he nodded to Wu Zhu, and Wu Zhu immediately summoned several villagers who were carrying shovels to come forward.

Seeing that the sorcerer really wanted to do something, Ye Bo thought of what the old village chief had done, and couldn't bear it, so he said to Xiaoshuai: "You go and find your father!"

Xiaoshuai turned his head and glanced at Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang patted him on the shoulder, told him to stand behind him, and said to the villagers who were walking towards him, "Wait a minute."

Several people didn't know what Ye Shaoyang meant. Seeing his stern expression, they all stopped and turned to look at the wizard.

Ye Shaoyang's eyes also fell on the wizard's face, he smiled faintly, and said, "Throw out a lot of righteous and lingering reasons, so you can dig up people's ancestral graves at will?"

The wizard frowned and said, "I've said it before, in order to get rid of the drought, I have to do it."

"That's a last resort. I have no objection to what you said. When necessary, the life of the living is more important than the dead, but Archmage, there is one most important question that you seem to have overlooked—I want to verify whether there is any Hanba, besides digging graves, is there really no other way?"

Before the wizard could open his mouth, Ye Shaoyang continued, "If you have no other way, it only means that your mana is too shallow. Even if you dig out the drought demon, you won't be able to deal with it."

The wizard was stunned, the hatred flashed in his eyes, and said: "You are right, there are other ways, but those things need a few days of preparation, we don't have that much time."

"That still means you are incompetent!"

"Presumptuous!" Wu Zhu yelled angrily, "What are you! You are a foreigner, why are you messing around here, delaying our business!"

"I'm your grandfather!" Xiao Ma scolded, ever since he heard that someone was going to dig the ancestral grave of his good brother Ye Shaoyang, he was as angry as Ye Shaoyang, picked up a green brick from the pond where the paper was burned in front of the grave, and pointed help way:

"You have a pockmarked face for killing me in the town, and you haven't settled it yet. How dare you come here and try it. I'll take pictures of my brains and drink them as tofu brains. Believe it or not!"

Wu Zhu was scolded by him for his pockmarked face, and he poked the sore spot, the pock marks on his face turned a little red, and he was about to rush up to make a move, but the wizard stretched out his arms to stop him, took two steps forward, and stood almost face to face with Ye Shaoyang. Now, staring at his eyes.

As a wizard, he has a domineering aura about him, and most people would shrink back after staring at each other for a long time, let alone face to face, staring at each other without blinking their glasses.

He wanted to use his aura to overwhelm Ye Shaoyang, but Ye Shaoyang remained motionless, looking straight at him, without giving in.

This young man has such a strong aura!

The wizard was startled, and said in a domineering tone on the surface: "Although I don't know who you are, I know that you are also a mage, but I, Gu Jian, are not something you can offend,"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out a hand and patted Ye Shaoyang's shoulder lightly, "Young man, you must distinguish between good and bad when doing things, and when you shouldn't talk, don't talk nonsense."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Ye Shaoyang's mouth, and then he slowly restrained himself, becoming a bit colder, "Gu Jian, right? If you dare to dig your grave today, I will let you destroy all three souls and all souls! Don't doubt, I will ... Do what you say!" With a shake of his shoulders, he flicked his hand away.

Gu Jian trembled all over. From his eyes, he saw a set of extremely cold eyes, not angry, but... murderous!

For the first time since he came down from the mountain, Ye Shaoyang couldn't control his emotions and became murderous. There was only one thought in his mind, digging up my ancestral grave and destroying the bones of my ancestors in front of me. This kind of thing must not be tolerated!

Gu Jian staggered back two steps, the breath in his body was disordered, and he was in surprise when a girl's clear voice suddenly sounded from the crowd behind him: "I figured it out, I have a solution, no need to dig a grave!"

A petite girl with ponytails ran out from the crowd, ran up to Uncle Ye, grabbed his arm and said, "Dad, I have a solution, no need to dig a grave!"

Ye Bo glared at her, "It's time to deal with business, Xiaomeng, don't mess around!"

The girl shook his arm and said, "Father, it's really possible. I just thought of it. It's not like you don't know. I can order spells..."

Ye Bo was stunned for a moment, but before he could speak, the girl rushed to Gu Jian, changed a slightly displeased tone, and said, "The Hanba has a corpse smell, as long as you can verify whether there is corpse smell below, you will know that the Hanba If you’re not in there, why do you have to dig a grave.”

Gu Jian glanced at her in surprise, frowned and said, "It's easy for you to say, water and soil are separated from the coffin, without digging the grave and opening the coffin, how to verify it, I have a magic method, but it will take a while to prepare..."

The girl cleared her throat, and said in a breath: "It's very simple. The peanut is the head of the three earth immortals, the spirit of the earth, the most down-to-earth, and the seven-child peanut is the psychic herb. This is the key to my spell."

(End of this chapter)——

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