Urban Witcher

Chapter 442 Seven Sons Peanut

"Master, you should know Seven Sons Peanut." The girl smiled at Gu Jian and said:

"Use seven-seed peanuts to form seven stars on the head of the grave, to delineate the positions of the five elements, extract the dead air in the tomb, and gather it in the grass on the head of the grave. Then use five kinds of red fruits, red beans, red dates, cowpeas, wolfberry, and red lotus seeds, and boil them together to make a paste. shape, the five fruits are wood, and wood grows from the soil, so it can penetrate the grave soil; red can break evil and filth, and can manifest spirits.

Then choose the longest one from the grave grass locked by Qizi Huasheng, and immerse it in the water. If the water turns black, it means that there are zombies below. It’s not too late for you to dig the grave. digging a grave"

After speaking provocatively, he raised his eyebrows at Gu Jian, "Master, what do you say?"

Gu Jian was completely stunned, his lips twitched, as if he was debating the magic spell proposed by the little girl. After a while, he frowned, looked the little girl up and down, and said anxiously: "Who are you? Who taught you this spell?"

Before the little girl could speak, Uncle Ye came up and hurriedly answered: "This is my daughter Ye Xiaomeng. She went to college in other places and came back from summer vacation. She went to school in Shanghai since she was a child, lived in my sister's house, and met a mage. , followed behind and learned some spells, it’s not worth mentioning, it’s not worth mentioning.”

The suspicion in Gu Jian's eyes slowly disappeared.

However, Ye Shaoyang was astonished to the extreme: what this girl named Ye Xiaomeng proposed just now was the magic of Xuanqing Mountain's inner sect, called "Five Reds and Seven Sons Revealing Corpse Technique"

Although this spell is the basis of inner sect spells, except for the disciples of the inner sect of Xuanqing Mountain, no other sorcerer will use it.

Now secretly looked at this girl up and down: she looks one or two years younger than me, she looks pretty, and she is dressed in a foreign style, unlike the people in the mountains, since she is the daughter of the village chief Ye Bo, the word "little" is my own. younger sister.

He couldn't figure it out at all, where did this little girl learn the magic of Xuanqing Mountain? Could it be that Qing Yunzi secretly taught the little girl because of her cuteness?

This possibility is almost zero.

What is Ye Xiaomeng's background?

Gu Jian thought about it for a moment, and said with some displeasure: "I don't know if this method will work, but the seven sons of peanuts are hard to come by. Where can I find them?"

Ye Xiaomeng smiled and said: "I usually like to collect these spiritual things. I really have the seven-child peanut. Not to mention the five-red fruit, it's easy to find. I'll go back and get it." After finishing speaking, he said to Ye Bo, "Dad, give it to me. Look, I'll be back right away, so don't let people dig your grave."

Ye Bo said happily to Gu Jian: "Master, let the little girl try it. It won't take long. If it doesn't work, it won't be too late for you to dig the grave and open the coffin."

When the matter developed to this point, Gu Jian couldn't deny it, so he snorted, sat down on the ground, and waited.

The little horse touched the corner of Ye Shaoyang's clothes and said, "Seven sons peanuts, what the hell?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "It's not a ghost, but there are seven peanut kernels growing in one shell."

Xiao Ma was stunned, "Ordinary peanut kernels seem to have three or four kernels. By the way, there is also a kind of small five seeds. I have never heard of seven seeds."

Ye Shaoyang said in a low voice: "Seven-seed peanuts use the positioning of the five elements to plant peanuts in places where the earth's atmosphere is the most prosperous. Only one plant can survive among a hundred peanut plants, and only one ear will grow in one plant, which is seven-seed peanuts. precious."

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Ye Xiaomeng returned from the mountain, carrying a bulging cloth bag in his hand, and ran to the grave in one breath, panting from exhaustion.

Then, in front of everyone, she opened the cloth bag, took out a gray stone medicine cauldron, placed it on the ground, poured in a bottle of mineral water, and opened a small bag, which contained five kinds of red beans, including red lotus seeds, red beans, and cowpeas. , took nine pills each, put them into the medicine cauldron, then looked up at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "From your conversation just now, you seem to know some magic skills, right? Come and help me make the medicine."

"No problem." Ye Shaoyang smiled, and beckoned Xiaoma to pick up firewood nearby and stuff it under the medicine cauldron. Due to the drought, there are dry grass and trees all over the ground, and it is very easy to get a lot of them.

"You celestial master, you have become a Taoist boy when you meet a beautiful woman." Taking advantage of the time to fill firewood, Xiao Ma raised his eyebrows at Ye Shaoyang and said in a low voice.

Ye Shaoyang glared at him, looked up, Ye Xiaomeng was standing in front of his father's grave, tinkering with something, so he asked the pony to light a fire, and went to the grave to see that Ye Xiaomeng was peeling the seven-child peanuts, and then used A needle pierces the cinnabar into the nut.

Peanuts with seven sons only have seven sons, and their appearance is no different from ordinary peanuts.

Gu Jian, his wizard assistant, Ye Bo and the others all gathered around to see how Ye Xiaomeng arranged it out of curiosity.

Ye Xiaomeng wiped the grave mound lightly, smoothed the top, then placed the Seven Peanuts on the mound mound according to a specific position, circled a palm-sized area in the middle, and took out a small one from her pocket. The compass, fiddled with it from time to time, and constantly fine-tuned the position of the peanut according to the direction of the pointer.

Then he carefully observed the grass on the grave mound, chose the longest one, tied the root with a red thread, and strung a Five Emperors coin on it. After waiting for a while, there was no response.

"Hey, what's going on?" Ye Xiaomeng wondered.

Gu Jian snorted lightly.

Ye Shaoyang moved closer to Ye Xiaomeng and said, "Then what, you may have misplaced Tanlang's position."

Ye Xiaomeng gave him a gouged look, "If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. When the day dawns, the greedy wolf looks back and should be in the dry position. The five elements are two and one is down, and the middle door sticks out. Why is it wrong?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Here, look up for yourself. There are overcast clouds in the sky, and the light is not enough. When it is reflected from the clouds, the correspondence of the seven stars will be shifted. The other astrolabes will not affect much, but greedy wolves are afraid of light, and the correspondence with the five elements The deviation is the largest, and your current position may not be accurate."

Ye Xiaomeng listened to his words, looked up at the dark cloud in the sky, pondered, and asked: "Then how should it be arranged?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "Three stars of Greedy Wolf, around the main star, there are only three positions, you can try all of them, for example like this" said, stretched out his hand and lightly poked the peanut that was regarded as Greedy Wolf, and rolled it an inch or so. to the location.

The soil on the grave immediately became more moist, and waves loomed, and the seven peanuts sank half a cent down, and the copper coin in the middle rotated, releasing a wave of gold.

"Hey, I succeeded." Ye Shaoyang laughed a little smugly, patted his chest and said, "I succeeded once, I'm the best."

He originally wanted to say that he was lucky and successful, but he suddenly thought that he would be suspected if he did so, so he simply did the opposite, took the credit for himself first, and assumed the attitude of a villain.


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