Urban Witcher

Chapter 443 Another one

Sure enough, seeing him like this, Ye Xiaomeng snorted lightly and said: "You're just lucky, what you said is basic knowledge, everyone knows it, I just ignored it for a while." The red thread, pulled out together with the grass in the middle, came to the medicine cauldron roasting on the fire.

The water in the medicine cauldron has boiled, and the five kinds of red fruits have been boiled to pieces, and the soup has a bright red color.

"It smells really good, like eight-treasure porridge." Xiao Ma smelled the smell and said intoxicated.

Ye Xiaomeng threw the grave grass into the medicine cauldron, then covered the medicine cauldron, and turned off the fire.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the gray and black medicinal cauldron, and said, "This medicinal cauldron is made of medical stone."

Ye Xiaomeng nodded, "Tongliao specialty medical stone, natural spirit stone, the most expensive one I bought online."

Ye Shaoyang who bought it online was speechless, but judging by the quality of this medicinal cauldron, it is not bad, at least it is a real medical stone.

When Ye Xiaomeng lifted the lid of the medicine cauldron, almost all the villagers came together to watch. As the lid was lifted, the red soup appeared in everyone's sight, what color it should be, or what color it should be.

"Haha, I'm not wrong, am I?" Ye Xiaomeng clapped her hands excitedly, "There is no Hanba or teacher under this grave, so you have nothing to say now."

The teacher felt hot on his face, as if he had been slapped a few times. Although he had reason to doubt that Ye Xiaomeng's spell was invalid, he would still have to open the coffin if he couldn't find Hanba. His face would hurt even more from the slap, so he snorted and said, "There are still six graves. Since your method is effective, please examine it for me."

"It's easy to say, as long as I can avoid digging the grave, I'm not afraid of getting tired." Ye Xiaomeng carefully retrieved the seven-seed peanut from the grave and put it on another grave. Because of her experience, she didn't need Ye Shaoyang's guidance this time. Grave head grass, soaked in Wuhongguo soup, the color has not changed, indicating that there is no drought.

Then Ye Xiaomeng went all out and inspected the remaining five graves, and the results were all normal.

Ye Xiaomeng raised her head and smiled at Gu Jian: "Teacher, I checked for you. There is no drought in these seven graves. If the master doesn't trust my tricks, we can also make a bet. You can dig the grave and verify it. How about it"

After saying these words, Gu Jian's face was already swollen enough, how could he dare to ask for proof, his stiff muscles forced out a smile, "Since there is no one, I feel relieved, let's go to Niujia Village again."

Ye Bo let go of his heart completely, and ordered the villagers to disperse, and went to contact him himself. Ye Xiaomeng, holding the medicine cauldron, followed his father, expressing that he would try again with his own method.

"Second brother, shall we go too? I want to watch the excitement." Ye Xiaoshuai asked from the side.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while and said: "Go and watch the excitement, pay attention to safety, we will not go." Lowered his voice: "Remember to keep my identity secret, just say that my surname is Yang, and I am your cousin"

Ye Xiaoshuai nodded, ran to Ye Xiaomeng's side, and went down the mountain with her.

Ye Xiaomeng turned around, blinked at Ye Shaoyang, and said with a smile, "I'll look for you later."

The rest of the villagers also went down the mountain with them, leaving only Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Ma in the cemetery.

The pony asked: "Why don't we follow, in case the crab wants to dig someone else's grave?"

"With that girl following him, it's impossible for him to have the opportunity to dig the grave. Just ask Xiaoshuai for the result."

Xiao Ma said: "You are not afraid that they will find Hanba"

Ye Shaoyang looked up at his father's grassy grave, and said, "It's not that simple. I can feel that this is a conspiracy. Otherwise, the drought would be prevalent, and it would be impossible for so many graves to grow grass. It's probably the result of man-made."

The pony scratched his head, "How did people do that?"

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him, "You idiot, as long as you water frequently, once every few days, it will exceed the absorption rate of the drought, and it will be the same as usual. Grass grows on the grave, isn't it a natural result."

Xiao Ma didn't expect the answer to be so simple, and was stunned.

Ye Shaoyang took out a pen and paper from his backpack, and wrote down the names on the tombstones in front of the other five grassy graves one by one.

Xiao Ma wondered, "Why do you memorize these names?"

"If the other party's tomb is not randomly selected, I will write down the name and go back to study what is the pattern."

Xiao Ma couldn't help nodding when he heard it.

After writing down the name, Ye Shaoyang walked around the cemetery again, but found no doubts, so he went back to the two graves, kowtowed a few more times, and then called Xiaoma to go down the mountain and go home together.

"The village chief's daughter is also a mage," Xiao Ma asked on the way down the mountain.

Mentioning this, Ye Shaoyang immediately frowned, and said frankly: "The spell she used to test the pestilence is the inner sect spell of Xuanqing Mountain."

Xiao Ma stopped on the spot and looked at Ye Shaoyang in shock, "She can't be your junior sister or something."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "I don't have a junior sister, no matter how tricked Daofeng is, it is absolutely impossible for him to accept apprentices privately and leak the master's spells. Besides, he has been missing for ten years, and this girl is only seventeen or eighteen this year. Daofeng learn spells"

"This..." Xiao Ma took a deep breath and stared at Ye Shaoyang, "Could it be the Northern Sect of Xuanqing Mountain?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "I also thought of this possibility, so I hid my strength and didn't reveal my identity. I just wanted to investigate secretly so as not to confront her too early. It would be fine if she wasn't. With a defensive mind, it will be difficult for me to investigate."

Xiao Ma nodded slowly, thought for a while and said, "But this girl is so innocent, she doesn't look like Hu Wei."

"I don't look like it either, but bad guys don't know how to engrave on their faces. I only believe in the truth from the investigation, not intuition." Thinking that he had experienced so many suspicious things in the mountain village only two days ago, Ye Shaoyang became more and more suspicious. I feel that there must be some huge conspiracy behind the whole thing.

Who is making the conspiracy and what is his purpose

Back at Ye Jun's home, Ye Jun and his wife were drying dry goods in the yard. Ye Shaoyang asked about it during dinner last night. There is a rare fungus in Niutoushan, which is a local specialty. Many local women and old people usually collect and sell it. Ye Jun The couple rely on collecting this kind of mushrooms, drying them into dry goods, and transporting them to the city to sell, earning a lot of money.

However, since the drought, the production of this kind of mushrooms has dropped sharply. The couple have nothing to do. They clean up the inventory when they are free. Anyway, they have some money. In addition, there is no consumption in the countryside, so they are free. It is considered a vacation. up.


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