Urban Witcher

Chapter 45 Xuan Yin

Liu Ming shrugged, "Mr. Ye, I hope you understand, this is the request of the board of directors, we are really afraid."

"You misunderstood. First, all the money will be given afterwards. You only need to give me 20,000 yuan first to buy the things I need. Second," Ye Shaoyang rubbed his nose, "I will go out, there is no accident, There is no need to sign an agreement."

Liu Ming was startled, and saw an unquestionable confidence in Ye Shaoyang's eyes, so he smiled and complimented: "Mr. Ye is a well-known family, and this matter must be nothing in your hands."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head: "You are wrong. I have dealt with no less than dozens of supernatural incidents with my master. It is no exaggeration to say that this time is the most dangerous. If you are an ordinary mage, even if you give two million, it is not much, because if you are not careful, you will be killed." It will cost you your life."

Liu Ming frowned, wondering: "Then why is Daoist Ye so confident?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled slightly: "It's not self-confidence. I am the only successor of Xuanqing Mountain. If I can't handle this matter, you won't find anyone who can."

The authenticity of Xuanqing Mountain, the supreme of the Southern School, is not just talk.

The business was negotiated, Principal Sun asked Ye Shaoyang for the bank card number, and put in the 20,000 yuan activity funds. Ye Shaoyang didn't have a bank card, so he asked Xiao Ma to report the card number. Now the cola broke Xiao Ma, scratching his ears and cheeks excitedly, unable to close his mouth .

"Mr. Ye, what are you going to do next?"

"I'll take a look inside the dormitory building and contact you later."

As soon as this remark came out, the three of them were shocked, and Xie Yuqing said in shock: "You...you still want to go in?"

"There is a problem with the sculpture on the first floor of the dormitory building. I want to go in and have a look."

"That female ghost..."

"It's okay, the female ghost and the ghost baby are both injured." Ye Shaoyang turned to Xiaoma and said, "You stay with me, and I can do the work for you if you have the strength."

"Me?" Xiao Ma was stunned, remembering the experience Ye Shaoyang told about in the dormitory in the morning, just about to refuse, Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes, "Five thousand yuan."

Xiao Ma's eyes lit up, and he smiled, "It's too little, you can earn 200,000 yuan from this business."

"Does the 200,000 have something to do with you? It's 5,000 yuan. If you want to do it or not, I'll find Li Duo." Ye Shaoyang made a gesture and took out his mobile phone to dial.

"What the hell, that little Li Duo is not as healthy as I am." Xiao Ma stopped him with a flattering smile on his face.

Liu Ming drove them to the No. 4 dormitory, Ye Shaoyang asked him and Xie Yuqing to wait in the car, and then he and Xiao Ma got off the car and walked towards the dormitory.

"Little Ye Zi, you leave them alone in the car, just in case Liu Ming's intentions are wrong..." Xiao Ma whispered.

Ye Shaoyang looked at him in surprise, "Damn, what do you think, a man and a woman are together, so you have to do that?"

"No, no, I don't think Liu Ming is a good guy."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly, "You are really careful in your observations, but don't worry, if he dares to use his brains, Xie Yuqing's character is definitely not as good as him."

With the key given by Liu Ming, there is no need to look through the window this time. Ye Shaoyang directly uses the key to open the door on the first floor and walks in first. The pony followed and said timidly:

"Little Yezi, you must ensure my safety. I'm still a virgin, so I can't die so early." Xiao Ma was still trembling after entering the house.

"You are going to die, you are definitely a pervert."

Once Xiao Ma thought about it, wouldn't it be a great thing to become a ghost after death, so that he could spy on and molest beauties in all kinds of ways? But thinking about what Ye Shaoyang once said, if you stay in the human world for one more day, you will suffer ten years of punishment when you arrive in the underworld, so forget it.

Ye Shaoyang lit the ever-burning candles, checked everywhere on the first floor, and made sure that there were no ghosts or evil spirits. Then he returned to the hall, walked around the sculpture, and asked Xiaoma: "Look at this sculpture, is there any ghosts?" Is there anything wrong?"

Xiao Ma looked at it for a long time, scratched his head and said, "What can I see as an ordinary person, I only see that the position is a bit off."

"The location is not right." Ye Shaoyang stepped forward and said, "Accordingly, the sculptures placed in the hall should be placed in the middle of the room, no matter whether it is due to Feng Shui requirements or aesthetics. This sculpture is center-left, although it is not much, but it is not necessary to do so."

"You mean, it was originally supposed to be in the middle, but was later moved to its current position?" Xiao Ma was not stupid, and immediately guessed the truth.

Ye Shaoyang nodded, since he went back that day, he has been thinking about this problem. The sculpture was moved from its original location with only one purpose: to cover up something.

Ye Shaoyang tried to shake it, but the sculpture didn't move at all, so he let the little horse palm light bend down to shine on the bottom of the sculpture, and found that there were traces of cement pouring. In this way, the truth became more obvious: if the sculpture is only placed here for aesthetics, it is not at all There is no need for pouring, superfluous.

There must be something under the sculpture!

Ye Shaoyang took out the yin and yang plate and began to measure the position, only to be surprised to find that the location where the sculpture was standing happened to be the apocalypse of the entire building!

Taoism believes that every place is a small world, with pure yang acupoints and mysterious acupoints, where yin and yang meet and life is endless. If the qi is too strong and overwhelms the yang qi, the mysterious cave becomes the source of yin qi. If ghosts break in, they will definitely live in this place, and over time, it will become a nest of yin.

"It is now confirmed that the Yin Nest in the No. 4 dormitory building is just under this sculpture." Ye Shaoyang looked at the bottom of the sculpture and said, "I can't feel the Yin Qi leaking now, it must be sealed."

"The globe can also seal ghosts?" Xiao Ma stared at the globe curiously.

"It has nothing to do with the sculpture. The sculpture is just a cover-up, so that people don't have the opportunity to touch the seal, so as to prevent the seal from being accidentally opened."

"Oh, what do we do now, remove the sculpture?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "The two of us can't figure it out, let's go out and call someone."

The two left the dormitory and walked towards Liu Ming's car. Since they walked past the rear of the car, the two people in the car didn't see them and were still chatting. The little horse pulled Ye Shaoyang's sleeve, pouted into the car, and lowered his voice: "Hey, did you see, I'm not wrong, am I?"

For the sake of ventilation, the front and rear rows of windows were opened. Ye Shaoyang looked through the window. Sure enough, Liu Ming was talking to Xie Yuqing sideways. His eyes flicked to her from time to time. Xie Yuqing didn't notice it yet. Baji smiled.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, stepped forward to open the car door, and sat in.

"You're back, how are you doing?" Liu Ming immediately turned around and asked.

"As I predicted, it can be done." Ye Shaoyang put his hands behind his head, leaned on the back of the chair, and posed in a very comfortable position, "Help me find two people, um, forget it, I don't want you to find people , get me two picks, a cutting machine for construction, a dozen masks, and then..." Ye Shaoyang calculated in his mind, "A glass mirror with eight sides and three meters by three meters."

After he finished speaking, not only Liu Ming, but everyone showed surprised expressions.

"What do you want these things for?"

"You will know when the time comes." Ye Shaoyang turned to Liu Ming, "When will it be done?"

Liu Ming thought for a while and said, "Give me an hour."

"Okay, another piece of tofu."

"Tofu?" Liu Ming was taken aback, "What kind of tofu?"

"It's the one you just ate." Ye Shaoyang smirked.

Liu Ming was stunned for a moment, then understood, blushed and coughed twice. Xie Yuqing is not an idiot either, she understands what she said, she looked down at her clothes, pulled them up, and gave Liu Ming a hard look.

(There is another update today, please collect it)——

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