Urban Witcher

Chapter 46 Don't dare to stop

Liu Ming made a phone call, ordered someone to do it, and then suggested that everyone go to his office and drink some tea. Everyone agreed, so Ye Shaoyang called Li Duo and asked him to rush over to help.

Liu Ming drove to the downstairs of the office, invited the three of them to go upstairs, went to his office, brewed a pot of golden chrysanthemum, and chatted while drinking tea. Liu Ming kept asking about Ye Shaoyang's details. Close your eyes and rest on the couch.

Later, there may be a big battle, and we must recharge our batteries.

Forty minutes later, the person in charge of the business called, claiming that the things he wanted had been bought, and asked where to send them.

Ye Shaoyang ordered them to be delivered directly to the downstairs of the No. 4 dormitory, and then a group of people rushed over, and the things were also delivered, loaded on a medium-sized truck.

Ye Shaoyang clicked, and there was no problem with the goods. At this time, Li Duo also arrived. Ye Shaoyang asked them to wait, and he entered the hall of the dormitory building again. Fold a silk square scarf diagonally, spread it on top, light two yellow candles on both sides, and arrange a simple altar.

Then I took out a picture scroll from the backpack, unfolded it, hung it behind the altar, put an incense burner in front of the picture, lit three bunches of heavenly wood Tibetan incense that can drive away ghosts, and lit four shark oil lamps at the four corners of the hall to use The ink fountain drew out the red thread and formed a big circle with the ever-bright lamp as the fulcrum. While pulling the thread, he read: "I have a room, half of which is rented to the King of the Wheel. Sometimes it emits a ray of light, and the demons in the world dare not block it."

The red line kept bouncing off the mirror. It took half an hour to set up this set, but it was essential, and then Ye Shaoyang asked the irrelevant people to leave, and asked Xiao Ma and Li Duo to help move things in. Seeing so many things arranged in the hall, Xiao Ma wondered: "Little Ye Zi, what are you doing in such a grand way?"

Ye Shaoyang explained: "After the sculpture is moved, if the seal is broken, the consequences will be very serious, so we must be prepared."

Xie Yuqing also came in, staring at the portrait hanging behind the altar, and asked, "Who is this, Master Zhang?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is Yu Qian."

"Yu Qian?" Xiao Ma had a good time, "The partner of Guo Di Gang, the one who talks about cross talk?"

Ye Shaoyang kicked over, "Yu Qian is an important minister of the Ming Dynasty and a national hero."

Xie Yuqing blinked, "Is he a Taoist priest?"

"No, Yu Qian was a generation of upright officials who died unexpectedly. The Conferred God Stage was conferred the title of 'Loyal Su Tianjun'. All ghosts and gods in the world respect him. His portrait has a certain effect of suppressing evil."

Xie Yuqing let out an "oh" as if she had realized something, and fell silent.

Eight glass mirrors, two by two, were placed in a square with the mirror facing inward, supported by brackets, and Ye Shaoyang pulled out the red thread with an ink fountain and wrapped it around.

"What is this for?" Xie Yuqing was curious about everything.

"In case ghosts break through the seal, the mirror surface can reflect Yin Qi, blocking them from escaping. The best is a bronze mirror, but I can't find so many at a time, and glass mirrors will also work."

The two wind picks were also moved into the lobby. Several people couldn't use them after tinkering for a long time. Finally, Xie Yuqing checked the operation method on the Internet with her mobile phone, and then Liu Ming called someone to send two bundles of wires to connect them from outside. , Li Duo and Xiao Ma operated it outside for a while. The pickaxe is not difficult to use, and it will be fine after a while. Ye Shaoyang then directed them to carry the pickaxe to the globe sculpture and let them use it. Pneumatic picks break the cement pouring that connects the sculpture to the ground.

"Be careful, it's almost enough, don't use too much force." Ye Shaoyang repeatedly asked.

The pickaxe was working, making a chug sound, the crushed cement ash flew up, and the whole hall was full of dust. Ye Shaoyang took out the mask and asked everyone to wear it. Only then did everyone know the purpose of the mask. They couldn't help admiring Ye Shaoyang's carefulness.

After crushing the large pieces of cement connecting the base of the sculpture to the ground, Ye Shaoyang connected the cutting machine and tried it out. This thing is easy to use and does not require much technical content, so he personally went into battle and completely cut some of the cement inside the base. Turn on, then shake the sculpture, and sure enough, it shakes.

Ye Shaoyang felt relieved, this sculpture was really moved later, only the outer layer was poured with a circle of cement, if it was built up, how could it be separated so easily.

Ye Shaoyang called everyone to come forward together, carefully moved the sculpture away, and looked at the original ground, but it was a one-meter-square red floor tile, which was in stark contrast to the gray porcelain floor next to it.

"Strange, why use such a floor alone?" Liu Ming asked suspiciously.

"You all go out first, seal the mirror for me, and don't come in for the time being." Ye Shaoyang ordered.

After everyone went out, he came to the floor alone, squatted down, and lifted it with his hands. As expected, the floor was movable.

What lies underneath will soon be revealed. Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, and forcefully lifted the floor——

A character "*" appeared under the light of an ever-burning candle. Ye Shaoyang looked carefully and found that the character "*" was made up of a glistening liquid, which was flowing slowly and reflected a little silver light under the candlelight. It looked very magic.

Ye Shaoyang closed his eyes and sensed it. There was no problem, so he dipped his hand in the liquid and lifted his finger to check, but nothing was stuck.

"So it's mercury." Ye Shaoyang said to himself.

The word "*" is obviously a seal. This is the Buddhist Seal of Vajra Subduing Demons. Ye Shaoyang has some understanding of Buddhist spells, and knows that casting this Seal of Vajra Subduing Demons requires a lot of mana. The old monk must be an eminent monk.

Among the mercury, dozens of pearls shining like stars attracted Ye Shaoyang's attention. When he looked down, he thought they were pearls at first, but each one was of different sizes, the big ones were like night pearls, and the small ones were colorful like rice grains. Thinking of the truth, relic, this must be a Buddha bone relic!

It seems that the rumors are true, there is indeed a monk who once sat down here and sealed the ghost nest with the relics transformed from his own body.

Ye Shaoyang had an idea. He heard that the relics would preserve the last remnants of a monk's life. Anyone with supernatural powers can use their thoughts to enter and read the memories of the predecessors. Why don't you try it yourself?

He sat down cross-legged before the seal, closed his eyes, and slowly opened the Tiantong Eye.

Everyone has the eyes of the sky, just like the acupuncture points on the human body. They are invisible to the naked eye and cannot be detected by scientific instruments, but they do exist. Those who practice Taoism reach the alchemist tablets, the eyes of the sky are first opened, and they become yin and yang eyes, which can see the truth of ghosts and ghosts. When they reach the real person tablets, they evolve into heavenly eyes and can see the essence of some illusory things. Ye Shaoyang is already a higher celestial master tablet. , Tiantongyan has some supernatural powers, but it takes a lot of energy to open it every time, so it can't be used frequently.

With a glance of Tiantong's eyes, there was a piece of black stagnant water. Countless black shadows struggled, heaved and roared angrily in the water, and kept flocking to an arch bridge in the middle of the pool. A tall Buddha statue stood on the arch bridge, like a mountain peak, the whole body Emits a golden light. Whenever a black shadow climbs to the feet of the Buddha statue, it will be swept away by the golden light, fall into the water, but immediately float up again, and then climb up, and the cycle is endless.

Ye Shaoyang knew that this was an illusion caused by the Buddha's light, representing the scene of countless evil spirits constantly attacking the seal. Suddenly, the Buddha opened his eyes, and two waterfalls of water flowed down from the corners of his eyes.


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