Urban Witcher

Chapter 47 Soldiers

Buddha cry! The Buddha has no seven emotions or six desires, and only cries for compassionate people. A Buddhist voice came from the mouth of the Buddha statue, both far and near, as if countless echoes resounded in Ye Shaoyang's ears:

"In the ghost building, there are infinite evil spirits, and it is difficult to save them. The old monk burned his body and turned it into relics, and supplemented it with the Vajra Demon Seal to suppress it. After seventy years, the Buddha seal will collapse, and all ghosts will come out. All living beings will be burned and can enter me. Those who miss the illusion must be masters, and they should fulfill the old monk's will and clear away the demons..."

The sound became smaller and smaller, and the picture in front of him became blurred. After a few seconds, Ye Shaoyang exited the illusion by himself.

Ye Shaoyang sighed, it turned out that the old monk's remnant thoughts before his death actually constructed such a strange illusion, when a mage entered, the remnant sound would be played automatically.

Ye Shaoyang carefully recalled the content of the residual sound, and there was a very crucial clue: the seal can only exist for seventy years, and when it expires, it will collapse, and a hundred ghosts will come out together, causing a catastrophe.

What did Ye Shaoyang vaguely think of? Could it be that one month from what Ali said is the date when the seal will collapse? Immediately felt more pressure. Taking a deep breath, he lay on his back on the ground with his five hearts turned to the sky, using the Taoist Qi refining method to run around the sky, recovering the exhausted energy.

"Little magic stick, how's it going?" Xie Yuqing tapped on the mirror outside.

Ye Shaoyang stood up and was about to go out when suddenly there was a sound like water splashing from behind him, and he hurriedly turned his head. A ghost with a short stature and wearing a Japanese military uniform squeezed out from a finger-thick crack in the * letter seal, like a ghost. Like a Latin magic lamp, the part where the body passes through the crack is very thin, and after coming out, it gradually stretches to the size of an ordinary human body.


Its appearance helped Ye Shaoyang confirm the rumors: Japanese soldiers really committed suicide here. After the Yin Nest was formed, they, as masters, must have absorbed more Yin Qi than foreign ghosts. Spirit level, with green light all over his body, this guy is short and fat, with puffed cheeks, like a toad, with a small mustache under his nose, he looks very funny, but he is holding a Japanese knife, vicious and greedy Looking at Ye Shaoyang.

Now that you're here, let's have a fight.

"Hey, I'm coming in." Before Xie Yuqing finished speaking, she broke in, followed by the pony. It was too late for Ye Shaoyang to stop him. Xie Yuqing and Xie Yuqing were just curious and wanted to come in to see what he was doing, but they thought they would see a ghost as soon as they entered, and they were stunned on the spot.

"The Japanese devils?" Xiao Ma screamed.

Ye Shaoyang drew out the mahogany sword, confronted the ghost, and ordered the two of them: "Pull out the incense sticks quickly, one south and one north, stand in the corner, no matter what happens, don't move!"

It was not the first time for the two of them to see a ghost, so they quickly came to their senses and hurriedly followed suit. They pulled out the candle from the altar, held it in front of them, and stood in the angle between two bronze mirrors, one south and one north.

There is seven-star grass powder in the candle, which can drive away ghosts. The candlelight is refracted by two bronze mirrors, forming a small-scale mana barrier, which just protects the two of them.

"Little Ye Zi, where did this devil get the Japanese sword?" Xiao Ma asked curiously while standing inside.

"Its life object. Japanese devils, of course the life object is the Toyo sword."

"No, Japanese devils, shouldn't they use crooked machine guns or something?"

"You should just get an atomic bomb." Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him, and he didn't have time to explain to him the principle of the formation of natal objects. It can only be a melee weapon, and the structure must be simple, otherwise it will be difficult to control, no matter how strong the cultivation is. .

After being sealed for nearly a hundred years, he finally saw the light of day again. The Japanese devil's first thought was to take revenge on the society and kill people indiscriminately. Ye Shaoyang cut it off.

"Little devil, come on, die, die!"

Ye Shaoyang has caught all kinds of ghosts before, and this is the first time he has encountered a Japanese ghost. He felt excited to fight against the Japanese and kill devils. He dipped his hand in cinnabar and wrote a heart-killing curse on the mahogany sword. stabbed in the past.

The mahogany sword is very short, only three inches long, and the Japanese sword is nearly one meter long, and it seems that they are not in the same level at all. However, when they collided together, the spell on the mahogany sword suddenly activated, shining golden light, piercing through the body of the Japanese ghost. There are countless holes.

The Japanese ghost lay on the ground and moaned, its body changed rapidly, its military uniform rotted into pieces, its skin began to fester, revealing a pile of white and red flesh, rotten and limp like mud, shaking like chaff.

Look carefully, where is the trembling, but countless worms crawling around in his body, not only maggots, but also many small black and white worms, rats, and gnats, crawling out of the rotten flesh one by one , squeezed in from another part.

The Japanese ghost raised its head and crawled towards Ye Shaoyang. As soon as it moved, the flesh from its whole body fell down, and two eyeballs also fell out. After all, there is a mouse.

"Wow..." Xie Yuqing had never seen such a disgusting scene before, she bent down and vomited.

"Damn it, this is disgusting!" Pony covered his mouth and yelled. Recently, he followed Ye Shaoyang and saw a lot of water corpses. They didn't look good. At least they had some foreshadowing. He didn't spit it out on the spot, but he still felt sour in his stomach. He took a deep breath and said, "Little Ye Zi, isn't this a ghost? Where did these bugs and centipedes come from?"

"This is its real body, what it looked like when it died." Ye Shaoyang frowned, feeling very uncomfortable in his stomach. "This is an illusion, don't take it seriously."

Pony snorted: "That's not right, let's put it this way, everyone will rot after death, why is it the only one... so disgusting!"

Ye Shaoyang stepped forward and pierced the Japanese ghost's left eye with a sword. The Japanese ghost trembled like an electric shock, and all the bugs in his body crawled out all at once, crawling around him densely. The scene can no longer be described as disgusting. This time Even the pony couldn't stand it anymore, bent over and vomited. "Nima..."

Fortunately, the disgusting scene didn't last long. The Japanese ghost, together with the reptiles on its body, was killed by the mahogany sword, and quickly melted into a pool of black water, from which countless spirits flew out.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, and answered Xiao Ma's words before: "Didn't you understand, the ghost's real body is what it looks like when it's dead, not after it rotted, this ghost just rotted and was bitten to death by these reptiles. of."

"It's rotting all over, being bitten to death by insects..." Xiao Ma murmured and repeated, "This is unscientific."

"Because of a special reason, the physical body is dead, but the spiritual intelligence is immortal. It will not die until the body is highly decomposed and the internal organs are eaten by insects." Ye Shaoyang pondered, "It must have been manipulated by a cadaver or a wizard before it was alive. It’s all a matter of the past that caused this fate, so there’s no need to delve into it.”

Xiao Ma thought of that kind of scene: people are still alive, watching their bodies rotten and being crawled in and out by bugs, but they can't do anything... shuddered all over, and murmured: "It's terrible, this is probably the most horrible thing in the world. A cruel way to die."

Ye Shaoyang smiled, "You haven't seen too many."

Xiao Ma wanted to say something, but suddenly his pupils shrank, and he looked behind Ye Shaoyang and said, "Little Ye Zi, hurry up, another ghost has come out!"

(The book will be charged in the future. Members only pay 8 cents for reading a chapter, but the accumulation of small amounts is the ration of Qingzi for a month. I hope you can read it together and slay demons with Ye Shaoyang to prove the way! I am in front Wait for you!)--

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