Urban Witcher

Chapter 641: Seven Constellation Formation

When the flashlight moved to that direction, it was a wooden door. Ye Shaoyang winked at Xie Yuqing and said, "Be careful!"

Walking slowly to the door, I stretched out my hand and pushed it, and the door was locked.

"This kind of door can be opened with one kick," Xie Yuqing said.

"It's easy to kick open the door lock. There are probably zombies inside. If the white gun chases after it, it will be more troublesome to attack back and forth."

"Bai ***, aren't you in the room?" Xie Yuqing was stunned for a moment, wondering.

"This door is locked. Zombies can't pass through walls, and they can't open the door. It's naturally outside." Ye Shaoyang hesitated. Since he heard the sound behind the door, he couldn't help but go in and investigate, but he also had to prevent white *Ambush from behind, after thinking about it, I still set up an formation.

First, I took out the Y-yang disk, measured it nearby, and found that my position was exactly the position of the white tiger on the entire first floor, so I took out seven incense candles from my backpack, lit them, and surrounded the wooden door according to different Position down.

Xie Yuqing watched from the side, and asked casually, "Is this the Big Dipper?"

"No, it's called White Tiger Qisu." Ye Shaoyang took out the ink fountain and wrapped it lightly around the seven red candles. The red threads stretched straight, but none of them fell down due to the force from all directions. "White Tiger Qisu, they are Kui Mulang, Lou Jingou, Pleiades Jay... Pleiades Jay is the Pleiades Star Lord in Journey to the West, the one who helped the Great Sage deal with the centipede..."

After the formation was set up, Ye Shaoyang stood up and saw Xie Yuqing loading the pistol. "Hitting zombies with a pistol is not a good choice in this kind of place."

"This is not a real gun. It is a cinnabar gun given by Leng Yu. I recently asked Lao Guo for a lot of bullets. I thought I might use it today, so I brought it here." Xie Yuqing looked up at him and said, "Speaking of this, I haven't asked you yet. I heard that when you were hunting ghosts in your hometown, sister Leng Yu also went. Why didn't you bring her back and get together with us?"

"She has something to do, so she's leaving." Ye Shaoyang said in one sentence.

"Oh, you can ask her to help you again this time."

Ye Shaoyang smiled at her and said, "You really want her to come?"

Xie Yuqing was startled, and snorted, "Fake, you are satisfied, open the door."

With the protection of the white tiger and seven constellations, Ye Shaoyang had no more fear, and kicked towards the wooden door in front of him. After the door opened, a choking smell of formalin came to his face. Xie Yuqing immediately took a flashlight to take a picture——

Behind the door is a seemingly empty room, with a platform made of cement in the middle, and a few iron canopy beds on the side of the cement platform.

"This is an autopsy table, and we also have one in the police station," Xie Yuqing said nervously. She shone the flashlight one by one, and suddenly her whole body tensed up, and she said tremblingly, "What is that!"

Ye Shaoyang looked intently, and saw that it was a person lying on his back on the dissecting bed, his whole body was black, and he had shrunk into a pair of skinny bones.

"It's probably the corpse that was used for autopsy before, and it hasn't been put away." Ye Shaoyang said, "I'm aware of the corpse's aura, you can record it now, be careful."

Xie Yuqing stuffed the cinnabar gun into her pocket, held the flashlight in one hand, took out the phone in the other, turned on the video recording function, followed Ye Shaoyang to the cement platform, looked inside, and took a deep breath:

In the middle of the cement platform was a pool, in which there were nearly ten corpses floating, some naked, some wearing ragged clothes whose color could hardly be seen, lying upright on the water.

It really is a morgue!

Judging from the color of these corpses, they have been soaked in formalin for a long time.

Ye Shaoyang looked over each one with a solemn expression, at this moment, there was a "click" sound of bones bending not far away, and suddenly turned around, it was the skinny corpse sitting up from the dissecting table, slowly Tun Tun climbed down, and walked over stiffly.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a mummy." Ye Shaoyang cursed, told Xie Yuqing not to move, and rushed over, the mummy immediately clasped all ten fingers together and pressed down hard.

Ye Shaoyang dodged it, came behind it, raised one foot, and kicked the knee joints of his two legs one after another.

For elementary mummies, the legs cannot be bent or squatted down, so the walking posture is so stiff, but the joints are the softest part of the whole body, and they are also the weak point.

With a kick from Ye Shaoyang, there was a "click", the leg bones of the mummy were bent, and he knelt on the ground. Ye Shaoyang took advantage of the situation and stepped forward, forcefully pulled the head of the mummy back, pulled out the spirit-killing nail, and stabbed the mummy's throat forcefully.

A black corpse gas emerged from the wound, without blood.

"Borrowing the law!" Ye Shaoyang recited the mantra once, and the spirit-killing nail in his hand glowed with an aura of light. He pushed it down hard, cut half of the mummy's head, kicked it into the pool, and kicked it into the pool. Without going back, she walked to Xie Yuqing's side.

Behind him, the mummy still maintained a stiff kneeling posture, and then slowly fell to the ground, the body fell to pieces.

Ye Shaoyang clapped his hands, not knowing how cool his current appearance was in Xie Yuqing's eyes.

"There are no zombies in this pool." Xie Yuqing turned the flashlight to the side of the pool and photographed the corpses one by one.

"These are all zombies." Ye Shaoyang's words made her stunned, "Because this place has been closed for a long time, and there are medicines to isolate them, they are in a dormant state. After we come in, we will bring in Yang Qi, and they will wake up soon. "

Xie Yuqing panicked when she heard that, "Then quickly find a way to stop it."

"Stop what it is doing, just kill it after waking up." Ye Shaoyang lit four candles and placed them at the four corners of the pool to illuminate them, then took the flashlight from Xie Yuqing, focused the light source, and pointed at The corpses were photographed one by one, and these zombies all had gray fluff on their bodies.

"There are no red flags..." Ye Shaoyang murmured.

Xie Yuqing said: "Then it said red zombies, but didn't say it was a red gun, maybe it was red clothes, red hair or something like that?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, and when he looked down, he really found a corpse, with a dark purple dress hanging on his body, which had been soaked black by the medicine, but it was the closest to red among all the corpses, so he hung down the seductive rope Go, use the hook at the front to accurately hook the corpse, pull it over with force, and place it on the concrete platform.

The body was swollen and swollen, and the skin in many places was turned over, especially on one face, the nose was sunken, and the skin was separated from the R, hanging on the side. Looking at it from such a close distance, it was not scary, but disgusting. Xie Yuqing, who dealt with the corpse, couldn't stand it any longer, stepped back, covered her mouth and said, "Where is the notebook?"


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