Urban Witcher

Chapter 642 Accidental Distress

"How do I know." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head, the corpse is so big, where can the notebook be hidden? Anyway, let's untie the clothes first.

Picking up the clothes with a nail, the two of them frowned on the spot, feeling disgusted: there were at least a dozen seams on the belly of the corpse, like centipedes, criss-crossing, looking very disgusting .

"This corpse should have been used many times in the anatomy class before." Xie Yuqing said, "Because the specimens are limited, every time it is dissected and then stitched up, the next time the stitches are removed, but if the stitches are removed many times in one place, it will rot. It couldn’t be sutured, so it had to be operated on in a different place, and there were more than a dozen suture marks, indicating that it had been dissected at least a hundred times.”

Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly, and said: "Tell me about these people, let's dissect them. You have to use black lines. This white skin with black lines is too ugly."

"Anyway, it's a dead person, who cares if it's ugly or beautiful." Xie Yuqing pushed him, "Before these zombies wake up, hurry up and find out where the notebook is."

Ye Shaoyang turned on the flashlight, and from the corpse's belly, he had a guess: Li Xiaoqiang's last words did not necessarily mean that the entity of the notebook was on the zombie, but it might also be some kind of clue. In the end, I checked the front of the corpse, but found nothing. I was about to turn it over to look at the back, when I heard Xie Yuqing yelling: "Be careful!"

Just as Ye Shaoyang raised his head, the zombie's hands stretched out and grabbed his neck.

Ye Shaoyang's heart suddenly tightened.

Like this kind of rudimentary greyhound, the only attack methods are biting and arresting people, but there is a saying in the Taoist classics about dealing with zombies: There are no taboos, only close proximity.

It means that you can deal with zombies in any way, but you can't be caught by them, because even the most basic zombies are extremely powerful. There is no pressure to tear devils with your hands, and it is not human beings at all. , Ye Shaoyang was also quite frightened. In desperation, he hung the seductive rope in his hand on the zombie's arms, wrapped it twice, and pulled it tight.

The zombie grabbed Ye Shaoyang's neck, pulled it to both sides, and tightened the soul hook. This soul hook is made of black iron that has been tempered in the flames of hell.

"Why, can't you use your strength?" Ye Shaoyang smiled, squeezed his right hand into a phoenix eye, and hit it hard on the elbow joints of both hands.

With two sounds of "click, click", the zombie's hands loosened weakly. Ye Shaoyang untied the hook and breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to draw a talisman to fix the zombie, he slowly checked its body when he suddenly heard a splash coming from the pool. There was a whistling sound, looking down, the originally calm water surface suddenly became surging.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly used a talisman to seal the zombie in front of him, then stood on the concrete platform, leaned over to look into the pool water, a vortex appeared in the middle of the pool water, which attracted Ye Shaoyang's attention, and when he looked closely, there was faintly floating in the middle of the vortex With a tuft of hair, Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes wide and wanted to take a closer look, but suddenly there was a splash, and two hands suddenly emerged from the water under his feet, grabbed his feet, and pulled them down forcefully.

Got it!

Ye Shaoyang fell down on the concrete platform, and in desperation, he grabbed the edge of the concrete platform with both hands, but his hands were so strong that he only lasted for a few seconds, then his hands were weakly released, and his legs were pulled into the pool.

As soon as the skin came into contact with the formalin potion, it would cause burning pain immediately. Ye Shaoyang didn't care about this, and swung the ecstasy rope in his hand towards the top of the pool. He wanted to hang it on the dissecting table opposite, but it hit the ground. Nothing was caught, and the whole person continued to slide into the pool.

To make matters worse, the zombies floating in the water around him came alive one by one and swam towards him. And because his legs were caught, Ye Shaoyang couldn't get a foothold, he couldn't catch his breath, and he couldn't organize a counterattack at all. If he went on like this, he would either be poisoned and drowned by that guy at the bottom of the water, or he would be torn apart by these zombies.

Just at this critical moment, the seductive rope in his hand suddenly tightened. Looking up, it was Xie Yuqing who grabbed the end of the seductive rope, and then quickly tied it to the dissecting table beside it. The four legs of the dissecting table were The ones welded to the ground were extremely strong. After fastening the soul hook, Xie Yuqing jumped onto the concrete platform and struck two decisive S blows at the hands behind Ye Shaoyang, but because of nervousness, only one hand was hit. Immediately let go of Ye Shaoyang's leg with one hand, and retracted it.

The other hand continued to grab Ye Shaoyang's foot and pulled it towards the water. Ye Shaoyang landed on the ground with one foot and finally regained his strength. Longquan sword, a sword cut to the hand holding his right foot.

"Longquan kills the enemy!"

The sword fell and easily severed the hand from the wrist. At this moment, two zombies swam up to Ye Shaoyang and grabbed his head.

"Bang bang!" Xie Yuqing tapped two S, knocked the two zombies into the water, and shouted at Ye Shaoyang, "Come up!"

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly jumped up. At this moment, he felt a powerful force coming from behind him. Needless to say, it must be the guy whose hand he had just cut off. Ye Shaoyang was shocked. He didn't expect this The guy counterattacked immediately after being injured, his cultivation base is really not low.

If he was on flat ground, he would turn around and fight back without hesitation, but the reality is... half of his body was in the water, his center of gravity was unstable due to the whirlpool, and he couldn't use his full strength at all, but there were zombies around him, especially on the opposite side. One of them, just blocking the way, rushed forward with open arms.

In desperation, Ye Shaoyang dodged the attack, squeezed a corpse-holding tactic, hit the face of the gray woman opposite him, sucked it firmly with magic power, and then pulled it along the way, borrowing the reaction force, his body slammed towards him He jumped forward, then let go of his palm, and threw the zombie in his hand behind him.

That force immediately hit the zombie, exploded, and directly shattered it into a pile of blood. The huge impact rushed Ye Shaoyang onto the concrete platform, and he lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

He hurriedly staggered up, looked back, and saw a layer of corpse blood and broken meat on the concrete platform, while the guy chasing him fell into the water with a plop.

Ye Shaoyang only saw a piece of red, which disappeared immediately, and couldn't help cursing: "What the hell, what is so powerful, it scared Dad to death."

"Are you okay?" Xie Yuqing rushed to him and asked with concern.

"My body hurts a little from the potion, it shouldn't be a big deal."

Xie Yuqing was relieved when she heard that, and said, "I saw that thing just now. It was all red and it was in the shape of a person. What is that?"


Recently, there are a lot of rewards, and there are too many people who need to thank, so I won’t nominate them one by one, let’s thank them collectively. In the past few days, it will be less and more, and celebrate the new year with you.

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