Urban Witcher

Chapter 705 I Have a Spirit Bead 1

There is no sleep here, Ye Shaoyang lies on the mattress, closes his eyes and rests his mind, recovering his energy.


After a long time, Wang Ping's voice sounded quietly, "I'm not the kind of person you think, maybe it's because there are only two of us in this world, besides, what you did today touched me, and I'm so excited It's such a lonely environment, I can't restrain myself for a while, please don't worry about it."

Ye Shaoyang didn't speak, and lay quietly. He was very angry at first, but after thinking about it from the beginning, he immediately felt something was wrong:

Wang Ping is not this kind of person!

Although he didn't have deep contact with him, Wang Ping's impression of him was not bad. He was very intellectual, decent in handling things, and cultivated like a lady.

Although she doesn't think highly of herself, she has bickered with herself because of the pony, which just reflects that the relationship between the two is very good.

The most important thing is, even if it was true as she said, she was the one who touched her, with a pony in the middle, she shouldn't show it so nakedly! This is completely unreasonable.

Through this analysis, Ye Shaoyang thought about the matter, his whole body trembled like an electric shock, he sat up slowly, and said in a casual tone: "Wang Ping, how did you enter this world?"

Wang Ping was feeling ashamed, when he suddenly heard him ask this question, he sat up, turned his head, looked at him blankly, and said, "Why do you ask this?"

"No, I just want to know about Ziyue's methods and analyze her strength." Ye Shaoyang lied casually.

Wang Ping didn't doubt that there was him, but when Ye Shaoyang brought up another topic, he felt that chatting could ease the awkward atmosphere, so he told the story of wandering in the mountains with the pony, getting lost, and finally being possessed by evil spirits.

After Ye Shaoyang finished listening, he said: "It means that you were lost at that time, and somehow you came to the vicinity of the ghost road, and then you were bewitched, and you don't know anything... Did you walk on the ghost road at that time?"

Wang Ping shook his head, "Of course not. After we saw the Ghost Road, we didn't dare to go in. We wanted to take a detour to leave, but I suddenly felt dizzy and couldn't remember what happened afterwards."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her, shook his head slowly, and said: "You are lying, Ghost Road is a very powerful formation, Ziyue's sphere of influence is that road, even if you stand outside the formation, Ziyue will treat you even if you are one step away from the formation." There is no way... let alone a way to make you get lost, or even touch your body outside the scope of the ghost road, this is absolutely impossible."

Wang Ping was stunned on the spot, and murmured, "What do you mean by that?"

"It means that you lied, it was you... who walked on the ghost road!"

Wang Ping reacted even more violently, jumped off the bed, and shouted excitedly: "Why would I do this!"

"Yeah, I'm also very curious, why did you do this, purposely lure me to save you, so that I will be locked here forever, my body is rotten, even if I go back, I can only be a ghost?"

"You wronged me!" Wang Ping pursed his lips, and two lines of tears ran down his cheeks, "If you hate me because of what happened before, you can just leave me and go out by yourself. There is no need to buckle me so big Hats off!

I'm Xiaoma's girlfriend, I'm just an ordinary person, Ye Shaoyang, why should I harm you, and when I first came in, I was almost killed by a zombie, it was Si Ling who saved me at the last moment, you can Go ask her!

And the most important thing, even if I want to harm you and keep you here forever, why do I have to take care of myself? What's the point of setting this trap if it's because you have a way of getting me out? "

Ye Shaoyang was completely stunned. What she said...especially the last paragraph, was absolutely correct. I only thought of doubts before, but completely ignored an important issue: motive!

She really doesn't need to harm herself. If she is threatened by others... she can solve it by herself, and it is even more impossible to lure her. According to Xiao Ma, her family background is very good, and her uncle is the general manager of a branch of Zhou Jingru's family. Although she is not very rich, But it is also unlikely to be bought by money...

And the sincerity she expressed when she spoke didn't seem like a faux pas.

So, maybe I really thought wrong, Ye Shaoyang thought, there must be other reasons why she was bewitched in a place other than Ghost Road.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you." Ye Shaoyang apologized on the spot, "Rest well, don't think about it, I will take you back tomorrow."

Wang Ping sat on the bed and cried for a while, but seeing that Ye Shaoyang didn't go to comfort her, he had to lie down again.

At dawn, Ye Shaoyang immediately went to Yang Siling, called everyone, and divided them into two teams: several women went to catch bats in the woods, and the men went to bury jujube with him.

Although these old men looked sallow and emaciated and looked malnourished, they had good physical strength due to fighting zombies for a long time, and in order to leave here, they were full of energy and worked very vigorously.

In less than an hour, twenty-eight jujube swords were firmly driven into the ground, and then Ye Shaoyang took everyone to scrape the lime wall, soaked in water, and spread them in the middle of the formation...

Outside, the real world, is still in darkness.

The battle continues.

Sibao had already vomited three mouthfuls of blood, and used his own blood to stimulate the spiritual power of the golden bowl, continuously absorbing Ziyue's outburst of resentment, but it had already reached the end of its strength.

The alms bowl shook slightly, crumbling.

The Four Treasures were wearing cassocks and were still struggling. The whole body was covered by the golden light from the golden bowl. It looked like a Buddha statue, flowing through the pillars.

Xie Yuqing and others watched this scene outside, unable to speak out nervously.

Zhou Jingru shouted at him: "Sibao, if you can't hold on, come out first, don't hold on, rest for a while before going in!"

Sibao smiled wryly, and took a break... I thought about it, but Ziyue would not do it, and with my current situation, once I was discouraged, I would at least be seriously injured, and I would not be able to recover for a while, so I could only rely on Hold on with one breath...

"Dawei Tianlong, Babu Ganguang!"

Four Treasures breathed on the golden bowl again, and the originally dim golden light in the bowl immediately became brighter again.

Si Bao's body swayed slightly, he gritted his teeth and stood still, without turning his head, he said, "Are you fucking alright?"

"Okay, okay, okay. One minute." Lao Guo was sweating profusely, and his energy was exhausted, and his whole body was about to collapse. He still kept swinging his sword and chopping on the roots of Jinsixiangmu. A huge gap was cut out, and it was about to break.

Suddenly, the voice of the Four Treasures, like a gossamer, came from my ear: "Old Guo, he is the one, I can't hold it anymore..."


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