Urban Witcher

Chapter 706 I Have a Spirit Orb 2

Lao Guo froze, and just about to turn around, Sibao continued: "Don't stop, I can only continue to block for a while now by learning the quiet wind and burning mana... Lao Guo, take care."

"What nonsense are you talking about! Shaoyang's life or death is still uncertain, so what's the matter if you die first!" Lao Guo's eyes became moist, and he continued to slash the golden silk incense tree fiercely. about to break.

Sibao coughed, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said weakly: "Old Guo, I'm saying goodbye to you now. When Shaoyang comes out, don't tell him the truth. If you take care of Ziyue, it's a crime." I have revenge! Let's go."

After thinking about it, he was a little unwilling, and told Lao Guo: "Remember to secretly offer me some pig's head R!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his head to look at Ziyue, his lips twitched, and he blew a kiss to her, his arms suddenly raised, the Buddhist beads in his hands bounced into the air, a burst of spiritual light burst out, his arms circled around his heart, and he chanted aloud Buddha's voice, read aloud:

"I have a spirit bead, which has been locked in a dust prison for a long time, buried in a secret room for many years, and sits quietly thinking about my own past. Once under the plane tree, the fallen leaves fly by, and my heart is full of spiritual light, illuminating thousands of mountains and rivers!"

A layer of golden light slowly lit up on his body, as if it was about to melt.

"Four Treasures!" Xiao Ma and the others desperately wanted to come forward to rescue them, but they couldn't break through the seal of Ghost Road, so they shouted outside.

The magic power in Sibao's body turned into wisps of breath, and the smoke drifted towards the golden bowl.

Suddenly, only a blunt sound was heard, a figure tore open the barrier with bare hands, flew from the side of the ghost road, grabbed the golden bowl and Buddha in the air with one hand, grabbed the collar of the Four Treasures with the other hand, and carried him In one breath, he rushed out of the range of Ghost Road.

At this time, Lao Guo finally cut off the root of the golden fragrant wood. The golden fragrant wood is not tall, and the wood is cotton, which is very light.

Seeing Sibao being rescued, Lao Guo didn't delay for a moment, grabbed a branch with both hands, turned around and left.

Ziyue didn't catch up, but stared at the figure who was running out with the Four Treasures, and said coldly: "You broke the contract!"

"There's no need to kill rashly." The man said without turning his head.

"All mages in the world can be killed!"

The man ignored him, ran out of the ghost road in the blink of an eye, threw the Four Treasures to the ground, threw the golden bowl and Buddhist beads on him, looked at him with a complicated expression, turned and left, and disappeared into a bush.

"Thai wizard..." Gang Xie Yuqing looked at the direction where the man disappeared, and muttered to himself in surprise.

Not only her, but everyone present was shocked. It was the Thai wizard who was the enemy and tried to stop them before. Why did he rescue Sibao?

Before he had time to think about it, Lao Guo pinched Sibao's veins and checked it. Only then did he let go of a stone in his heart. He quickly opened his backpack, took out a piece of yellow mounting paper, pasted it on Sibao's forehead, and murmured while melting the talisman water. He murmured, "It's okay, it's okay, my heart is intact..."

Everyone was busy checking Sibao's injuries, but no one noticed that the golden silk incense tree that was dragged out by Lao Guo had been decaying since leaving the ghost road: the branches and leaves withered little by little, and the bark melted away little by little. ...

After feeding Sibao to drink the Dharma water, Lao Guo stuffed a large cast-mother coin under the base of his tongue to help him gather Qi.

Seeing his face turn rosy, old Guo Chang let out a long breath, and then he felt exhausted, sat down on the ground, and said: "His qi has collapsed, but his heart veins are not damaged, and now he can recover as long as he slowly gathers qi." .”

After hearing this, everyone was relieved.

"Old Guo, quickly release Lin You's soul!" Xie Yuqing said hastily, remembering this important matter.

Everyone turned their eyes to the golden fragrant wood, and were stunned by the scene in front of them: the golden fragrant wood was almost gone, leaving only a trunk, which was still melting, and a human figure gradually emerged.

Old Guo Qiang cheered up and climbed up to the tree trunk to look. The figure was dry and thin, but it looked vaguely like a woman.

This is Lin You's corpse, which hasn't melted in thirty years?

The tree finally dried up, and the corpse was completely exposed. Except for Zhou Jingru who stayed beside Ye Shaoyang, everyone gathered around to examine the corpse curiously. They were surprised to find that a faint light gradually lit up between her eyebrows, and her dry, wrinkled skin Stretch out a little bit.

A few seconds later, the faint light penetrated the skin and flew towards the direction of the Sanitary College at the foot of the mountain.

"Her wisp of primordial spirit flew away and merged with the three souls and seven souls." Old Guo murmured, an ominous feeling rose in his heart for no reason, as if he had done something stupid.

A gust of Y wind, which was so cold to the marrow, came up from the bottom of the mountain against the direction and blew up, rustling countless plants and trees.

"She came out." On a high ground behind the bushes, Wu Xujun stood against the wind, very emotional, "Master, I think you are wrong."

"The debt must be repaid," the Thai wizard said indifferently. "Thirty years have passed, and some things should be settled."

"Master, I don't think it's right for you to repeat like this." Wu Xujun turned to look at the Thai wizard, his expression was full of sincerity without a trace of blame.

"I'm old, and old people are always indecisive and repetitive."

The Thai wizard smiled sadly, "But people are old and spirited, and old people are not easy to deal with."

Stretching out his right hand backwards, the Nine-Yi Man immediately walked up with a twisting body, his huge body stood upright, opened his mouth wide, and spit out a long strip, surrounded by a group of yellow filaments. Like a huge cocoon.

The Thai wizard glanced back at Nine Yi Man, and said, "It's hard for you."

The Nine-Year Man seemed to be able to understand human speech, and there was a soft light in his ugly and ferocious eyes.

Wu Xujun immediately leaned over, stared at the huge "silkworm cocoon" on the ground, and said, "Master is going to kill today?"

The Thai mage also showed hesitation in his eyes, "This evil weapon has to be seen once, I'm thinking about who to use it against, you can keep it for me first."

After speaking, he walked towards where Lao Guo and the others were.

The Y wind gradually subsided, Lao Guo and the others looked around, but nothing happened, they couldn't help wondering.

"Look!" Xie Yuqing pointed at Lin You's body on the ground and shouted.

Everyone leaned over and looked, above the mummy, strands of black aura were forming, penetrating through the skin of the whole body in the shape of a vortex, the originally shriveled and emaciated corpse swelled up little by little, as if blood was formed under the skin, wrinkled The skin that was stuck together also gradually regained its luster.

"What, what's going on here?" The anti-physiological scene in front of them stunned everyone, Xie Yuqing grabbed Lao Guo and asked.


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