Urban Witcher

Chapter 707: Double Pupils

"The mummy is revived, the blood is reborn... This is some kind of sorcery. Her skin must have been coated with some magic medicine to preserve essence. Once the ghost returns to its place, the body will also recover..." Lao Guo looked at the mummy's body He murmured, "Although this kind of situation has been mentioned in the book, it still rarely happens in reality.

Lao Guo was struggling with a question: Thirty years have passed, what kind of magic has been cast on this mummy to keep its essence intact?

If it was because it was wrapped in golden silk incense wood, why were the other corpses weathered?

"If she continues like this... will she be resurrected?" Xie Yuqing asked tremblingly.

"How can a dead person be resurrected? She wants to absorb the soul and become a ghost corpse."

Not long after, the mummy has completely "recovered", except that the skin is paler than ordinary people, there is no difference in other places, and it looks like a sleeping person.

"Lin You, she is really Lin You!" Xie Yuqing said excitedly after seeing her appearance.

Not long after this sentence was finished, Lin You slowly opened his eyes, and there were actually two pupils in each eye!

Lao Guo secretly inhaled, the twin-eyed ghost corpse, full of resentment!

The ghost corpse Lin You sat up slowly, opened his mouth, took a deep breath, inhaled all the black air lingering around him, his body gradually emitted a dark luster, stood up, opened his arms, and looked up to the sky laugh.

This smile released all the grievances and depression of the past 30 years and the suffering that he had suffered in the past. It looked crazy, and the laughter was like a ghost crying from hell, which was unbearable.

Xie Yuqing and the others covered their ears in pain, but the laughter still went straight into their heads and couldn't go away.

"Stop laughing!" Xie Yuqing yelled helplessly.

Lin You laughed suddenly, turned to look at Xie Yuqing viciously, and then seemed to recognize her.

"It's you! You guys let me out?" The voice was extremely cold.

Xie Yuqing nodded hastily, pointed at Ye Shaoyang's body on the ground and said: "I don't have time to tell you more, you promised us to deal with Ziyue together, Shaoyang's soul was taken by Ziyue in order to save you... Anyway, it is That space, you hurry to save him!"

Lin You was taken aback for a moment, and floated to Ye Shaoyang, leaned over to take a look, said nothing, turned and floated towards Ghost Road.

"Thirty years, Ziyue, you have imprisoned me for thirty years!!"

The resentment in Lin You's body soared, forming a cloud-like place, crashing towards the seal of Ghost Road.

At this moment, a clear light flew over and landed in front of her. Lin You paused and turned to look.

The Thai wizard pushed through the bushes and walked slowly, followed by Wu Xujun and the Nine-Yed Snake. In Wu Xujun's hand, holding the long thing in the shape of a silkworm cocoon, he slowly moved behind Lin You, forming an encirclement.

"It's you!" When Lin You saw the Thai wizard, his eyes were wide open, and the resentment in his body seemed to be uncontrollable.

The Thai wizard walked to the side of the road, stopped, and looked at Lin You with deep guilt.

"I haven't seen you for thirty years..." the Thai wizard looked at her and muttered to himself.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you in thirty years, hehe..." Facing his greatest enemy, Lin You restrained his anger instead, and said coldly, "In the past thirty years, there hasn't been a day when I haven't thought of you, Everything you did to me back then, I swear to pay back a hundred times!"

The Thai wizard said: "Thirty years ago I forced you to commit suicide for the sake of the overall situation. I also left you a ray of soul, imprisoned in the ghost road. After all, I couldn't bear it. Now that I think about it, I was wrong."

Lin You's long hair flew up, growing continuously, covering his whole body, leaning forward miraculously, making an attacking gesture.

The Thai wizard turned a blind eye and continued: "I am ashamed of you. This cannot be changed or made up for, but I should have thought at that time that no matter how innocent you are, you will become a ghost after all. Thirty years of hatred The flames of fire have made it impossible for you to be saved, and your stay in the world is just a disaster."

"I'll kill you first, and then I'll settle the score with Ziyue!" Lin You roared, with a ghostly aura all over his body, and rushed towards the Thai wizard very quickly.

The Thai wizard didn't move, but the Nine Ghosts behind him moved. He opened his mouth and spewed a mouthful of miasma, dispelling the first wave of resentment.

The green miasma spreading from the Nine Yi people's body intertwined with the black resentment on Lin You, twisting into a thick black and green fog. Outsiders could only hear a scream and a strange roar, but could not see it at all. what's going on inside.

Xie Yuqing gradually came to her senses, thinking that she rescued Lin You to deal with Ziyue, but was kicked by the Thai wizard, resulting in the current situation, so angrily, she raised her pistol at the Thai wizard, wanting to attack the Thai wizard again. *Forcing him to withdraw.

Lao Guo stretched out his hand to press down her arm, shook his head and said: "You can't kill him, even if you kill him, it will stimulate the blood of Nine Yi people, and it will be even more difficult to deal with when they become mad."

Xie Yuqing looked at the "dense fog" in a daze, and said, "Then what should we do now?"

"The only way is to let them fight, I hope Lin You can win."

Hearing their conversation, Xiao Ma couldn't help but ask, "What is the origin of this Nine Yard man? Is he powerful?"

Lao Guo sighed, with a disgusted expression on his face, and explained: "There are three major witchcrafts in southern Xinjiang, Gu Poison, Head Lowering, and Shrouding, among which Shushu is the most mysterious and treacherous. Among them, the nine best things in the world are first refined into pills...

Nine Ys are divided into three beasts, three evils and three filths. The three beasts are the things on the body of three Y beasts: cockroach wings, bat blood, mouse eyes... Because these three animals are nocturnal and cannot see the light, they are called Y. beast;

The three evils are ghost hair, zombie oil, and earth dragon slough. The earth dragon slough is the skin shed by snake spirits, and they occupy ghosts, corpses, and demons respectively;

The three filths are the three kinds of filth on the human body, which are women's menstrual blood, purple river car and cerumen..."

Xiao Ma heard this and said: "I know the Zihe car, it's the placenta, Ding... what, what is it?"

Lao Guo glanced at him, and said with difficulty: "Cerumum, that is, earwax... The process of refining the Nine Y's belongs to the secret of Xingshu. I don't know, and the more terrifying thing is yet to come.

After using these nine Y things to refine them into pills, find a pregnant woman and swallow a pill each in February, April, and July of pregnancy. Under the action of the pills, the child will be born with a body of Tian Y. A 'wheel' without hands and feet, but it can no longer be called a human being. It is a human body, demon blood, ghost spirit, zombie skin, a complete monster. It has grown for nine years in a place like an ancient tomb. It becomes what we see..."


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