Urban Witcher

Chapter 718 Lin You's real body 1

Ye Shaoyang shook his heart and pushed the coffin away. A corpse suddenly appeared in the coffin. Surprisingly, the whole body of the corpse was surrounded by golden scales, not an inch of skin was exposed from the beginning to the end.

Xie Yuqing wanted to ask, but seeing Ye Shaoyang's solemn expression in a blink of an eye, knowing that he was thinking about something special, she didn't dare to speak.

"Gold-thread shroud, this is the golden-thread shroud!" Ye Shaoyang inhaled slowly, "Wrap the corpse in the golden-thread shroud, the soul will never die, and the body will not rot... But these are usually placed on Fengshui treasures in ancient times. In X, the guy who strives to cultivate immortality is similar to the mummy in the West.

Although it's all nonsense, but these are all ancient things, and this gold-thread shroud is seriously rusted, it is definitely not a modern thing, why is it placed here, this is not Feng Shui Treasure X..."

While Ye Shaoyang was talking, he wanted to reach out his hand to touch the golden thread shroud, but the corpse suddenly writhed and made a terrifying sound, like the cry of a ghost, or the roar of a wild beast.

This weird and sudden scene made Xie Yuqing, who was completely unprepared, scream on the spot and shrank behind Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang himself was startled, took two steps back, cursed in his mouth, waited for a while, saw that the strange corpse had no further action, then slowly moved up, looked at the strange corpse, and suddenly felt cautious in his heart. Panic:

The twisting trajectory of this strange corpse is different from that of the human body: No matter how soft a person's body is, even a beautiful woman who has practiced horse riding since she was a child and plans to go to an art school to become a famous godfather and marry a wealthy family, after all, still has bones, but in front of her eyes This strange corpse gives the feeling that it has no bones at all, twisting like a snake, it is really soft and boneless!

A person can twist to this point, and it is a corpse wrapped in armor, which makes people feel not only terrifying, but also a little weirdly disgusting.

What the hell is this? Never seen it before.

Even the well-informed Ye Shaoyang was a little at a loss for a while.

The writhing of the strange corpse slowly stopped, and it became motionless again.

"What, what should I do?" Xie Yuqing asked in a daze.

"I don't know anymore," Ye Shaoyang wiped the sweat from his forehead, and suddenly thought of Lao Guo, who is more knowledgeable than himself in this field. He may know these allusions, so he had no choice but to take out his phone , Called Lao Guo, but the mobile phone had no signal here.

Is there something wrong with the aura here?

Before he had time to investigate clearly, Ye Shaoyang took Xie Yuqing to the corridor outside, and the mobile phone got a signal immediately, he was surprised, it seemed that there was indeed magnetic field interference inside.

After the call was made, Ye Shaoyang explained the situation without waiting for the other party to be verbose. After Lao Guo listened to it, he thought for a while, then his voice sank, and said, "It can't be Yin Yang's hanging coffin, right?"

"What is that?" Ye Shaoyang heard this term for the first time.

"Chuanshu Hanging Coffin, have you heard of it?"

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback. The hanging coffins in Sichuan and Shu were mainly from the nobles of the Miao people. Hanging the coffins in a place with good geomantic omen and keeping the corpse away from the earth has some mysterious benefits. He immediately replied: "I know, what's the matter?" ?”

"There is a kind of witchcraft in Nanyang, called Yin Yang Hanging Coffin, which hangs the dead in the coffin, wraps the body in shrouds, and more conditionally, wraps silk clothes, which can isolate the earth's atmosphere and keep the corpse from decaying... I also heard from you The golden-haired shroud, and the coffin has a totem symbolizing southern witchcraft, so I thought of this possibility..."

After a pause, Lao Guo went on to say, "Yang Yang's hanging coffin has two floors, and there must be some kind of soul-fixing magic device underneath, which is used to prevent outside ghosts from possessing the corpse. I can't tell you the details. Check it out, I'll be right there!"

After hanging up the phone, Ye Shaoyang came to the coffin again, and looked at the heights of the ground and the inside of the coffin respectively. There were indeed some gaps. If it wasn't for Lao Guo's reminder, it would be hard to detect.

I thought to myself that this old Guo is really amazing, I have never heard of something that I have never heard of, and I didn’t come to the scene, but my judgment is so accurate, I thought, could it be that he was a tomb robber? Otherwise, how do you know so much about coffins?

I searched around the coffin, and sure enough, there were three smooth cracks on the front of the coffin, about 20 centimeters above the ground, forming a rectangle, like a drawer.

Ye Shaoyang stretched out his hand to feel, trying to find the mechanism to open the bottom, but with a slight force, the coffin board turned out in one piece.

Ye Shaoyang took the flashlight from Xie Yuqing and shone it inside. There was still a dead body lying in the compartment!

"Damn it, it's really a long posture today!" Ye Shaoyang was also amazed in his heart, and hurriedly pulled out the coffin board below, looked at the face of the corpse, and was stunned on the spot.

Xie Yuqing covered her mouth and cried out: "How could it be!"

The corpse turned out to be Lin You!

With ruddy complexion, full blood, and naked body, Ye Shaoyang glanced at it and murmured: "This figure..."

Xie Yuqing abducted him with her arm, "What are you paying attention to, beasts, even corpses."

"Uh, no, I mean, why is it so lifelike?" Ye Shaoyang scratched his head in embarrassment, and vaguely felt the power of a magic weapon, so he took out the yin disk, moved it a few times, and searched back and forth on Lin You After a while, it was confirmed that the magic weapon was on the head, so I checked it carefully with a flashlight, but there was no trace.

It doesn't make sense!

Ye Shaoyang opened Lin You's mouth to check, there was nothing, then opened his eyelids, and was stunned: The pupils of Lin You's eyes were covered by metal, and he took out a piece of talisman paper, squeezed it with his hands, and pasted it on. Eyeball, grab the gap and pull gently.

"Oh my god!" Xie Yuqing exclaimed.

From Lin You's eyes, Ye Shaoyang pulled out a long nail!

Then pull the same nail out of the other eye.

"Who is so cruel to drive a nail into her eye?" Xie Yuqing's voice trembled.

After sealing these two nails with a magic talisman, Ye Shaoyang still felt the presence of the magic weapon. After some searching, he found another nail that had penetrated into her heavenly spirit cap at the top of her head.

Looking at the three jet-black nails in his hand, Ye Shaoyang's heart sank little by little.

"Silver nails for soul extraction, who is so cruel!" Ye Shaoyang murmured.

"Silver nails, are they so black that they are silver?"

"Baiyin will turn black no matter what kind of foul air it encounters, so the ancients used silver needles to test poison." Ye Shaoyang carefully examined Lin You's body, and found that there was no trace of soul power in his body, not even the spirit of the primordial spirit. , Sure enough, his guess was correct. Although he didn't know anything about coffins, he still understood the formation of "silver nails to fetch souls".

While thinking about it, Ye Shaoyang suddenly noticed something, quickly grabbed a handful of copper beans from his belt, threw them towards the door, and said coldly: "This celestial master, I still want to play invisibility!" This set?"

"Zi..." A burst of white air rose, and a figure appeared out of thin air, it was Lin You!

(I recommend the book "Crematorium Strange Tales" by a beautiful author. The author is a good girl, and it is currently being released for free. You can go and observe it)——

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