Urban Witcher

Chapter 719 Lin You's Real Body 2

Lin You's feet were on the ground, and there were a few red ghost aura lingering around her body. At a glance, she could tell that she was at least at the level of a ghost head, but she had a solid body, which was a ghost corpse.

Ye Shaoyang stared at her for a while, pointed to the corpse in the coffin, and said: "You have become one with ghost and corpse, but there is still your corpse here? "

Lin You was silent for a moment, glanced at the corpse in the coffin, and said faintly, "This is my ghost image."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked when he heard the words. The "ghost phase" is one of the three phases of spirit, dharma, and ghost. It is formed by the condensation of soul crystals, but it rarely appears. Once a ghost is condensed into a ghost phase, it will completely disappear. It's over... After contacting the previous clues, Ye Shaoyang suddenly understood the truth!

Lin You said: "There is one thing that I didn't say clearly before. After I died, the Thai wizard used the resentment in my body to sacrifice vitality to expand the formation. Afterwards, he felt that I was full of resentment and could not be saved. He originally wanted to destroy me. My soul, but I begged hard, and he couldn't bear it, so he locked me in the golden silk incense wood.

Then he used a kind of witchcraft and secret method to refine a ghost appearance-this ghost appearance is the condensation of soul crystals, so it looks exactly like me, it looks like a naked body, but it is not. "

As she spoke, she came to her "ghost image", bent down and stared at it for a moment, then sighed, stretched out her right middle finger, and pressed it on the middle X of the Dharma image. Melts slowly.

Tears dripped from her eyes and sprinkled on Ghost Xiang.

In normal times, Ye Shaoyang would have taken a small bottle and immediately went to accept the ghost tears, the tears of the ghost head, rare and good things, but now he has no such thoughts at all, the scene in front of him has deeply stimulated him.

He couldn't believe that there were ghosts who could damage his ghost appearance...

The ghost figure melted into water little by little, leaving only some rotten things with an unpleasant smell.

Although he had never practiced a ghost figure before, Ye Shaoyang knew that this might really be a pile of R——it was found by a Thai wizard from other places to serve as an auxiliary material for the ghost figure.

"You destroyed your own ghost image with your own hands, don't you want to be reborn forever?" Ye Shaoyang looked at Lin You and said.

Lin You smiled "hehe", straightened up, and shook his head: "It's useless, the three silver nails in your hand, Tianshi Ye, are the soul-destroying nails. The wizard uses them to extract the marrow from my ghost image, which is the soul-destroying nail." The power of my soul crystal, the current ghost appearance is just an empty skin.

I have kept it all these years just to keep it in mind, now that I have become one with ghost and corpse, I will never see it..."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her blankly, "Without soul crystals, you are not even a half-spirit ghost, even if you go to the underworld, you will not be accepted, and you will never be reborn... Why did you spit out soul crystals and let him refine them?"

If a ghost is unwilling to spit out the soul crystal, even a celestial master, there is no way to force it. And ghosts who have lost their soul crystals will not be affected in their cultivation—that's why Guagua and the others are willing to hand over the soul crystals to Ye Shaoyang for preservation.

But if the soul crystal of a ghost is destroyed, the result is that it will not be able to reincarnate forever, and can only be a ghost in the world.

Lin You giggled, "Do you think I think so? If I don't spit out the soul crystal for him to sacrifice, he will save me..."

"To save you, you can still be a human being in the next life, you—"

"Haha," Lin You laughed up to the sky, his eyes turned blood red, "Ye Tianshi, if someone, for his so-called justice, forces you to commit suicide without reason, breaks your legs, and forcibly arrests your soul... Ye Tianshi, this You can bear hatred, but if I am reincarnated, how can I avenge this great hatred? I am only twenty years old, and I have never even had a boyfriend. I am unwilling, I am unwilling!"

In the end, it turned into a hysterical roar, the sound was deafening.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said, "I can understand your pain and hatred, but for the sake of revenge, you would rather sink yourself into eternal doom..."

"This is my choice, I just want revenge, and I am willing!"

"However, he should know that you will take revenge one day, so why do you want to do that? It's better to destroy you directly, and it's over."

"That's why he trapped me naked in the golden incense wood, refined my soul crystal into a ghost, but stayed in this classroom. Originally, he didn't use silver needles to draw the soul, thinking that he would be able to control me all the time. Me, threatening me... I also made a lot of determination to escape from the ghost road, because I thought that he would die one day, and when the time comes, his soul will return to Jiuquan. Where can I go to seek revenge from him?

Seeing that I escaped, he lured me here with the soul crystal, but he had no ability to destroy me, he could only destroy my soul crystal, trapped me in this floor with a formation, and couldn't leave, only I escaped , Only when the primordial spirit returns can the seal be broken...I didn't lie to you about that. "

Ye Shaoyang said: "But you lied to me and made me take that room as 408."

Lin You immediately said: "That's what Wu Le and the others did, so that they wouldn't discover the secret of 408, so I made the mistake and didn't tell you..."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head slowly, and said with a smile: "No, it's true that you will be wrong, but you dare not bring me here because you are afraid that I will see that your ghost image has been destroyed, and know that you are in a place of eternal doom, so I dare not help you... …

You know that my original intention to help you is to save you. I am a celestial master, no matter what difficulties you have, it is impossible to let you stay in the human world. And you have a lot of grievances. Once you get revenge and lose your goal, you will naturally continue to practice and become a big threat to the world.

So, you are afraid that I will know the truth, so you dare not let the tiger go back to the mountain, otherwise I will not be able to subdue you after you take revenge in the future, there will only be a big battle..."

Lin You sighed secretly, acquiescing to his statement.

Xie Yuqing heard this from the side, and finally understood the ins and outs of the matter, feeling in her heart, Lin You was thoughtful, although she used Ye Shaoyang, she also had her own difficulties.

Lin You looked at Ye Shaoyang, and said quietly: "Master Ye Tian, ​​don't worry, I don't hurt innocent people, I just seek revenge. After the matter is done, I will destroy my soul and body, and I will never be your enemy."

Ye Shaoyang also stared at her, and sighed. At this point, she has become a corpse, and can't negotiate terms. If he doesn't agree, he will only lose one helper and one more opponent.

"I believe in you, and I will give you a chance for revenge. If you have other ideas after the incident, don't worry, I will not let you go."

Lin You smiled lightly.

Now that they started working together, Ye Shaoyang asked her for some clues about Ziyue and the Thai wizard. Lin You didn't know much, because she didn't know the Thai wizard when she was alive, and she was imprisoned after her death. Ye Shaoyang doesn't know as much about many things on this floor as Ye Shaoyang.


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