Urban Witcher

Chapter 765 Occupy 4

You don't need to say anything, you can go, after three days, your family will have to come to me to save your dead soul, so many people present have heard that if he doesn't die after three days, any of you can come and smash me Taoist temple! "

When everyone heard it, they all showed admiration: Since Qing Yunzi dared to say such a serious thing, he must be 100% sure, that is to say, this Liu's life and death are guaranteed.

Liu Sheng naturally thought of this, and had no doubts about Qingyunzi's words. He looked around and begged Qingyunzi, "Master, can you speak in another place? I'll tell you everything..."

Qing Yunzi smiled coldly, "I'm afraid people will find out, I'll tell you, the path I chose for you is to let you turn yourself in, the only way to save your life, you are the murderer who killed your girlfriend!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was startled and there was no sound. Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at Liu Sheng suspiciously.

Liu Sheng lay on the ground, not daring to raise his head.

Drops of water flowed down his chin, not tears, but sweat, sweat from tension and fear.

Knowing his inner struggle, Qing Yunzi further said: "You turn yourself in, save your life, and use the laws of the underworld to wash away your evil debts. If you get out of prison in the future, no matter how many good deeds you do, your punishment will be reduced after death.

If not, you will die right now, go to Division Y, your girlfriend will testify against you, and there will be torture in hell waiting for you. You should think carefully about what to do, and you can go. It’s okay if you don’t admit it. Anyway, I can't be a confession, just stay at home and wait for death. "

Liu Sheng raised his head, his face surprisingly calm, kowtowed to Qing Yunzi, got up and walked out.

Ye Shaoyang nodded secretly. Although Liu Sheng did not have the courage to admit the murder in public, he knew that Liu Sheng would definitely turn himself in. After all, it is better to go to jail than to die.

Suddenly, in a place under the mountain gate where the crowd of onlookers gathered, under the shadow of the mountain gate, there was a faint figure, bowed to Qing Yunzi, and then disappeared in smoke.

Ye Shaoyang knew that this must be Liu Sheng's wife, who had been attached to Liu Sheng's body all the time. Because of the prohibition of the mountain gate, he didn't dare to go up the mountain, so he hid in the Y shadow to peep.

Qing Yunzi successfully persuaded Liu Sheng to surrender, so that she would not have to pay for his life, and he would not have to bear the punishment of Division Y, so he was naturally grateful to Qing Yunzi.

"I really learned a lot today." Rui Lengyu said, "Sure enough, any Taoism is useful."

After dismissing Liu Sheng, Qing Yunzi rested for a while, took a sip of water, picked up the register again, and read a person's name.

There are five people in total, and this is the last one.

An old lady came up and begged Qingyunzi to worship him. Qingyunzi hurriedly stepped forward to help him up and asked, "Are you Zhang Cuicui?"

"Zhang Cuicui is my daughter, but it's just the name I gave her. She can't do it now, so please ask the Taoist priest to visit her at my house, otherwise she probably won't live long. Taoist priest, you are so merciful and merciful. Save her!" The old lady wiped her tears as she said.

Under Qing Yunzi's questioning, the old lady told her story: her daughter Zhang Cuicui was fine at first, but once she went to pick fruit from the cemetery one time last month, she came back with a fever and fell into a coma, talking nonsense.

After going to the hospital for treatment, the fever was gone, but every night when she was sleeping, she screamed and shivered from time to time. At first, the family thought it was a nightmare and didn't pay much attention to it, but later found that no matter how she screamed, she couldn't wake her up. .

Every time she wakes up, her spirits are very poor, and she loses weight after a few days. When I ask her, she can’t explain what she dreamed. Now the situation is getting worse every day. On the bed draped in a daze. It was useless to go to the hospital, and I didn't even know which department to see.

The old lady said that her family had always believed that she was possessed by evil spirits, and they wanted to see Qingyunzi, but Qingyunzi had only returned to the mountain a few days ago. When the husband first checked her, he suddenly fell asleep, and after waking up, he ran away and never dared to come to the door again.

"We heard that you have returned to the mountain, Daoist Master. Today is the day to interpret dreams, so you came here to sign up, not to understand dreams. It is really because my daughter is so sick. Daoist Master, you must go and save her..."

At the end of the old lady's speech, her voice trembled and she burst into tears.

Qingyunzi nodded and said, "Shaoyang, come here."

Ye Shaoyang was also analyzing the situation at first, but when he heard the master's call, he froze for a moment, and walked over suspiciously.

Qing Yunzi asked: "You heard it too, what do you think is going on?"

Ye Shaoyang pondered and said: "Judging from the situation, it doesn't seem like a ghost is haunted, it may be a dream eater."

Dream eaters are a special form of ghosts, they are men, and the dreamers are only women. Once the target is selected, it will scare people with bizarre dreams, scare them into sweat, suck their sweat, and absorb the sweat The spirit of Y in Y came to practice.

Ye Shaoyang still remembered that when she first met Zhuang Yuning, she was entangled by the dream eater, and that was the first time he dealt with the dream eater.

Qing Yunzi nodded and said: "I still have to draw lots for them, it's not convenient to go far, you can go home with this old lady, come back quickly when it's done."

The words were very relaxed, as if it was simply an inconspicuous matter.

Ye Shaoyang turned around and asked Rui Lengyu if he wanted to follow, Rui Lengyu nodded.

"Let's go, aunt. I'll go with you."

The old lady looked at Qing Yunzi in embarrassment, bowed and said: "Master Dao, can you go there in person, I'm afraid that the thing that haunts my daughter is too powerful, your apprentice is not an opponent, if you get hurt again or something... ..."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned when he heard that the dream eater was really difficult for ordinary mages, but for him, it was just a matter of flipping his hands. He thought that the old lady must live far away. Only when you pass your own name will you feel that you can't handle it.

She didn't say much at the moment, and after a few words of comfort, the old lady reluctantly took them away.

After leaving the gate of Xuanqing Mountain, a tricycle drove over, and the rider was an old man. The old lady explained that this was her wife, because the tricycle was not allowed to go up the mountain, so she stopped at the bottom of the mountain, and immediately invited Ye Shaoyang and two people to get on the car.

Bumping all the way on the small road in the field, he walked for more than ten miles before arriving at the couple's home.

"Little master, you must be careful later, if you can't cure it, go to your master, don't get hurt yourself." The old lady reminded kindly.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and asked her to lead the way.

Passing through the yard, the old lady pushed open a door, and Ye Shaoyang felt strange as soon as he entered the door. Obviously there was a ghost in the room, so he pasted a magic talisman on the lintel and walked in.

"Little master, this is my daughter. She sleeps longer and longer now, and can't even wake up during the day. She only wakes up for a few hours a day."


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