Urban Witcher

Chapter 766 Dream 1

Ye Shaoyang looked on the bed, and saw a girl lying on her back with a towel on her head, with her eyes closed and motionless, a bottle of infusion Y was hanging on an iron shelf beside the bed, and she was giving the girl an infusion of Y.

The old lady explained that it was because the girl hadn't eaten recently and was infusing glucose.

Ye Shaoyang walked to the bed, took off the towel from the girl's face, and leaned over to look, only to see that the girl's face was covered with blueness, her face was black, her face was dripping with sweat, and the corners of her mouth were still twitching slightly. The performance of nightmares.

"There is really a problem." Ye Shaoyang touched his chin and said.

"A dream eater?" Rui Lengyu asked.

"Basically, I'll wake her up first." Ye Shaoyang said, took out Taiyi Whisk, dipped some cinnabar, and drew three horizontal lines on the girl's forehead. Just about to do it, the girl suddenly opened her eyes. He stared at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang involuntarily looked at her, and saw that there were three golden bright spots in each of her pupils, he frowned, and looked down——

The three small dots spun suddenly, getting bigger and bigger.

Ye Shaoyang stared at it for a moment, secretly screamed "No", and wanted to look away, but it was too late, he relaxed, and flew towards the two spinning dots.

Passing through a piece of nothingness, Ye Shaoyang fell heavily on the ground, but his body didn't hurt. It took him a long time to recover, and he got up and looked around. Under the gray sky, there were endless fields in three directions. There was only one There is a small building-like building in the direction, and the lights are still on inside.

What is this place?

Ye Shaoyang recalled how he got here, but he couldn't remember it for a while, his head was in a daze, so he instinctively walked towards the brightly lit house.

Taking a closer look, this is a self-built building that is common in the countryside. It has two floors and a large courtyard. The gate of the courtyard is not closed.

Ye Shaoyang hesitated for a moment, walked in, and the courtyard door suddenly closed with a bang.

From inside the small building, a girl was crying softly.

Before Ye Shaoyang came back to his senses, there was a strange cry behind him, Ye Shaoyang turned his head sharply, and saw a person came in along the wall, fell to the ground, then got up clumsily, and walked slowly.

This is a naked man, swollen all over, with only a handful of hair on his head, his facial features are blurred, and his body trembles as he walks.

Suddenly, he raised his hands and tore open his clothes to Ye Shaoyang, tearing apart his belly together. The sound of human skin being ripped made one's scalp tingle.

"Pfft!" The belly exploded, and a cavity of black blood spurted out. Only then did Ye Shaoyang see clearly that there were no organs or intestines in this person's stomach, only countless green bugs crawling around in the belly, looking like Unspeakably disgusting.

Damn, zombies? So blatantly looking for trouble for yourself? Tired of life?

Ye Shaoyang took out a Zaomu sword from his belt, and stabbed it at the abdomen of the living corpse. As a result... the Zamu sword broke and turned into dust. Before he could recover, the living corpse grabbed him by the neck , Throwing down hard, the whole person is pressed down.

Those maggot-like green bugs frantically rushed to him, and then crawled on his face, drilling into his eyes, nose and mouth.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head desperately, struggled to get out, wiped off the green worms on his face, turned his head to look, more living corpses were coming in over the wall, and some scary-looking ghosts were slowly drifting towards them.

What to do?

Suddenly, the door of the small building behind him suddenly opened, a big hand stretched out from inside, grabbed Ye Shaoyang's collar, pulled him in forcefully, and then closed the door. Outside, I immediately thought of the sound of those living corpses smashing the door frantically, as well as the screams and laughter of ghosts, intertwined together.

Even as a celestial master, Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but feel his heart jumping.

"Are you a mage?" A voice brought back Ye Shaoyang's consciousness. Looking back, he saw a strangely dressed man: a hat tied with a square scarf on his head, and a simple blue dress on his body. Commoner clothes, trousers, and even shoes are the kind of leggings with strings.

The whole looks like a talented scholar in a costume drama.

He has pretty features, but for some reason, when Ye Shaoyang saw him for the first time, he suddenly remembered the movie "A Chinese Ghost Story" he had seen in an Internet cafe. The guy in front of him was dressed very similar to Ning Caichen.

There is a girl standing behind him, dressed in a modern dress, obviously not Nie Xiaoqian, and she looks a little familiar, Ye Shaoyang stared at her for a while, then remembered everything, pointed at her and said: "This is a dream , you are the girl lying on the bed, Zhang Cuicui, right?"

Zhang Cuicui nodded, and the scholar smiled at Ye Shaoyang and said, "You wake up quickly."

Ye Shaoyang looked at him vigilantly, and said, "Who are you?"

"Xiaosheng Lin Sansheng was born in the 20th year of Hongwu and died in the 10th year of Yongle. He is a lonely ghost." The scholar cupped his hands and said politely.

Hongwu, Yongle...it turned out to be a dead ghost hundreds of years ago.

"Here is this lady's dream. This dream was born of a dream monster," Lin Sansheng explained. "The dream turned into a dream by sucking the spirit of this lady. Fortunately, Xiaosheng encountered it. This small building is Xiaosheng transformed into a ghost, and can temporarily block the attack of those succubus, how did you come here, brother?"

Ye Shaoyang scratched the back of his head, listening to this person—no, it should be this ghost, he was so tired, but fortunately he understood, nodded and said: "Yes, I thought it was the dream eater at first, I didn't expect it to be a succubus, who accidentally fell into a dream and fell into a dream."

The Dream Demon is an advanced form of the Dream Eater, and its cultivation is much deeper. Although most of them are dreams, dream eaters can only scare people through dreams, make girls sweat, and then suck sweat. Dream monsters are different. They can scare people through illusionary images. Once people are afraid, their temperament will weaken. You can suck the soul, and you can kill people in a short time...

Ye Shaoyang thought of those living corpses and ghosts outside, needless to say, they must have been transformed by dream monsters to scare him.

"So, your cultivation base is not bad, I am very puzzled, how did you come here?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

Lin Sansheng said: "This matter will be discussed in the future. Now you and I should work together to overcome this dream. This dream was created by the succubus. Xiaosheng's cultivation is limited. As long as he can get out, Xiaosheng must have a way to catch it." This ghost! Brother, don’t worry.”

Ye Shaoyang smiled, "You don't need to bother, I'll go out now and kill this bastard!"

Lin Sansheng frowned and said, "Brother, is there a way to break out of the dream?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't answer, he was brought in by accident before, now that he knew it was a dream, it was too easy to get out. Immediately biting the tip of his tongue, his whole body trembled, his consciousness shook, as if he had passed through countless voids, and woke up slowly...


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