Urban Witcher

Chapter 776 Alliance 3

Zhou Jingru also added: "You are not allowed to take any more risks this time!"

Ye Shaoyang looked around, saw so many friends, and two ghosts and one demon, smiled and said: "Our ghost hunting alliance is invincible."

"Ghostbuster Alliance, this is good!" Guagua looked around, besides these few people, Lao Guo also came, although he couldn't help much in terms of methods, he mainly came to clean up the aftermath and clean up the battlefield.

"Mr. Guo is in the logistics, sister Yuqing is the intelligence agent and assistant, sister Jingru is... yes, the sponsor, responsible for sponsoring and providing needs, the boss and sister Leng Yu are the absolute main force, we are the accomplices... no, helpers."

"And me," Xiao Ma raised his hand in high spirits, "I used to be a bitch, but now I'm also a celestial master!"

Lao Guo was also very interested in the proposal of "Ghost Hunting Alliance". He looked around and said, "There are still a few missing, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, and He Ji Meihua, oh yes, and Yue Heng, This guy is also powerful, with quick shots, and he is an assassin with one sword to seal his throat."

"And me." A figure floated out from Ye Shaoyang's waist. It was Chen Lu. Some people here were shocked because they had never seen her before.

Chen Lu patted Ye Shaoyang on the shoulder and said, "I am his sister-in-law, and you must also have my share in this alliance."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, but he couldn't help but glanced at everyone carefully. If it was really an alliance, maybe Yang Gongzi should be included? However, people may disdain to play with people like myself, but at least they are also a non-staff.

"Xiaosheng also joined..." Lin Sansheng murmured, "Xiaosheng used to be a ghost army teacher, so I will be a military advisor for you. It is Xiaosheng's specialty to make suggestions and analyze the enemy's situation."

Ye Shaoyang snorted and said: "Don't even think about it, after the Bronze Armored Corpse King is destroyed, you will reincarnate me quickly!"

Lin Sansheng didn't argue, and smiled slyly, "Let's discuss this again, discuss it again."

Guagua clapped his hands and said, "I really hope that when our alliance can act together, we can fight all over the world."

Sibao said proudly: "There is no need to deal with Ziyue. In the future, we will conquer the ghost bandits from all directions and break through Mount Taiyi. What a hero, Shaoyang's merits may not be inferior to Master Zhongkui!"

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes, he had never thought about this before, but after thinking about it, these good friends did not say anything, just ghost servants and servants, he had indeed collected a lot, and he had become a force, but this matter is The initial descent by myself was unexpected, but fun.

Xie Yuqing expressed her opinion: "What kind of Ghostbusters Alliance, it doesn't sound good at all, it's a cool name when I look back."

Zhou Jingru called the waiter and asked for a beer to distribute to everyone to celebrate the establishment of the alliance.

Guagua also wanted to call Xiaoqing and the others up, but Ye Shaoyang forbade it. That would be a big game.

"Come on, cheers to the Ghostbusters League!"

"Kill the ghost bandits from all directions!"

"Tamp down Mount Taiyi!"

"Slaughtering demons and proving the way!"

"Recast the Six Paths of Reincarnation!"

Sibao's proposal got everyone's response, Ye Shaoyang gave Rui Lengyu a speechless glance, both of them felt a little numb, but they couldn't bear to dampen everyone's interest, so they also toasted everyone and took a sip of beer. Even Lin Sansheng and the other ghosts took a greedy breath of alcohol...

"These people are very interesting." Not far from the window, a man in a blue Taoist robe was sitting on a branch, hidden in the night, listening to the laughter floating from the room, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Standing on the treetop behind him was a woman in a white robe with a hat hanging behind her head. Even the night could not hide her peerless face. It was Yang Gongzi that Ye Shaoyang had thought of before.

"From ancient times to the present, there have been various sects and schools in the magic world, but there has never been such a strange alliance, Taoism, Buddha, casual cultivators, even ghosts, and ordinary people who are responsible for logistics and funds. "The man in Tsing Yi shook his head slightly, and spit out two words: "Come on."

Yang Gongzi came over, looked at his nearly perfect side face, and said, "I think it's very interesting, I believe they can do some great things, Daofeng, the times are different, you single-handedly killed the twelve Y gods and the three great witches." Demons, breaking through the six realms of reincarnation, but you are fighting alone after all, even if you are really a 'god on earth'."

Daofeng sat on a tree branch, playing with a branch in his hand, and said, "So, I'm not alone now."

Yang Gongzi said: "It's different, those are your subordinates, but look at the people around Ye Shaoyang, they are all his confidantes, as long as he is around, these people will have cohesion, and they are different from those old-fashioned monks and Taoists in the past. It’s different, maybe it can really accomplish something big.”

"I do hope that when facing him in the future, he will be stronger than he is now." Dao did not return the limelight, and his voice was not emotional: "You can go, at least I don't want to kill you now."

Yang Gongzi smiled contemptuously, "I am in the mirror world and have cultivated three chaotic celestial bodies. Are you sure you can kill me?"

Only then did Daofeng glance at her, and said two words softly: "Try?"

"I won't try it with you now." Yang Gongzi opened his arms and flew away, "When the demon king is born, I will fight you. If you lose, you will stay forever!"

"Demon King." Daofeng curled up a contemptuous smile, slowly raised his head, looked at the stars in the sky, without blinking his eyes for a long time.

No one knew what he was thinking.

After a while, he lowered his head slightly and said in an extremely cold voice: "Who allowed you to come up."

A black figure flashed out from the shadow of the tree, but it was a faceless middle-aged man, bowing to Daofeng.

"You have to know that you are not the ancient evil god now, you are just one of my pawns, it is best not to show too much presence in front of me."

The ancient evil god immediately fell down, almost trembling all over, and said repeatedly: "I dare not!"

Daofeng then allowed it to stand up and report the situation.

"My subordinates found out that the jade purification bottle is indeed still on Chimei Mountain. There is an inconspicuous small temple at the foot of Chimei Mountain, which is dedicated to Guanyin. The jade purification bottle is enshrined in the temple. There is an old nun Responsible for taking care of her, chanting sutras in the Buddhist hall every day, the subordinates knew that this old nun must be not simple, so they did not act rashly, after investigating the situation, they hurried back and returned to their orders."

"Very good, let's go to Chimei Mountain." Daofeng stood up, turned his head and glanced at the window of Ye Shaoyang's room, and smiled slightly, "By the way, go there and wait for my junior brother."

Two figures flew away in the air.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Ye Shaoyang and his party set off.

Since the hotel is not far from the School of Health, everyone walked directly there without taking a car.

(one more chapter tonight)—

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