Urban Witcher

Chapter 777 Finding the cave

The pony walked in the front, with a broken soul stick on his shoulder, a cigarette in his mouth, almost walking on catwalks, looking very flat, but behind them was a team of nearly fifty people, most of them It's still a detective, if someone dares to flatter the pony, it's really hell.

Ye Shaoyang looked back at the dark crowd and shook his head helplessly. Fortunately, they were walking on a small road, and the sky was dark, so there were no pedestrians on the road.

When they came to the front of the mountain, Ye Shaoyang asked everyone to stop, looked over one by one under the moonlight, and made the final confirmation. He suddenly found that the two detective uncles were both fifty years old, and he couldn't help but said in surprise: "Uncle, you still ... a virgin?"

Xie Yuqing gave him a pinch, and said: "What nonsense, their sons are older than yours, I invited them to guard the mountain pass, so that no one will go up the mountain by mistake when we are doing the magic trick on the top."

Ye Shaoyang quickly apologized, and told everyone the precautions again, then left the two uncles behind, and the rest went up the mountain together to the open space in front of Ghost Road.

Looking up, the moonlight reflected a cold and pale light on the stone road, and the golden fragrant trees stood on both sides, swaying gently in the night wind, like ghost hands, attracting them...

Just seeing such a quiet scene, everyone felt pressure immediately.

The Four Treasures separated the forty-eight people, and each of them gave them a bodhi seed, "Put the bodhi seed in your mouth for a while, and then I will let you go, and you will go, if you give up, you will retreat, and nothing else will be done." , especially remember not to open your mouth to speak, as soon as you open your mouth, the yang energy will be vented, and the yang energy will enter the body, and people will fall into a coma."

Qi Chen asked nervously: "What will happen then?"

"It's not that good, it can be raised afterwards, but if one more person leaks the yang energy, the power of the formation will be reduced by one point. What did I ask you for? I have to save you afterwards."

Then divide them into groups, forty-eight people are divided into four teams, twelve people in each group, connected up and down to form a "ten", facing the four directions, then let Guagua, Xiao Ma, Rui Lengyu, and Lin Sansheng each lead a group, Give each of the four of them an origami lamp holder and hold it in their hands.

Guagua has a ghost body, needless to say, Lin Sansheng has deep cultivation, and the origami lamp is not heavy, so it can be lifted.

Then, Sibao walked to the middle of the formation by himself, clasped his hands together, held a string of Buddhist beads between his fingers, looked at Ye Shaoyang and nodded.

"It's all up to you! Year S, go!"

Ye Shaoyang pouted with a smile.

At this moment, two lights and shadows lit up on the mountain road in the distance, and then there was the sound of people talking.

After a while, an agent ran up and reported to Xie Yuqing that it was Wu Le and his son who had come.

Xie Yuqing was stunned, and turned to look at Ye Shaoyang.

"Let them come up." Ye Shaoyang said.

The man returned to the foot of the mountain, and after a while, Wu Le and his son arrived.

Wu Lele had a solemn expression, and looked much older than the last time we met.

Wu Xujun supported him with one hand, and held the Soul Eater staff in the other, with no expression on his face, and he didn't say hello to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the staff, then moved his eyes to Wu Yue's face, and said, "If you are here to prevent me from saving Ziyue, then you can go back now."

Wu Yue shook his head, supported his son's hand, bowed to Ye Shaoyang, and said slowly: "I'm here to thank you, I believe you can deal with that bronze armor corpse king, she has suffered for thirty years, It’s time to get out too.”

Ye Shaoyang said: "This is still like a sentence."

Wu Lele said: "I had a relationship with her before, so I have to come to see her off for the last time, thinking back then..."

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand hastily, "I don't want to hear what happened to you before, you just need to know it yourself, I have so many people waiting, I have to start work, if you want to see it, you can stand far away, don't hinder us, huh?"

Wu Lexi thanked him and asked his son to help him go to the side.

Ye Shaoyang nodded to Sibao.

Sibao bowed his head, began to recite Buddhist scriptures, arranged formations, and ordered the four groups of people to move in different directions. At first, everyone's footsteps were a little messy, but under Sibao's command, they gradually became orderly. From a distance, it looks like a constantly moving "*".

Ye Shaoyang didn't know much about Buddhist formations, and he didn't take a closer look at them, so he asked Zhou Jingru, Xie Yuqing, Lao Guo and others to stand far away and protect themselves.

"Be careful, no accidents are allowed!" Xie Yuqing instructed.

"Be careful, come out if you can't do it, as long as you're okay." Zhou Jingru cried out nervously.

Ye Shaoyang smiled at them, pulled out the hook, opened a crack in the barrier of Ghost Road, lightly blew on the hair blocking his forehead, and got in together with Chengzi.

As soon as he entered the ghost road, he immediately felt the wind blowing, the pores of his body felt the pressure of resentment, Cheng Zi, as a great monster, couldn't help shivering.

"Are you afraid?" Ye Shaoyang glanced at Cheng Zi and said.

Cheng Zi shook her head, "With the boss here, I have nothing to be afraid of."

Ye Shaoyang smiled, lifted the hook, swung it in the air, and made a snap, shattering the air around him, and walked boldly into the depths of the road. Orange followed closely.

The ghost road was empty, and Ziyue did not appear. This was exactly as Ye Shaoyang expected. Ziyue must have known the news of Liang Daosheng's death, knew that no one would support her, and saw Ye Shaoyang bring such a big force. Even if she really With a cultivation base as high as the sky, he definitely doesn't want to be in trouble.

"Boss, where's the female ghost?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled, "She thought I didn't know the location of her D mansion, so I could hide there, but it's a pity..."

Ye Shaoyang walked to the end of the ghost road, found the bluestone slabs that he had marked in his mind, stepped on them, pointed to the middle cracks of the four slates and said, "Use your demon power to open these slates."

This is exactly the reason why he let Cheng Zi enter the battle. Originally, he wanted to use equipment, but it was really dangerous to let a few ordinary people join the battle. It happened that Cheng Zi was idle. Yaoli, it's a piece of cake to lift a few stone slabs.

Cheng Zi led the order to step forward and easily lifted a few stone slabs. There was a piece of hard ground underneath, and there was nothing conspicuous about it.

Ye Shaoyang looked it over, and said to Cheng Zi: "Her mansion D must be below, is there any way for you to find a loophole?"

"Try it." Cheng Zi squatted on the ground, pressed his hands on the hard soil, all the monster power gathered at the fingertips, turned into a trickle, flowed out along the fingertips, instantly obliterated this place, and penetrated downward.

The land that looked flat at first, after softening, can be seen that the water flow is converging towards a place in the middle, gradually punching out a small hole, which is getting bigger and bigger.

(The fourth update has been completed, and all the missing updates in those three days have been made up. Thank you for your trust and support.)——

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