Urban Witcher

Chapter 825 Love from the previous life 1

Xiao Ma and Si Bao stayed in Steel City to assist Xie Yuqing in dealing with the ancient tomb.

Originally, Ye Shaoyang wanted to leave immediately and go to Chimei Mountain with Rui Lengyu, but Xie Yuqing called and asked him to recuperate at home, ready to investigate the haunting incident in the neighborhood mentioned last time after she finished her work.

Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to ask Rui Lengyu to wait.

Rui Lengyu had no objection, saying that she was going to visit an uncle in a nearby city, and she would come back within a few days, and Ye Shaoyang had to help Lin Sansheng find a wife, so she had to go by herself.

Guagua, Xueqi, Chengzi, including Chen Lu, all went to the ancient tomb with Xie Yuqing to fight the corpses, and they don't know when they will come back.

The only person who accompanied Ye Shaoyang was Lin Sansheng, the ghost soldier.

After arriving home, Ye Shaoyang released him from the talisman, and didn't hold him accountable for lying to him to go to the ancient tomb: Lin Sansheng's performance in front of Emperor Jianwen made him forgive him, and the relationship between the two also went further.

As for the pair of boys and girls, Ye Shaoyang had a headache at first how to deal with them. They are evil spirits, but their cultivation level is not enough, and they are not qualified to enter the six realms of reincarnation like ghosts.

But these evil spirits are not harmful to anyone. They are kind-hearted in nature, and Ye Shaoyang couldn't bear to destroy them. Later, it was Lin Sansheng who came up with the idea, so he gave them to Lao Guo.

I made a pair of porcelain dolls out of bone china for them, let them live in them, and placed them in the coffin shop as a pair of house gods, suppressing evil spirits, accumulating virtue, so that they can enter the underworld for reincarnation in the future.

The boy and girl originally wanted to recognize Ye Shaoyang as the master, but he rejected him: I already have so many ghost servants and ghost servants, so I don't want to accept them if I'm not interested, otherwise I can really form a Y army.

"Wan'er, when will I find you? I really don't regret it as my belt gets wider and wider, and I am haggard because of Yixiao..."

At night, Ye Shaoyang was watching TV when he heard Lin Sansheng standing outside the window, looking outside and muttering.

Now he has completed his mission to Emperor Jianwen. Emperor Jianwen was killed by Ye Shaoyang. Although he felt sorry, he did not blame Ye Shaoyang. Now he **** is looking for his former lover.

"Don't be so sour." Ye Shaoyang gnawed on the spicy strips, watched the group of three primary school students singing and dancing on the TV screen, and said absent-mindedly.

"Guagua said, Xiao Langjun is already looking up the book of life and death, which is thicker than the Xinhua dictionary, you have to give him some time."

Lin Sansheng floated over, sat beside Ye Shaoyang, watched TV, and asked, "Are there any opera singers?"

"Who listens to that stuff."

Lin Sansheng was silent for a moment, and said, "Brother Ye, you said that if I saw Wan'er, she would be willing to be with me, what should I do?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him: "Don't even think about it, I'll let you see her. If you dare to mess around, I won't forgive you."

"At that time, I'm afraid I can't help myself. Do you have the heart to break us up?"

"Don't ask me this, in short, love between people and ghosts is not enough."

Ye Shaoyang deliberately didn't look at him, but murmured in his heart: I violated the principle once and fulfilled a love between a man and a ghost. If it happens like Lin Sansheng said, can I really have the heart to break them up?

Suddenly, it was dark and the power went out.

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, tripped?

Standing up in the dark, wanting to check the switch, the window suddenly opened, and a gust of Y wind came, carrying a majestic atmosphere unique to Y Division.

Is someone from Division Y here?

"Oops!" Ye Shaoyang understood in an instant that his murder of Emperor Jianwen must have been revealed, and Division Y sent someone to take him.

Immediately, he walked into the bedroom in the dark and went to get his backpack.

Now that the matter has been done, you know how to fight to the end and go all the way to the dark, otherwise, once you go to Division Y for trial for such a felony, you will definitely never come back.

"Hey, Ye, what are you hiding when you see me?"

A slightly childish voice sounded behind him.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, then looked back, and saw through the moonlight, it was Xiao Yiyun, staring at him dissatisfied.

"See Mr. Xiao Lang." Lin Sansheng sang a fat song. Although he hadn't been in Y Division for hundreds of years, he had been reincarnated before, and he recognized Mr. Xiao.

Xiao Yiyun waved his hands without looking at him, and continued to stare at Ye Shaoyang.

"You... Hades sent you to get mine?" Ye Shaoyang looked out of the window, seeing that there were no other ghosts, and he was a little suspicious.

The human world is no different from Ghost Domain, the aura is completely different. The strength of these guys from Division Y is greatly reduced in the human world. With Xiao Yiyun, Ye Shaoyang believes that he will never be able to hold himself.

Xiao Yiyun was taken aback when he heard the words, "What are you doing with you, what trouble have you caused?"

"No, no, damn it, I scared the baby to death."

Ye Shaoyang understood instantly, smiled, took out a candle from his backpack and lit it, stepped forward and put his arms around his shoulders, pouted at Lin Sansheng, "Are you here for his business?"

"That's him?" Xiao Yiyun glanced at Lin Sansheng.

Lin Sansheng laughed along with him nervously, not because he was afraid of him, but because he was looking forward to hearing the news he wanted to hear.

"Thirty incense sticks, forty knives of paper."

"Damn it, you're too dark!" Ye Shaoyang yelled, although things are not worth much to people in Yangjian, but you can't get used to him, or your appetite will get bigger and bigger.

"Black?" Xiao Yiyun almost jumped up, "It's not like you don't know that divulging the information of the book of life and death is against the law. If you don't look at your face, I won't do it if you give me three times the benefits, no, four times .”

"Just do it five times?" Ye Shaoyang waved his hand, "Don't be bureaucratic with me, it's not the first time you have done it, and you are indispensable. Tell me, have you found it?"

Xiao Yiyun raised his right arm and put his hand in his sleeve.

Ye Shaoyang understood the rules, reached into his sleeve, and took a piece of paper.

The partition wall has ears, and it is not afraid of being seen, but afraid of being heard. Whether it is in the human world or in the ghost domain, the hearing of ghosts is very good.

In his hand was a piece of green paper, as thin as a cicada's wing and as rough as straw paper.

Ye Shaoyang knew it was Y paper at a glance.

There are two lines of fluorescent seal script Chinese characters on it.

The first line reads Liu Wan'er's name, date of birth and death, and cause of death: hanged herself.

The following line is the information of "Liu Wan'er" in this life: Jin Ying, born on September 29, 1985, never married.

"That's right, it's Wan'er! Jin Ying, Jin Ying..." Lin Sansheng held the Y paper in his hand, he couldn't control his excitement, after a while, the paper turned into a cloud of smoke and slowly dissipated.

Xiao Yiyun said to Lin Sansheng sullenly: "I have found out that there are two of your names on the Sansheng Stone. The fate is fixed and cannot be resolved. It is not just Sansheng. She died because of you. The judge has mercy and ordered her to wait for your third life.

But you are lingering in the world, and you haven't entered into Company Y to cancel your account for a long time, so you have deprived the fate of the two of you, and you are already strangers, and you don't have to look for her anymore. "

After Lin Sansheng listened, he bowed and said: "Thank you, Xiao Langjun, for your guidance, but Xiaosheng is not reconciled, so he must work hard."


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