Urban Witcher

Chapter 826 Love from the previous life 2

Xiao Yiyun said: "A person who has no fate, how can he work hard?"

"Although fate is destined, Xiaosheng believes that if you are sincere, gold and stone will be opened. Xiaosheng has waited for six hundred years. This time, I don't want to miss it. I hope Mr. Xiao will make it happen."

Xiao Yiyun looked at him, then at Ye Shaoyang, and said with a smile: "The people around you all behave like you, they don't believe in fate or heaven."

"Birds of a feather flock together." Ye Shaoyang shrugged.

"I think it's similar to each other." Xiao Yiyun snorted, "Be careful, don't make trouble for me! Also, burn the joss paper money to me within three days!"

Without delay after speaking, he flew out of the window directly.

After his figure completely disappeared, the lights in the room came on again.

"Jin Ying...she's called Jin Ying now," Lin Sansheng grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hand, "Brother Ye, take me to find her!"

"What's the rush, I don't even know where he lives." Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes, took out his mobile phone, and called Xie Yuqing, but he couldn't get through. Then he remembered that she might still be in the ancient tomb.

After thinking about it, she found the number Qi Chen had left for her and called her.

Qi Chen was on a date, and was very excited to receive his call. After hearing what he had entrusted, he said that he would check with his colleague on duty right away.

With the name and detailed date of birth, it is very simple to investigate.

Ten minutes later, Qi Chen sent a text message, which was Jin Ying's home address. Ye Shaoyang took a look and found that the address was in Shicheng.

"Let me just say it!" Lin Sansheng was very excited, "I can feel that she is either in Stone City or Steel City!"

There is also a work unit attached to the address: salesperson of Greenland Real Estate Development Company.

Green land... Ye Shaoyang was startled suddenly, isn't this a real estate company owned by Zhou Jingru's family, and Jin Ying is her employee, what a coincidence?

After thinking about it, Zhou Jingru's family is the largest enterprise in Shicheng, and real estate is the career chosen by many young girls, which is normal, and I began to ponder...

"Shall we go to her now, I'm going to see her!"

"You're crazy, it's the middle of the night!" Ye Shaoyang can understand his mood, but this matter must be cautious.

Ye Shaoyang leaned on the sofa, thought for a while, and said, "Well, I'll take you to see her first, learn about her, and then...if necessary, you can wake up her memory and have a chat with him , how about erasing it later?"

"Do you have a way to erase people's memories?"

"I don't have such supernatural powers, but there is still a way to erase the memory of the previous life."

Ye Shaoyang straightened his face, "My scale has not changed. At most, let you have a chat and satisfy your wish for hundreds of years, and then you will go to Division Y to write off my account! This is Xiao Langjun's condition for helping me!"

Lin Sansheng nodded, "Understood, at worst, I'll go to Division Y and wait for her to die before we talk about it."

Ye Shaoyang turned off the TV, walked into the bedroom, undressed and went to bed.

But Lin Sansheng followed, sat on the bed, and muttered to himself, "I don't know what she looks like now, she was born in 1985, and now she is almost 30 years old, and she is still single, it seems that we are destined... ..."

Lin Sansheng couldn't stop talking about it, and Ye Shaoyang couldn't drive him away. He wanted to take out the map of Shanhe Sheji to study it, but he didn't feel in the mood for it, so he just recited the meditation mantra and forced him to sleep.

He was sleeping soundly, and was having a shameful dream, when he suddenly felt someone blowing on him, he woke up suddenly, and saw Lin Sansheng almost touching his face, blowing continuously.

"You're going to die! Blow ghosts at me!" Ye Shaoyang picked up a pillow and threw it at him, only to pass through his body.

"You are a celestial master, a few ghost breaths can't hurt you, I just want to wake you up." Lin Sansheng smiled flatteringly, and pointed out the window, "It's dawn, it's time for us to get down to business."

Ye Shaoyang glanced out of the window, and suddenly felt an urge to kill him: the sky had just had a little light, probably at five o'clock at most.

"I owe you what I owe you in my previous life." Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly, got out of bed after getting dressed, and the sky was just getting a bit hazy after going to the toilet and washing.

I went out and ate breakfast slowly, and didn't call Zhou Jingru until after six o'clock.

Zhou Jingru was still in bed.

Ye Shaoyang was a little embarrassed and asked her out to meet.

"Okay, brother Shaoyang wants to ask me for something?"

"Well, I have something to do, I can't make it clear on the phone, let's talk about it when we meet."

Ye Shaoyang reported Jin Ying's name and asked her where she worked. Zhou Jingru knew something was going on, so she didn't ask further, saying that she didn't know the girl and wanted to make a phone call.

After a while, Zhou Jingru called and told him that Jin Ying was the sales manager of a newly opened real estate, and told him the address.

Ye Shaoyang asked her to rush there, and then went to meet him himself.

When the two met, the sales department hadn't started work yet, but Zhou Jingru's status was special, so she was naturally unrestricted and invited Ye Shaoyang into the conference room.

A chubby general manager came over to pour tea in person, said hello, and left without daring to ask further questions.

As soon as Zhou Jingru opened her mouth, she asked about Ye Shaoyang's injury, and she was relieved when she learned that nothing happened.

While drinking tea, Ye Shaoyang told about Lin Sansheng's situation.

After Zhou Jingru finished listening, she looked at Lin Sansheng at the side and was so surprised that she couldn't speak.

"Mr. Lin... is really infatuated." Zhou Jingru looked at him, feeling very moved in her heart, "I will try my best to help you, what do I need to do?"

Ye Shaoyang asked: "Do you understand Jin Ying's situation?"

"I checked, and she is an old employee of ours. She has been here for three years, a sales manager, a middle-level cadre." Zhou Jingru spread her hands, "I may have seen her, but I don't have the slightest impression."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, thinking that let alone the middle-level cadres, even the high-level managers of the branch, she probably didn't know a few of them.

"Well, I have an idea. Isn't this a house for sale? I pretend to be buying a house, and you arrange for her to show me the house, so that I have a chance to contact her. First, I can inquire about the situation, and second, I can Let this guy take a good look at her."

"That's a good idea. But I have a request."

Zhou Jingru smiled sweetly, "I ask Brother Shaoyang to do the real thing and take a good look at the house. The environment of this community is very good, you may consider buying a house in the future."

"This... How much is the house price?"

"Twelve thousand and one square meter is not expensive."

Ye Shaoyang did some calculations, and his little money was probably enough to buy a bathroom, so he shrugged, "I'll just take a look."

Zhou Jingru called me, the general manager just now, and told Jin Ying to come up quickly when she arrived.

"We haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, are you nervous?" Zhou Jingru asked curiously as she looked at Lin Sansheng who was fidgeting.

Lin Sansheng nodded with a wry smile.


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