Although it is not impossible to buy from Pinduoduo.

   But just like planting vegetables, this kind of basic material is still in your hands to be at ease.

   The quantity purchased by Pinduoduo will never keep up with the demand.

  In this way, after obtaining the metal mine, the next development plan of the Demon King Army will also be changed accordingly.

   "The next step is to get talents who can perform metal smelting and processing."

   There are people, and nothing can be done without materials.

   If you have materials and no one, you can't do things.

   Although the technology tree on the side of the Demon King Army is already a little bit taller.

   is higher than other natives and even other Demon King Army.

   But it is a pity that the metal line has not been illuminated yet.

   After listening to Li Muran's explanation, Bella immediately answered.

   "Isn't there Li Muran? Didn't you learn the skills in forging before?"

   Li Muran has learned it.

   Li Muran can also perform smelting and forging operations.

   But Li Muran didn't want to do these things.

  Metalworking is hot and tiring, and it’s more tiring than carpenter’s life.

   Even if you are an all-rounder, there are things you want to do and don’t want to do.

   I can’t say that I’m omnipotent, just throw all the work to myself.

   Li Muran's original intention of traveling to another world was to enjoy life, not to work here as a laborer.

  Moreover, Li Muran studied forging only for research, to set the rules for the metal processing industry of the Demon King Army and make scientific guidance.

   does not mean to become a blacksmith personally.

"That's right. But I'm alone. I have to manage Yoshui Village, and I have to exchange information with Yisha to remotely command the construction of the Demon King Army, and I have to deal with the affairs of the Demon King Sect. Many of them are me. I’ve done it myself, I don’t have time or energy to do other things. I haven’t made figures and thoughts lately. It squeezed a lot of pressure."

   "If forging, I will be responsible for it alone. I may not see the growth of the Demon King Army, and I will be exhausted."

   Upon hearing this, Bella rushed forward immediately.

   "I, I don't want Li Muran to die of exhaustion. I squeezed so much pressure. I will make you think about the problem in a while. I will give you both."

   Li Muran pushed his eyes down, secretly showing a smirk of successful plan.

   Seeing Li Muran's white tail, Tuyang, and Tinali cast disgusting glances.

   In fact, it's not very tired.

   Rather, I played with the officials and relieved the pressure. The physical and mental state is very good recently.

   But what Li Muran said is also true.

   Li Muran is just a person, and it is impossible to do everything.

   This kind of unimportant work should be separated and let someone do it.

   "I can teach you the metal processing technology. Just like I taught you carpenter craftsmanship. But this is too time-consuming. As mentioned earlier, I don't have a lot of energy. So it is best to find a ready-made professional."

   The reason for seeking experts directly rather than cultivating newcomers is not only that.

   also originated from Li Muran's unique sense of crisis in the celestial dynasty.

   This is a bit alarmist.

   But the Demon King’s army is now blending into the internal affairs of Bastola, which is tantamount to disrupting the natural development of the human country.

   has changed something, so naturally it has to be backlashed by the flashback power.

   It is impossible to be able to be alone in the same way as in the past when I was nestled in the Dead Song Forest.

   And this backlash will only get bigger and bigger. Sooner or later, it will slap at the Demon King's army like a huge wave.

  Since I chose this path, I can only go on.

  I can't avoid the impact, so I can only make the Demon King Army quickly become stronger and gain more ability to deal with crises.

   Therefore, Li Muran can't wait to slowly cultivate talents.

   These minerals need to be turned into weapons that can be used to resist crises as soon as possible.

   The reliable craftsmen that can be found at present are those who have craftsmanship experience in the Demon King Cult.

   It's a pity that the members of the Demon King's Army have been living in the forest without a forge.

   And these people taught by the Demon King are not very professional either.

   is at least that short of the craftsman Li Muran wanted.

  They may be able to make simple metal props, but they cannot make rune weapons.

   That is what Li Muran wants most.

"It seems that we still have to invite that dwarf into the group. No, only one person is not enough. We need to recruit more dwarf craftsmen with the same level. Before that, we must first gather the members of the Demon King Cult with craftsman abilities. Let Bella and They signed the contract ceremony and sent them to the Demon King City for further study."

   After Li Muran gave the order, the people of the Demon King's Cult began to get busy.


The development of   Yotuan Village has entered formality.

   Once the rules, habits and customs are determined. The rest of the work is very simple.

   Li Muran taught the management to the cadres taught by Tuyang and the Demon King, and gave White Tail the job of training the assassins, allowing Tinari to play freely. Then he took Bella and a few people to Baka and returned to White.

  White called Li Muran back in a hurry, because Li Muran asked the Royal Knights to help him gain momentum.

   It can be seen that White suspected that Li Muran had betrayed him.

   So let Li Muran explain.

   Li Muran told White about the rhetoric he had thought of before.

   Li Muran's statement is also okay.

   As a rookie lord, it’s okay for Li Muran not to understand the situation.

  I was in a hurry to make achievements, so it’s okay to go to the doctor in a hurry.

   And Li Muran did this with White's permission.

   There is a document signed by White to testify.

   is so clear that it becomes like this, which is also related to White's failure to see Li Muran in his eyes and not seriously educate him.

   Li Muran gave White gold coins while explaining.

   has a full 50 pieces.

   "These are what I got after taking office. Thinking that I can have the current results, thanks to the care of Mr. White. So I brought them here, thank you for your cultivation."

   Li Muran deliberately did not say how to obtain the gold coins.

   This part was thought of by White.

   In view of White's style of doing things, Li Muran can guess what White thinks.

   It should be either accepting bribes or oppressing the people...

   Seeing such a large amount of gold coins, White's expression immediately became soothed.

   As if he had a clear heart, White didn't ask about the origin of the money. He pretended to reprimand Li Muran, reminding Li Muran to be more careful, don't step on thunder in officialdom, so he sent Li Muran away.

   Give White a gift with White's money and got White's understanding.

   Li Muran felt funny thinking about it, shrugged, and left White's office.

   As soon as he left White, Li Muran avoided eyes and ears to look at General Carl.

  After recounting the old days with the brothers of the Royal Knights, he also gave a letter to General Carl and asked General Carl to bring it to King Ba.

   While there was no one, King Ba and Karl read the letter together.

  The content of the letter is very short, just asking the king of Ba.

  ‘If someone can help your Majesty regain the country, will your Majesty care about his identity? If your majesty can break the barrier of common sense, accept a special existence that is different from himself. Then shout out when you need help. ’

   I don't understand what the letter is written, and neither King Ba nor Karl understand what Li Muran is trying to say.

   King Ba looked at the letter, and fell into thinking for a long time.

   "If you can help me regain the country, it's me and the country's benefactor. To the benefactor, I will naturally accept it. Even if the other party is a sub-tribe, a demon king? To treat the benefactor, I dare not have any other ideas besides being grateful."


   Actually, the anxious summons Li Muran was not just because Li Muran did something that made White suspect.

   More importantly, White is in a bad mood. It has reached the point of restless sleep and food, and start to be wildly suspicious.

   is not only the lord of Xiaoxiao Yuetuan Village, but even White's cronies are also suspected and summoned one after another.

   This is the reason for the recent turbulent situation.

   The public's anti-White sentiment is getting higher and higher. The opposing behavior has become more organized and regularized.

   came over because of the overwhelming wave of opposition. Many things have become out of control.

   originally belonged to the White faction, but he ‘waked up suddenly’ and generally left White and chose to join the Bawang faction.

  The power of King Ba, which was like a candle in the wind, suddenly began to swell, and there is a tendency to resurgence.

   For a while, there were voices condemning White both at home and abroad.

  While this makes White feel extremely stressed, he also feels unprecedented anxiety.

  The situation of holding the winning ticket became like this, even White became impatient.

   Finally, after some thoughts, White made a decision.

   "Can't wait any longer. Pull out the tiger's teeth and let the tiger completely obey."

  White decided to speed up the planning process and proceed to the next step in advance.

   no longer has to worry about image and style.

  White needs absolute rights now...

  History is written by the winner. People will succumb to the strong.

  White wants to become the real master of this country.

   Then use the supreme power to make all those who oppose him kneel down.

   just like what I did in the past.

   But this time it will be more violent and cruel...

   Yes, as if I had made all the enemies fearful on the battlefield.

   As long as you are violent enough, you can make people succumb.


   Li Muran has noticed the strange aura permeating Baka.

   also feel that something special will happen in the near future.

   For this reason, people from the Demon Sect were sent into the palace to watch.

   But after all, they were only scouts. Something happened, and these people alone could not stop it.

   Therefore, Li Muran's orders are only to monitor and transmit information, and especially urge everyone not to act rashly.

"Remember your identities and responsibilities. The current situation is very delicate. The White School, the Bawang School, and our Demon Sect are all the same. One step is wrong and all is lost. Don't be in the limelight at this time. Exposure With the existence of the Demon Sect, we have lost the advantage hidden in the shadows. Moreover, with the current strength of the Demon Sect, we are not qualified to face the opponent head-on."

  The battle is step by step. When the gap between the enemy and the enemy is too great, recklessness is tantamount to suicide.

   Self-preservation is always the first priority in battle.

   "Yes, Master Li Muran."

  White is already fidgeting.

   When a person loses his composure, it is also when he reveals his flaws.

   Li Muran believes that he will get it soon........The most important thing is the key thing that can knock White off the horse.

   and it's on this juncture.

   An accident happened in the Demon King City.

  According to Isha’s report, it seemed that it was the Smurf. The guy who remembered the name of Bahadad came to kick the hall with the new demon again.

   It's him again. It was him every time.

   At that time, he served as a sergeant to the king of pigs.

   After that, it was given to Tinari as a subordinate.

   After that, I came to find the fault with five equal parts.

   Not to mention what kind of beam he and the Demon Lord Bella had made. With so many demon kings in the world, he recognized the provocation of the Demon Lord Bella.

   This guy's life is also surprisingly big.

   After hitting so many times, he could escape.

   I'm afraid this guy is not the **** of oily feet.

   Li Muran couldn't help but suspect that he was Xiaoqiang's reincarnation.

   The demon that Bahadar brought this time is trickier. As if it would summon a fireball from a distance.

   The demon king’s army’s strongest magic artillery attack tactics to pull battle damage does not seem to work so well.

   I don’t know if Bahadad got stuck.

   just in time for Tucker to leave and don’t know where to hang out.

   Yisha was afraid of making a mistake, so she hurriedly notified Li Muran.

   In fact, there is no need to worry too much.

   Those three-legged cat demon kings are not the opponents of the current demon king army.

   But after all, half of the cadres were absent, and the situation was a bit worse than when the quintiles were invaded last time.

   This time I wanted to catch the cockroach-like Bahadad, instead of targeting the Fireball Demon.

   Li Muran took Bella, Tuyang, Tinali, and Baiwei back to Demon King City for the first time.

   It didn't take long to go from Yoshui Village to Demon King City.

   I wanted to join the battle the first time.

   As soon as I went back, I saw Ainz destroy the dough by himself.

   There was no chance for Li Muran and his party to play.

   "This, this is too hanging."

"Hahaha. Isha said those people would destroy the Demon King City. This is Li Muran and Lord Bella's treasure, and it is also where I live. In order to protect the home of my friends and me, I released a little more'billion' of miasma. ."

   deserves to be a lich. Become the powerhouse of the four major races with one person.

   Even if he is easy to talk, he is still a lich.

   is much better than some little-known little demon kings. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

   The Fireball Demon was killed.

   But Bahadad, who first sensed the crisis, once again decisively sold his teammates, and successfully slipped away with oil on the soles of his feet.

   still failed to catch him this time.

   "Damn it. Does that guy continue his life indefinitely?"

   "I feel that as long as he is still alive, he will still cause us trouble."

   Bahadad is simply a knot in Li Muran's heart.

   is not too harmful, but it will make people worry, as long as he is still there, it will make people uneasy.

   I always feel that he will suddenly come out again to steal the house and mess with your mentality.

   Li Muran even felt that this clueless guy was more annoying than those demon kings.

   But fortunately, it did not cause any loss this time, it was just a false alarm.

   "Fortunately, there was nothing to lose this time. Nothing happened is the biggest good thing. It's worth a trip."

   And just when Li Muran was relieved, the eyeliner Li Muran put in the palace returned shocking news.

   "White...killed, killed General Carl and everyone in the Royal Knights?"


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