White decided to do it.

   To forcibly take off the crown from King Ba’s head.

   Although he wants to replace King Ba, White cannot kill King Ba directly.

   Killing King Ba will only make White lose his righteousness, anger the rioting masses even more, and only make things worse.

   The correct way is for King Ba to give way on his own initiative.

   As long as such rights are obtained peacefully, White is the legitimate and reasonable master of this country.

  Anyone will be afraid of this righteous authority, and the power of the chaotic party will be greatly compromised by the majesty of the orthodox kingship.

  White, as an orthodox, suppressed the mob upright and restored national order.

   But it is not easy to let King Ba, who has been stubbornly resisting, give way.

  White turned him into a puppet, and the king of Pakistan is still stubbornly resisting.

  The key to King Ba’s not giving up his past years is that someone supports his beliefs.

   Therefore, if White wants to succeed, he needs to destroy King Ba’s sense of resistance.

  The location of King Ba’s resistance, or the last capital of King Ba, is Karl and his Royal Knights.

   The other newcomers who have just defected to the king of Pakistan are not yet in the climate and do not pose a threat.

   But the Royal Knights are the well-known shield of King Ba, protecting the last fortress of King Ba.

  As long as they are still there, no one can actually threaten King Ba.

   The existence of the Royal Knights will also inspire King Pakistan and give King Pakistan hope so that King Pakistan will not easily give up the struggle.

   In other words, if you want to take action against King Ba, you must first attack the ‘that sarcastic follower’.

   Because of this, White regards the Royal Knights as a thorn in his eyes and a thorn in his flesh.

   has been trying to weaken the strength of the Royal Knights.

   Use threats or poaching to reduce the number of Royal Knights, and then lower.

   Although the Royal Knights are dead now. Those with a small number of people cannot be called ‘group’ anymore.

   But they are still White’s biggest threat right now.

   is not easy to be wiped out.

   No one dares to underestimate the strength of the fanatic. Especially a group of enthusiasts who have faith, are extremely loyal, and have great strength.

   These guys have no abilities, nor will they be left by the kings of the past dynasties and entrusted with the important task as the last fortress.

   If there is a head-on conflict with the Royal Knights.

   It is impossible to take things lightly, it will definitely cause a lot of riots.

   The greater the movement, the more likely it is to disturb the chaos and the monsters hidden in the shadows, making things more complicated.

   Therefore, to make King Ba obey, it is necessary to destroy the Royal Knights on a physical level.

   And to destroy the Royal Knights, we must use some means. It is necessary to cut the mess quickly, so that things do not make a big deal, and it ends before everyone has time to react.

   If you want to do this, you can't take into account what a gentleman is doing.

   That morning, the Royal Knights quickly assembled, equipped with all equipment, and rushed to the palace to protect King Ba.

   was halfway there, but was stopped by White and his army.

   The two sides immediately confronted each other, and the atmosphere entered a state of tension.

   "White, what are you going to do? Get out of the way. We heard that someone is against your Majesty and wants to protect you. If you dare to get in the way, don't blame me for being rude to you. Cut you down as a chaotic party."

"Oh. It's not a small tone. It is worthy of being General Carl, who was second only to me in strength at the time. One of the Bastolas duo. It is a pity that I can't let go. We also got news that the Royal Knights have rebelled and are about to It is not good for your majesty. We are here to arrest the chaos of the party."

"What are you talking about? The Royal Knights are your Majesty’s most trusted army. All of us swear allegiance to Your Majesty and are willing to sacrifice our lives for the royal family. The Royal Knights’ loyalty is known even to children. All the world’s Everyone can betray your Majesty, but we will not..."

   Carl roared, only to see White laughed coldly.

   And this is, a person came out from behind White.

   It is Joseph, the head of the Paladin who forcibly moved into Bastola before.

   "I'm sorry, Lord Carl. Lord White is right. Your rebellion has been approved by Lord Saint King. So we will also support Lord White. For the safety of King Ba, we will eradicate the threat together."

   Carl glared at Joseph angrily, roaring deafeningly.

  "Why should the Holy Kingdom decide what happened to us in Bastolas? What qualifications do you have to characterize legal groups in other countries as traitors. Do you have any evidence?"

   "We don't need evidence. The decision of Lord Saint King is correct. Ask why we are qualified to make a decision? It is because our Saint Kingdom is the strongest."

   Joseph explained coldly, there was no meaning of pity or guilt in his sight.

   "Distorting the facts, succumbing to the fight, and interfering in the internal affairs of other people is what your holy king calls justice? You are ashamed to say that you are a Paladin and the spokesperson of justice. You are more evil than those murderous demon kings."

   Having said that, there is no need to talk nonsense anymore.

   Carl already understands.

   This is a conspiracy, and White has been waiting for himself here from the beginning.

   I am afraid that even the information that the Royal Knights received about the threat of King Ba is false.

   Fierce battle is inevitable.

   Carl yelled and was wrapped in red light.

   Turn on blessing skills, strengthen the body, and rush up first.

   The other Royal Knights were not afraid, and they also activated their skills to rush towards White's army.

   On the other hand, White and Joseph also used their skills to rush towards Karl's Royal Knights.

   Soon, the White Army, the Paladin, and the Royal Knights fought together.

  Various light and shadow effects make the square look like a car projection square.

   The two groups of people are not allowed to fight.

   It was clear that the number of people was not dominant, but the Royal Knights did not back down, and even gained the upper hand in an instant, forcing the others to retreat.

   Carl also fought two against White and Joseph.

   "As expected of General Carl, Bastola's first swordsman. The sword is not old. It is a worthy opponent, and it makes my blood boil."

   "It's really amazing. I didn't expect the little Bastola to have such a warrior. If the competition is not only for newcomers, I am afraid I am not confident to be in the top three."

   "Don't talk nonsense, let the old man go to death."

   Carl brandished his great sword and kept pushing Joseph and White back.

   Especially Joseph, under the pressure of Carl's sword wind, even gritted his teeth and showed an expression of pain.

   His usual relaxed attitude is gone.

   "What a Paladin, it's just bullying a few incompetent rookies in the martial arts competition, but that's it. If you want to sanction the old man, it will be 10,000 years sooner or later."

   "The traitor to the party identified by the Lord Saint King even dared to speak arrogantly. Look at it."

   Although Joseph can do it, he is not as good as General Carl in terms of technology, strength and experience.

"Don't look at the old man like an ordinary old man. But I have reached level 40 and have awakened the "Simplified version of the vision of God". In this country, only the old man and the old thief Carl have this kind of strength. There are not two. Brush, are you embarrassed to be the leader of the regiment?"

   Carl said, grabbing the gap and slashing at Joseph's neck with a sword.

   Joseph had no time to escape. Fortunately, White took the shot and fended off Carl's sword, so Joseph was not cut off his head.

   As soon as Carl's sword was fended off, Joseph immediately retreated to White's side, reacted, and found out that he was in a cold war.

   Such humiliation and embarrassment, Joseph has encountered for the first time since becoming a Paladin.

   This made him stare viciously at the old knight in front of him while feeling scared.

"How about? Little yellow-haired boy, do you know the consequences of spreading wild on the land of other countries? Hurry up and go back and lie in your arms and cry. Let the Lord Saint help you wash your wet underwear. The old man doesn't kill the weak, you beg for mercy now, and I can spare your life."

   "You, what did you say, dare to insult Lord Saint King. I want to interrogate you for heresy."

   Seeing Joseph lose his mind, he is about to rush forward.

  White stopped Joseph again.

   "My Lord Paladin, don't have to be provoked by him. This old ghost's time is about to end. After all, this plan is a quick fix."

  White had just finished speaking, and Carl hadn't figured out what he meant.

   Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his chest, and a mouthful of blood came out.

   When Karl was spraying blood, other Royal Knights also vomited blood and fell to the ground.

   instantly lost his combat effectiveness.

   Carl felt as if his body was torn apart, and as if being thrown into a fire pit, every cell was about to burn.

   Consciousness is quickly dissipating, but Carl still understands what happened.

There is only one possibility for   .

   "You, you fellow, poison us...too, too insidious. Is this what a dignified man would do?"

  White did not deny at all, but spread his hands.

   "What chivalry, what rules, are all clouds. You guy has always insisted on these useless things, that's why you ended up. This is war, this is the means of war."

   "You, you have violated your original intention. It is no longer the White I know. That man who charges with blood and enjoys fighting is no longer."

   while spitting out blood, his body lost strength at the same time.

   The light in his eyes was dimming, and General Carl inserted his sword into the ground, and he did not fall down.

   "I said it before. I've changed a long time ago. Everything is for myself... only for people like me can survive."

"But I still want to compliment you. The Royal Knights are really dripping. In order to get your chef to give you the medicine. I have to work hard. Finally, I arrested his family and forced him to submit. And to ensure that the poison is level. You will also take effect up to level 40. So I especially used the poison sponsored by Lord Saint King. It is colorless and tasteless, and it will take a while to attack. When it happens, it will definitely die."

   Hearing what White said, Carl smiled very much.

   And White gave up the position to Joseph.

   Joseph raised his sword and pointed it at Carl.

   "Come on. See if you can still succeed? The final victory must belong to justice. And our Paladin is the spokesperson of justice. All evil will be killed by justice."

   The golden sword light flashed, and a stream of blood spilled on the ground.


   The news that all members of the Royal Knights were killed soon spread.

   Because it happened so quickly, no one could react.

   King Ba learned of the news, and was even closer to collapse, so he slumped in a chair.

   Soon, White led the Royal Knights to the king of Pakistan.

   They didn't even wipe the blood off their bodies.

   As soon as he saw King Ba, White didn't salute, and said arrogantly.

   "Your Majesty, we have determined that Karl and his Royal Knights premeditated rebellion, which would endanger Your Majesty's safety. Therefore, we have followed the orders of Lord Saint King to eliminate the traitors in advance."

   "You, what are you talking about. The Royal Knights are my guard. You, you are the traitors. You bastards, I want to kill you. How dare you kill General Karl, this king will not bypass you."

  White walked forward with an indifferent expression, and slapped King Ba without hesitation.

"Hey. Stop yelling. Without the Royal Knights, you are nothing now. I just came here to inform. Lord Saint King has made a decision to let me take over Bastolas. The ceremony of giving way is three days later. Hold it. If you don’t want to live up to Karl’s painstaking effort, let me accept the failure as a king in the end."

   After Karl finished speaking, he took everyone away.

   did not forget to say in a cold voice before leaving.

   "King Bastola, you lost."

   As the door was closed hard, only King Ba was left in the office.

   The whole office is quiet again.

   Wang Ba cried loudly, unable to control his emotions anymore.

   "Damn, damn, damn. Strength, give me strength. Even the devil, lend me the strength. I want to protect my country, and I want to avenge Karl and the others!!!"

   Just when King Ba was crying, the letter Li Muran sent to King Ba before slipped from the pile of documents.

  Vaguely, there seemed to be a chaotic voice from the Demon King's City answering.

   "Your request, I have received it."


   It’s a big deal for the Royal Knights~www.readwn.com~ If things don’t go well, it will threaten White in turn.

   So White paid special attention to it, and he also worked **** the intelligence blockade.

   After all, it is a classified operation of the country's top figures. Unlike those civilian operations, it is more difficult to obtain intelligence.

   In addition, the people around White were all White's loyalists, and Li Muran couldn't arrange them in.

  Although Li Muran had a hunch that something would go wrong, and deliberately brought the people of the Demon Sect into the palace, he still couldn't touch the core.

  This also made it impossible for the Demon King Cult to detect White's true intentions first, and obtain the most valuable information.

   Not only that, but White's actions this time were extremely quick and resolute.

   When the people of the Demon Sect noticed it, they could no longer react and deal with it.

   Hearing that White had killed Karl and the Royal Knights on an unreasonable charge, Li Muran blamed himself and was angry.

Li Muran blamed her for not being well prepared, for failing to arrange people to White's side, for not expecting the tragedy to happen, for why she left at the time, and for not preventing the tragedy for White's plan to succeed... ..


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