Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Vol 3 Chapter 109: : The Social Transformation of the Demon King Army

It just so happened that the simple unity between King Ba and Karl was over.

Everything has calmed down, and there will be a lot of time for the two to relive the past.

Li Muran looked at King Ba and nodded in satisfaction.

"Qualified. If your Majesty dislikes the new image of General Carl. I will leave you."

Carl stood beside Li Muran to help round the field.

"Li Muran, how can you test your Majesty."

King Ba didn't care, but nodded happily.

"Carl, don't blame Li Muran. I don't think it is a problem for him to do this. I should accept the test. Moreover, accepting the test can also make me feel better."

"Since your Majesty is a man who understands righteousness. I don't want to circumscribe it and say it straight. I always feel that... Your Majesty is a person with a very charming personality, who will be a principle and understand morality... But the ability to govern the country is only 50 points."

"Hey. Li Muran, what you said is too worthwhile. How much to save your Majesty a little face."

Carl has become a skeleton, and he still defends King Ba and speaks for King Ba.

King Ba showed a wry smile.

"Carl, don't tie me to talk. Li Muran is right. White has been stolen from the country. I really have nothing to say."

"It's good to understand the truth. I'm afraid not to learn from the lesson. If there are deficiencies, it is fine. Then I will change it slowly. Bella also eats grass at the beginning. Now I can cook and wash clothes. I have made a lot of progress."

The example given by Li Muran didn't move King Ba and Karl at all. It even gave the two a sense of impropriety.

I really want to vomit what is the example.

The devil learns to sweep the floor. Is this a great improvement?

And why does the devil learn to sweep the floor and cook?

But Li Muran and Bella were very serious, and they didn't seem to be joking.

Especially Bella, she raised her head triumphantly, her chest was tall, and she looked proud.

This was for King Ba, even Karl, who had taken a trip from the underworld, would not be able to stop it.

"Just take it as it is."

"I will continue to help your Majesty. Together with General Carl, I will support your Majesty to rebuild Bastola."

Hearing this, King Ba, while he was relieved, knelt on one knee and saluted Li Muran.

The king of a country bowed down on one knee and saluted others.

This kind of courtesy is only high, and it doesn't need to be explained.

However, Karl, who had always protected King Ba, did not stop King Ba from doing so. Instead, he watched King Ba salute Li Muran.

Although I can't see the expression, I can feel Karl's approval of King Ba's behavior.

Perhaps, Carl also felt that King Ba should do this. Such an approach is not excessive.

"Thank you Li Muran, thank you Lord Bella. Thank you for recalling Carl, thank you for saving me. I once again express my highest respect and gratitude to you. I swear that I will always remember your great feats with gratitude. I Will follow the previous agreement and treat the Demon King Army as a guest of honor. Please, everyone, continue to help me."

Li Muran looked at Bella and nodded.

Bella smiled and helped King Ba up.

"No problem. I also like this country a little bit. Although I am a demon king, I am at odds with humans. But I am a new demon king. My concept is not as rigid as the old demon king. I think I can give it a try."

Bella said what she said when she first met Li Muran.

Li Muran was a little touched.

Afterwards, everyone cheered... The Demon King's Army officially established diplomatic relations with Bastola.


I want to ask Li Muran why he didn't directly replace King Ba and take Bastola?

The reason has been said before.

The first is trouble.

Governing the country is troublesome.

The situation of the Demon King Army has just improved, but it is not perfect yet.

It takes a lot of energy to develop the Demon King Army and teach the Demon King to grow. Li Muran doesn't have more energy to build a country.

It's like playing the second mine in StarCraft.

My main family hasn't developed well yet.

Do you want to spend more time, resources and energy on the second mine that is harder to maintain?

There are loopholes in both the main house and the division. Waiting for the enemy to harass. The separation of the main house is not good enough.

This kind of secondary mine will only become a cumbersome, it is better not to.

Although it may reduce revenue, it will never cause a loss.

No loss is profit.

Li Muran has a few catties and taels at the moment, and Li Muran knows best.

Li Muran asked for a visit to the village to be enough. The country should continue to leave it to the king of Pakistan.

In addition to the problem of energy, Bastola's current situation does not allow Li Muran to steal his country.

White just died.

Bastola's teeth are intertwined, and different forces are restraining each other. The situation is very complicated.

Especially the people are at their peak because of their dissatisfaction with various things.

At this time, as soon as White died, Li Muran took the initiative to steal the country.

Isn't this looking for a fight?

The masses' dissatisfaction with White is not to be vented on Li Muran.

Li Muran is still the Demon King's army, and is not at the same time as human beings. It is estimated that the beating will be even worse.

The difficulty of opening this second mine is enough for Li Muran to drink a pot.

This is no longer a question of not earning, it is a question of how big the odds are.

That is, King Ba, the orthodox king, can be accepted by the people and all parties, can calm the situation as quickly as possible, and let Bastora return to normal.

Leave this mess to King Ba.

This is his obligation, and he is happy to do this job.

Give it to King Ba, Li Muran can still have an adult favor.

Let King Ba and Bastollians thank the Demon King Army. Facilitate the demon king's army to obtain human support.

No matter how you look at it, it's more cost-effective than stealing the country directly.

Finally, Li Muran did not think about reforming Bastola's social system.

Just like in many novels, give him a big red makeover.

But unfortunately, that kind of thing is cool to see in the novel.

The reality is more complicated than imagined.

The members of the Demon King’s Army were tossing about with Li Muran because of their small number and poor living foundation.

Even so, Tuyang's traditional concept is still very serious.

There are also differences in habits between different races.

The Demon King Army with only more than 200 people is so difficult to toss.

There are so many people in a country.

Traditional ideas are deeply ingrained. If you change it blindly, if one fails, you will offend everyone.

That means doing good things into bad things will make people laugh out of their teeth.

It's not just that the spread of ideas is strenuous.

The level of productivity and knowledge popularization in this society is not high.

People are still hungry. You have to apply advanced social systems.

I'm afraid it's not because my head is sick, I just like fantasy and can't see the reality clearly.

Social transformation is a long process.

When the conditions are ripe, even if Li Muran doesn't toss, he will transform himself.

Besides, the low social status is not a problem.

The key is to achieve harmony.

As long as the people’s lives are guaranteed and everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, everyone’s life will not be over.

As long as the king is a good king. With a good policy, the country is rich and strong.

This is the core issue.

Wanting to understand this, Li Muran didn't want to toss and do troublesome things like stealing the country.

Also talked to Bella by the way.

How to say it is a very big matter, it is related to the development direction of the Demon King Army, and we still have to let the Demon Lord know.

As a result, Bella showed a lack of interest.

"I don't care, Li Muran has the final say. I just have to follow Li Muran. Li Muran says to do, and I will do it."

This Demon Lord didn't even think about such a far away.

Li Muran felt that he was a fool who was serious about giving a report to Lord Devil.

The Demon Lord hasn't grown up to the point where he can stand alone.

"You know? It's because you don't want anything, and you push the truth to me, so that people always misunderstand that I am the devil. You also cheer me up."

Pulling Bella's soft face, Li Muran explained.

"Woo, it hurts. Things are too complicated. I'm sure to make trouble. Li Muran can help me think about it."

"Laziness. You, the smelly devil, are laziness."

"This is the right to use the Demon King. You gave it to me."

Watching Li Muran's interaction with Bella, Tuyang, Baiwei, Davarixi couldn't help whispering.

"Isn't it because Li Muran always blatantly bullied Lord Devil, that caused the misunderstanding?"

"Yes. Master Li Muran restrained Master Bella to death in terms of his aura."

"The instructor is the domineering and evil spirit of the automatic demon. No wonder Bella-sama."

The people of the Demon King Army and the Demon King Cult have reached a consensus on the fact that the secretary is not like a secretary, and that the devil is not like the devil.

When things got here, Bastola's crisis was lifted.

The next step is the reconstruction phase.

First of all, under the operation of the Demon King Cult, King Ba returned to the apex of power.

White's old ministry is still there, and the resistance to King Ba is still great.

It's a bit troublesome to sit up. However, now that White has been pushed, these little fish and shrimps are no longer opponents.

The Demon King who has found a pattern from the previous events to do this kind of thing is simply familiar.

There is also the need to deal with those complicated forces to stop it.

Bring in smart people, reject stubborn people...Establish a brand new faction that supports the overlord.

With the faction of the king of Pakistan as the core, the country's administrative organs were reorganized.

In order to make up for the temporary shortage of talents.

Li Muran simply lent the cadres of the Demon King Sect to the King of Ba for dispatch.

Carl also assured the king of Pakistan that these people are not only capable but also reliable.

I thought that the cadres of the Demon Sect would be very happy to return to King Ba.

As a result, they directly threatened the king of Pakistan.

"Your Majesty. We are your people. It is our duty to assist you in rebuilding Bastola. But we are also members of the Demon Sect. We also pledge allegiance to Lord Bella. While guiding you, we will always be from the shadows. Monitor your behavior in China. When you do behavior that violates ethics and morality and is not in line with the king of a country, and disappoints the people. We will come out of the shadows and overthrow your rule like White. Please quote As a warning."

Damn it.

Are these guys poisoned in the Brotherhood plot?

This is too much to enter the role.

Li Muran knocked several people on the head one by one.

But the attitude of a few people is still tough. We are the Demon King Cult first, and then the Bastola people's expression.

But the king of Pakistan was very happy.

"That's good. Someone supervises me, and it can prevent me from taking further measures. Please guide me to become a king that can be recognized by you. By the way. Bella and Li Muran are really trusted by everyone. I think it is better to teach the devil. Set up a national religion."

Hey. Don't be like this.

Just offended the Holy Kingdom. Don't make the facts more complicated.

Stop taunting all human beings.

Li Muran can already think of the arrival of various follow-up troubles.

Lending people to the Queen of Pakistan, except to consolidate the rule of the King of Pakistan.

The riots that have been caused before will also be put down.

To restore social order, it is more important to restore social production.

Only when there is food and work to do will people settle down.

If these basic problems are not solved, the others will treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

This can only be done by Bastola himself.

Even if Li Muran wanted to support, he still had more than enough energy.

Although the formation of the Demon King Army is already very good.

Not only is it enough for itself, but it also has a lot of surplus.

Li Muran used these surpluses to support the Demon King's Cult and the Yoshui Village.

But the size of the Demon King's Army is just like that.

It's okay to support a Demon King's Church, and support a Yoshui Village.

It is absolutely impossible for Li Muran to support the entire Bastolas.

"If your Majesty doesn't dislike it, I can lend your Majesty the professionals of the Demon King Army who are engaged in related work. You can ask them to help guide the production and impart some new production experience. Is this okay?"

"Of course you can. I'm very grateful that the Demon King Army can help. There is no reason to be picky."

Although it may not be effective immediately, if the advanced farming technology is popularized, the efficiency of food supply in Bastola should be improved a lot.

With food security, the difficulty of solving other problems will also decrease and will be solved easily.

Of course, this is not a simple process.

It takes a lot of effort for King Ba and the Demon King to help him.

Li Muran could only give pointers next to him. From a standpoint, there should be no excessive intervention.

Anyway, it must be a big project to rejuvenate Bastola, who has turned into a mess. Thinking about it makes a big head.

"Before I actively cooperate with King Ba. I still need to do some ideological and institutional work."

"I don't know about this Li Muran. I have already figured it out. This is also the top priority. If you don't do these things first, I am not only ashamed of you, but also sorry for Carl's sacrifice. These things are the basis for other things. "

The basis that King Ba said was to inform the people that the Demon King’s army helped King Ba and that Karl was resurrected from the dead.

After that, Li Muran wanted to help with construction. People who want to use the Demon King's Army.

After all, the members of the Demon King's Army are demihumans.

In Bastola's blatant action, UU reading will inevitably cause some trouble.

Demihumans who have been considered human slaves to guide human work can also cause dissatisfaction and resistance.

All kinds of work will be difficult to start.

So before Li Muran provides strong support.

I hope that the king of Pakistan will do a good job in the ideological work of the people.

A person who allows everyone to accept the Demon King's army.

At the same time there is Carl's business.

Don’t let the hero die and chill.

If Carl died for the country, he would not hesitate to become an undead and resurrect in order to save the country.

Later, because of the appearance of the skeleton, the people poked the backbone to gossiping.

Even if Karl didn't care, Li Muran would be sad.

Let the people of Bastola accept the demon king and the undead. This is the basis for the cooperation between the Demon King's Army and Bastola.

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