Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Vol 3 Chapter 110: : The country that deals with the devil

If the Bastola people can’t treat the Demon King’s Army and Carl equally.

Li Muran patted his **** and left. From now on, regardless of the life or death of the Bastorians.

King Ba had thought of this a long time ago, and he also made a plan.

The king of Ba, who had always felt that he was seized of power, almost happened, but now it seems that it is actually pretty good.

He is not a puppet, but is thinking about things seriously.

"As soon as the domestic turmoil stabilizes. I am going to announce the heroic deeds of the Demon King Army to the public. Tell the world that we are going to form an alliance with the Demon King Army. On Karl's side, I also specially arranged for a special civilian to write an article. I want to write the content. It’s touching. The story of Carl being killed, still thinking about the country, returning from hell, and finally saving me with Lord Demon spreads all over the streets."

Ba Wang's expression of excitement made him look like a child who confided in his favorite thoughts.

"I want everyone to know the story of the Demon King's Army and Carl, so that the heroic deeds of the Demon King's Army and Carl will always be passed on to Bastola. Li Muran, don't worry. The Bastola people are people who understand the truth and know how to be grateful. The Bastola people are also the most open and accept demihumans. I believe that my people will definitely be able to accept the Demon King’s army and accept the current Karl’s."

After listening to King Ba's words, Li Muran also smiled.

"Your Majesty is a wise king. You did the right thing to save your Majesty to the death. Please let us help your Majesty."

"Me too. Thanks to the Demon King Army for being so sensible and keeping the rules. Please help me to rebuild Bastola."

Li Muran and King Ba held their hands together.

This is a historic handshake between the human king and the secretary of the Demon King's Army.

It represents the opening of a new era of mutual understanding, tolerance, solidarity and mutual assistance, and peaceful coexistence between humans and the Demon King Army.

"Although I am a human being, it feels like this is nothing. But from the standpoint of the Demon King Army, this is definitely an unprecedented event."

"It's worthy of my Li Muran, who really allowed humans to tolerate us. Thinking about being chased by humans to the Deathsong Forest, it feels unreal. Among the demon kings I know, they are all opposed to humans. No. To provoke humans is to be chased and beaten by humans. This is the first time I have met with humans and help each other. It still happened to me. This is unprecedented and I am super proud."

I have been standing next to Li Muran, regardless of whether there are still many people watching.

Bella took Li Muran's arm and acted like a cat.

The king of Ba and the others couldn't help laughing out of this picture.

Even Tuyang, Baiwei, and Davarixi gave Li Muran a thumbs up.

"This time I also did something super amazing. It refreshed everyone's cognition and broke common sense."

"I feel surprised and shocked, and I can face it calmly, without making a fuss. This is probably the complicated feelings that the Demon King Army can have."

"I have stayed with Li Muran for a long time. I can expect that he will do something unacceptable. This kind of thinking has always been there. So when a big event does happen, you can face it calmly. But think about it, this is nothing at all. It's a big thing to be able to fight calmly. Sure enough, I should jump and jump, yelling and yelling is appropriate."

After Shiroo finished speaking, everyone smiled happily.

King Ba is also an activist.

As soon as the domestic situation was stabilized, he struck the iron while it was hot and fulfilled what he said.

Not only did they announce the deeds of the Demon King’s Army and Karl across the country, but also clarified their contributions to the country.

"When we were most in distress, God abandoned us, but the devil saved us. We Bastola are not ignorant people, but people who understand reason and know gratitude. In the past, based on human common sense, we rejected and hated , Fear the Demon King. But now, we are grateful, admire, and respect the Demon King. We will not betray the benefactor because of our status. We will not do ungrateful things. We only value his character and behavior. We want to prove that we, Bastola People are the people who know the gratitude. We want to establish diplomatic relations with the Bella Demon King Army. From then on, the Demon King’s Religion has been established as the state religion."

They also held receptions one after another, giving the people the opportunity to contact the Demon King Army and Karl.

For these receptions, Li Muran also made a special effort.

Made a custom-made dress for Tuyang, Davarishi.

Get a new maid outfit for Shiroo. Prepared a new costume for Tinari.

Prepared the Knife Tower cos suit for Karl and the Royal Knights.

After changing the image, everyone is handsome and beautiful.

The image is likable.

Plus everyone's distinctive personality.

As a result, the reception has not been held several times, and everyone has their own fan group.

After the reception had not yet opened, some people went to step on the spot first and waited there all night. Even because there were too many people coming to meet, there was a situation that had to call the Demon King's Church to maintain law and order.

The cadres of the Demon King's Army reached out for the love of the people of Bastola.

The activities attended by the cadres are very popular.

Among them, Tina Li’s concert is the hottest.

Originally it was just a reception. Through close contact, I wanted to tell Bastora that the people of the Demon King's Army were not terrible and would not eat or kill casually. Let everyone let go of the grudge in their hearts.

As a result, Tinari, who likes to show off, turned into a concert inexplicably.

It's okay if you don't do it, it's out of control.

Tinari’s concert immediately caused an upsurge in Baka.

Many people come here admiringly. Tickets have even reached a high price.

Tinari instantly became a national idol and the popular spokesperson of Bastola.

After that, Tinari always applied for a concert on the grounds of enhancing the relationship between the Demon King Army and the people of Bastola.

Finally found an opportunity to do what I like best to show off.

This makes the extremely expressive peeing devil happy.

She even thought it was good to be caught by Li Muran. Otherwise, there will be no chance to eat delicious food, get dressed, and be able to perform to the fullest in front of people.

"A lot of people are cheering for me. It feels so good. I am the queen of this world."

"Cut. I'm the commander of the Demon King's army. You are just a little trousers underneath you. Don't give me a smug."

Bella and Tinari began to hit the bar again.

Tinali's thoughts, don't be too careless. She is such a person.

Wouldn't anyone really argue with a devil who is peeing his pants?

Carl is the same.

Obviously, the most worried thing is Karl's situation.

But judging from the results, Li Muran's worries were obviously unnecessary.

Carl is greatly admired by some passionate people.

Highly prestigious in the circle of patriots.

Those people regarded Carl as a hero who did a miracle. Not only did he not reject Karl, but he even felt that the "resurrection" was a miracle caused by Karl's national salvation. (No. Truth is magic, it’s science.)

The aura of miracle color has also made people respect Karl more. .

These people see Carl as a role model, as Bastola's savior.

Resolutely support Carl, do not say whether he respects Carl, and also try to protect Carl, do not allow anyone to act disrespectful to Carl.

They will take the initiative to stand up and argue with people who don't know right and wrong, reason with the ignorant children, and help publicize Karl's deeds.

The hero who protected others is now protected by others, and everything Carl did is worthwhile.

Although he could not see the expression, Li Muran knew that Karl must be smiling.

The progress of the matter is better than expected. This makes Li Muran unable to help but realize that the Bastorians are really, as King Ba said, they are all people who speak the rules clearly.

Bastola's ability to accept demihumans is also really impressive.

The ideological work of the masses in Bastola is progressing in full swing.

The effect is quite good.

In this way, all subsequent work can be carried out easily.

Wait a minute and let Isha and the others come to Bastola to have a look.

They had long been arguing about wanting to see the human country, and they had a long experience.

Think about Yisha and the others who don't need to be vigilant, walking casually on the streets of human beings, and their mood can't be controlled and happy.

This is also an unprecedented experience for Yisha and others.

No, it should be said that it was something that I didn't even think about in the past.

Just for everyone's smiling faces, Li Muran tossed in Bastolas for so long, it was worth it.

After all, it is a great achievement.

In addition to the relationship between official announcements, and alliances, let the people accept the Demon King's army.

In accordance with the rules, the king of Pakistan also rewards for meritorious deeds.

King Ba also asked Li Muran and Bella what they wanted.

"Master Bella, Li Muran, what do you want? I admire Li Muran's talent, and Carl has recommended it to me many times. Why not come to be my prime minister, consultant. Anyway, you are familiar with this matter."

Don't give someone the post of prime minister as soon as you come up.

The prime minister made a drop in price like the white rabbit toffee that he gave away.

Don't just give such an important job to someone who is new to it.

Be wary.

Even if it is recommended by a loyal minister (Carl).

Also, don't think that Li Muran is the secretary of the Demon King, he is very suitable to be the prime minister and consultant.

Is this totally different?

At least, the labor intensity is completely different.

I don't want to be.

Li Muran resolutely refused.

"No, no need. Thank your Majesty for your kindness. But being a secretary is enough trouble. Everyone has seen what my devil is like. I really don't have any extra energy."

Being a secretary is exhausting enough, so Li Muran should not die and put more burdens on himself.

This reward also sounds good.

Who didn't know that the prime minister of Bastola, who was poor and white, couldn't get any oil or water.

Especially in this period of waiting for prosperity, there is no need to be busy to have ghosts.

In other words, it is a job that has to work hard, but has no practical benefits.

Why Li Muran didn't want to take over Bastola at the beginning, not because it was troublesome.

If he accepts the position of prime minister, what is the difference from stealing the country directly.

Li Muran herself still wanted to go home and plant flowers, read books, grasp soft things and think about life, pretending to be hands-on.

The idea is very firm, and the one who refuses is very firm.

Not only refused, Li Muran backhandedly recommended cadres approved by him in the Demon King Sect, and asked them to assist King Ba and sealed King Ba's mouth.

"They are humans, or Bastorians. No matter from which point of view, they are more suitable to stay with Your Majesty than me."

"Li Muran is right. They are indeed strong. But you are obviously better. You have such a strong ability but you don't use it to the extreme. It's too wasteful."

"Your Majesty. Stop it. The saying'the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility' doesn't work for me. I refuse moral kidnapping. I am only one person. The whole world asks me for help, and I must not exhaust myself. I don't care. In everything we do, put'my own will' in the first place."

King Ba could only sigh with a wry smile.

In his heart, Li Muran is definitely the best candidate.

If Li Muran could be allowed to take a direct shot, Bastola would surely be able to recover several times faster.

It's a pity that Li Muran, who has a unique idea, has no dead ends.

"Then, don't be the prime minister, what about the other rewards? Although it's a shame to say that, Bastola can't give you valuable things now."

So I took out the prime minister's empty name and gave it to Li Muran?

Draw a pie for Li Muran and let Li Muran do the work for free?

Originally thought that King Ba was too honest, he was taken advantage of by White.

It now appears that King Ba is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

How can a person who is a king have no ability at all?

But Li Muran was not angry, but felt a little happy.

Such a king of Pakistan is worth saving.

After that, Bastola, you can look forward to it.

"I won't ask for those things with Your Majesty. Now it is when resources are needed, and there are those things. It is better to use them for national construction."

"It turned out that the object of the reward persuaded the reward to be used on the blade. This is the first time I have encountered this kind of thing. When dealing with Li Muran, I feel that I have been doing things that break the routine and subvert the three views. People are overwhelmed and can't respond. No. But I don’t want the position of the prime minister, nor do I need materials and money. I can’t think of anything to give Li Muran at all.”

Li Muran thought briefly.

"Nothing is wrong. This will make your Majesty question my purpose of saving people. After all, free things are the most expensive in this world. But in fact, what I want has already been obtained."

"Got it?"

Li Muran nodded.

"Isn’t I the lord of Yoshui Village? Please continue to recognize your identity. Allow me to build Yoshui Village in my own way. Of course, Yoshui Village is still the land of Bastola. So taxes and other things will still be paid. Handed in. I will also hand in half of the resources I obtained in Yoshui Village. The results and products I have produced will also be shared with the country. Is this okay?"

King Ba's eyes flashed, showing an expression of excitement.

"Of course. It's better to say that letting Li Muran manage Yoshui Village is a huge benefit to Bastola."

Li Muran's strength is already very clear.

King Ba also learned from the people of the Demon King Sect that what Li Muran did was not only advanced, but also had a lot of practical value.

It is impossible to get started by ordinary means.

Sharing these things of extraordinary value with Bastola can immediately improve Bastola's overall strength. Let Bastola's development enter the fast lane.

King Ba immediately noticed this and showed a surprised reaction.

Li Muran still said flatly.

"If your majesty approves, this is the reward."

"If Li Muran is okay. Me, I naturally have no objection."

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