Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Vol 3 Chapter 159: : However, the enemy has Gundam

  Because the Demon King Army began to show off its strength.

   The front of the Three-Power Allied Forces is compressed.

  The large corps began to concentrate in a relatively small space.

   It was when the commander was discussing countermeasures and arguing whether to continue the attack or retreat.

   Desperate news came.

   "Yes, it's a dragon...the dragon flew from the demon king's army."


Is    that kind of legendary creature?

  Dragons are not going to die, there are only a handful of dragons in this world?

   No one has seen a dragon for a long time.

The last time    saw the name of Dragon, it was in the information book of the National Library.

   Did you hear me wrong?

  The dragon flew from the territory of the Demon King Army?

  Is it a dragon? Isn't it a lizard or a dragon?

   "Ken, it must be a dragon. The bone looks exactly as recorded in the literature. No, you can't make a mistake. It flew aggressively towards our main force. At first glance, I knew it was here to fight."

   After hearing the report, the commanders all ran out of the tent.

   When you look up, you can see the bone dragon flying in mid-air.

   The location that was so far before, all had to send troops to reconnaissance.

   But the bone dragon flies in the sky, and there is no obstacle in the field of vision, even if it is far away, it can be seen.

   "Really, it's really a dragon."

   can no longer care why the tangled bones can fly.

  Dragons come with various abilities.

   is a bone, but as long as it is a dragon, it can fly.

   What really disturbs the commander is that in addition to the cadres who possess the power of the Demon King, there are even bone dragons in the Demon King Army?

   This can no longer be described as Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger.

   The commanders of the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms were deeply aware of how superficial thoughts were at the beginning.

   This is not an easy war of aggression. This is a hornet's nest and kicked open the door of hell.

   Dragon flew in the direction of the main force of the legion.

  There are dense black spots beside the dragon.

   "Then, what are those things?"

   "Report, well, it seems to be a griffon. The dwarves are riding a griffon."

   a huge bone dragon, surrounded by griffon riders escorting.

   It looks very similar to group bombing.

   This is the air force.

   is a unit that has never appeared in human combat mode.

   Not to mention the emergence of brand-new arms, such a scale is unheard of.

   The commander of the Three-Power Allied Forces stared blankly.

   Well-informed and experienced, usually a commander who can speak is more miserable.

   don't know how to deal with this situation.

   But only one thing is clear to everyone.

  The enemy sent bone dragons and griffins. They definitely didn’t just want to show off their military strength. It was like a kid who said, "Let the Three Kingdoms Army see that they have such a big toy".

   Thinking of the strength of the Demon King’s army cadres, the ominous premonition began to swell, and the uneasy emotions would overflow from his head and sprayed to the ground like blood.

   "No, we can't let them get close to our main force. Hurry, fight back."

  The characteristic of the big army is thick.

  The heavy price is slowness. The more people get together, the harder it is to move.

  Because of the attack by the cadres of the Demon King's army, the main force of the Three Kingdoms coalition forces are now concentrated in a relatively small area like cattle and sheep being driven out.

  Think carefully, isn't this a premeditated demon king army.

   Isn’t that what they want?

   Although the cadres of the Demon King's Army are very strong, it is estimated that they can't hold the wheel of war.

  The longer they fight, the more obvious their disadvantage of fewer people.

   So they will find a way to end the battle early.

   Because of this, they made plans to gather the three-nation coalition forces.

   "No, it's not good. Hurry up and let the legion disperse. Don't care about the position, just disperse wherever you want, the sooner the better."

   "Impossible, impossible. With so many people gathered together, I can't wait to disperse, and the enemy air force will fly over."

   "Then, try to delay the opponent. Use magic, and bow and arrow."

   The Three Kingdoms Alliance has never thought about a small Demon King Army, Hidden Dragon, Crouching Tiger, and Air Force.

   Of course, I didn't prepare the air force. Of course, there is no air force either.

   The only way to stop the Air Force now is long-range attacks.

   I don’t care how much effect the bow and arrow hit the bone dragon will have.

   First think of a way to procrastinate.

   "No, no. Our attack can't reach that high."

   This sentence echoed in the commander's barracks.

When    looked up again, the Bone Dragon and Griffon troops had already flown directly above the main force of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces.

   "It's over, it's over. It's too late to do anything."

   The commander knelt down with a thud.

   While the commander knelt down, the Demon King's Air Force began to attack.

   It was an attack without any obstruction or counterattack.

   is a unilateral killing.

   And because of its superior location, it is much more lethal than attacking on the ground.

   The Bone Dragon opened its huge mouth, and said that the black flame engulfed in black particles leaned to the ground.

   The black flames are like barbecue ants, and people who gather together and cannot escape are burnt to death efficiently.

   People can't even struggle a bit, and they can't evade the attack, so they are evaporated into steam.

   After this one bite, the human legion, which was originally black, was like a shaved head, and a long strip of space was instantly vacated.

   The picture is very spectacular.

   But considering that all the people who disappeared from the field of vision were people, there was only a panic.

   At the same time that the Bone Dragon was carrying out a destruction attack.

  Gryphon uses a rune hammer to release lightning to attack the enemy's special target.

  For example, a siege crossbow, or magician troops.

   Although the opponent can't hit him at all, it is meaningless to give priority to destroying the threatening target.

   While using lightning to accurately destroy important targets.

  The dwarves will also drop the unstable magic stone, a specialty of Han Xue, from the griffon.

   After dropping the thing and looking down, it seemed that a lot of flowers were in full bloom on the ground at a time.

   There are explosions, explosions, explosions everywhere.

   accompanied by an explosion of endless sorrow.

   If cadres will encounter resistance in the battle with the enemy, they will meet well-matched opponents, they need to use their brains, and it takes some skills to waste physical energy.

  The destruction of enemy targets by the Air Force is simply work.

  Simple, efficient, boring...

   are just doing things that are designed in advance mechanically.

   is like knocking a screw on the assembly line, there is no surprise at all.

   In a blink of an eye, people who were still alive a few seconds ago turned into corpses.

   The living people with names have turned into cold numbers.

   The proud army group was wiped out and could no longer assemble, leaving only the remnants and defeated generals, and fled desperately in embarrassment.

  The enemy's air force performed a wave of disappearance of the large corps to the three-nation coalition forces.

   wiped out the main force of the three-nation coalition forces, so that the three-nation coalition forces no longer have the capital for aggression, and at the same time completely destroyed the people's will.

   No one dared to get close to Bastola and Deathsong Forest anymore.

   is not only for the Three-Power Allied Forces, but also for other human nations.

   These two names have become a nightmare for all human beings.

   is synonymous with the devil and death.

   It doesn’t make sense to stay here.

   It doesn't matter whether the three countries will become a laughing stock or not, nor how the international situation will change in the future.

   The commanders didn’t even have time to care that their pants were wet, and they ran away on horseback.

   The brave men of Caoret also didn't have the bullishness at first.

   one by one, snot and tears, weeping and running wildly in the forest.

   "Mom. I don't want to stay in this world. The other world is terrible. I don't want to be a brave man. I want to go home. I want to stay at home and never leave again."

   The hearts of the brave men were also completely destroyed.

   Looking down from the sky, I can clearly see every move of the Three-Power Allied Forces.

   The original position of the big army has been destroyed by the black dragon flame and the unstable magic stone.

   There are gullies everywhere, single pits everywhere, and charred bodies everywhere.

   The people who were lucky not to be circled in the attack are desperately running for their lives, and they run everywhere.

   Some people even ran in the direction of Bastola and Deathsong Forest.

   The enemy's commander had already left the troops and fled on horseback.

   In order to run faster, I threw everything down.

   The supplies are gone, the armor and equipment are also gone, and even the purse is dropped.

   is the real loss of helmets and armor.


   After Li Muran and Bella met, they looked at the battlefield with binoculars.

  Everything develops according to expectations, with surprises but no dangers.

"has it ended?"


   Li Muran and Bella looked at each other and laughed together.

   "It seems that I have to go further along with Lord Demon."

   "I will ask the secretary to take care of me in the future."

   Li Muran breathed a sigh of relief, while Bella smiled and took Li Muran's wrist.

   No matter how you look at it, it doesn't match the conversation.

   Li Muran is like a demon, and Bella, who is holding Li Muran's arm, is more like a secretary.

   WeChat also sent news.

   "Li Muran, I wiped them out as you said. They were all driven to one place by you, got together, and it was over easily. They didn't notice that this was your strategy at all."

  Who would have thought that the enemy has a Gundam...the enemy has an air force.

   The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms didn’t know this was a tactic, and it’s normal.

   Li Muran just hit an information gap, hitting the gap of an era.

   This time it worked, but with this experience, mankind will definitely have countermeasures to defend against the air force in subsequent wars.

   But, that’s something to say.

   "Thanks for Layla. Thanks to Layla, things went so smoothly. Layla is the key to our victory."

   "Hee hee hee. That is as it should be. This is also to protect my shelter. However, I want to eat more kinds of ghost mushroom food. I have to play more interesting games."

"No problem. Leila is what she says. It's not just ghost mushroom snacks. Later, I will buy you a computer with a high configuration, and I will pull a separate network cable for you and install it in your room. How do you want to play? Just play."

   "Yes, is it the special line you have been talking about? Great. It is really the right choice to follow Li Muran out of the maze. Li Muran is my favorite."

   A dedicated line and a dedicated computer with high configuration can handle such a powerful dragon.

   The price is too appropriate.

  Of course, in this world, only Li Muran can equip others with computers.

   From the perspective of others, this is simply impossible, an unprecedented thing.

   is more difficult to achieve than having the king of a country trade a country.

   After Layla, Bronzebeard also sent a message.

   "Boss, do you want to continue chasing those people? Do you want to kill the roots?"

"No need. Let everyone come back. After the loss of the main force of 80,000 people, the vitality of the Three Kingdoms has been greatly injured. They will not be able to make major moves within a few decades. Of course, when they regain their vitality, we The Demon King’s Army has grown stronger a long time ago. They are still not our opponents. Those remnants will not be a threat. Let them run. Also, but I want to thank your patriarch. Come back, and I will treat you with hospitality. Ours."

   "The boss just knows how to do things. That's why everyone is willing to pay for the boss."

   Not long after the information was sent, the air force could be seen returning from Li Muran's position.

   Things developed here.

   can finally post the word that has been in my mind for a long time in WeChat.

   Li Muran looked at Bella.

   "Bella, come on."

   "Let’s talk about it. I know you think about me, but it’s up to you to speak out at this time. Everyone will be relieved immediately. At this point, you are better than me."

  The plan was made by Li Muran, and the tactics were arranged by Li Muran.

   Besides, everyone is used to Li Muran's unreasonable orders.

   At this time, Li Muran said the result, so that everyone could believe it and immediately relieved.

   Li Muran touched Bella's head, and the two of them laughed together.

   "Just this time."

   "Definitely more than this time."

   "Don't be like this, I'm a secretary, you are the devil."

   Li Muran sighed, wrote a few words in WeChat, and then hit enter.

   The words ‘the war is over, we are victorious’ popped up in the chat group.

   Then, the chat group was fried.

   The words of celebration pop up like running water, constantly refreshing the screen, so that you can’t even see it clearly, and you will be rejected by the new information.

  Everyone is still in different positions, obviously far away, but it seems to hear everyone's excited cheers.

   That kind of enthusiasm, excitement, resounding, and earth-shaking, spread all over Bastola and Deathsong Forest, rushing up to the sky, breaking the sky.

   Looking at the constantly scrolling subtitles in WeChat, feelings flowed out uncontrollably.

   Even Li Muran, who has always been calm, couldn't help it. He threw his fists and was teased by Bella.

   The battle ended abruptly.

   Although it seems cruel.

   But Li Muran felt that this was the best ending.

   showed his strength and completely hurt the opponent and let the opponent learn a lesson.

   This is better than retaining the strength, letting the other party still have thoughts, and constantly jumping in front of you.

  The longer the battle drags on, the greater the torture to the fighters on both sides.

   The enemy died on the battlefield, and perhaps the pain was more than being burned to death by the dragon flame.

   What's more, the procrastinated battle is also a torture to one's own people.

   Li Muran important people may be sacrificed in battle.

   There are many ways to achieve the goal, but Li Muran will always choose the best effect.

   As long as it is for his family, Li Muran will use any method.

   As long as the effect is good, Li Muran doesn't care about the process.

   It makes sense to throw the atomic bomb down.

   can make stupid people smart instantly.

   The bargaining chips are on the table, the position is clear, and it is convenient to talk about anything later.


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