Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Vol 3 Chapter 160: : One point of approach is no different from the world

   The threat has been eliminated.

   All that is left is to clean the battlefield and discuss various related matters with King Ba.

   I am afraid that the pattern of the human world is about to change.

  Bastola, a small country, will surely be able to gain more voice in the international arena.

  The battlefield of 80,000 people is not so easy to clean up.

   I am afraid that the time to clean up the battlefield is longer than the time to fight.

   To take prisoners, dispose of corpses, and seize the props used by them.

   Originally, Li Muran dismissed these props.

   But now there is JD.

   As long as it is a local thing, it can be thrown into and exchanged for local currency.

   After changing the gold coins, you can use them to buy the local items you want.

   Although it’s a little bit like that, it's a kind of waste utilization in disguise.

   Therefore, Li Muran's enthusiasm for cleaning the battlefield is much higher than usual.

   In addition to cleaning the battlefield, it is also necessary to summarize the battle.

   What I did well, what I didn’t do well, where the enemy is strong, and the enemy’s tricky abilities are summarized.

   Everyone should organize the collection of information they have obtained.

   Then ask professionals to research and file, as the basis for the subsequent battle plan formulation.

   Others don't know how to do it, but the Demon King Army has a whole set of scientific development methods.

   is to use this scientific development method, the Demon King Army can be like a phoenix, rebirth from the ashes, the stronger the war.

   After the battle, everyone thought they could breathe a sigh of relief, thinking about enjoying the fruits of victory, thinking about the next warm celebration, and Tucker suddenly appeared.

   The mighty demon king ran back violently, with a rare expression of nervousness.

   This time he not only ran back by himself, but also brought a guest.

   That is a tall man with long blond hair, giving the impression of otherworldly.

   Although the other person looks like a bean sprout, it makes people think that he will fall when the wind blows. It seems less oppressive than Howard.

   But Li Muran and Bella still noticed something vigilantly.

   There is something similar to Tucker in this man.

   People want to stare at him uncontrollably, not daring to look away from Fenhao, and at the same time, his heart beats quickly.

   was still Leila's reaction, which proved Li Muran and Bella's conjecture.

   "Tuck, long time no see. Isn't this Kindy? What brought you here?"

   "Layla, you really joined the Bella Demon King's army. When Li Muran sent me an email, I still don't believe it. Why don't you keep guarding your labyrinth."

   "Tired. Don't talk about me. Since you are here, it means that your situation is similar to mine."

   Laila and Tucker looked at Li Muran together.

   Then the two laughed together tacitly.

   Whether it is a bone dragon or a powerful demon king, they are all attracted by the same person.

   The joyous atmosphere lasted only a moment, and Tucker's expression became serious again.

   "I am in a hurry to come back this time, not to greet my brother, I'm here to warn sister Bella and brother Li Muran."

   "Warning? Lord Tucker, I don't understand."

   Looking at Bella, Bella shook her head. Looking at Layla who knew Tucker, Layla also said that she didn't know.

   Tucker sighed, clutching his head, looking embarrassed.

   This is the first time to see this big devil show such an expression.

   Intuition is telling Li Muran that things are really big.

"I know you won the battle. I know that it is not easy for you. I am also happy for you. I should celebrate for you. But I don’t seem to have time to celebrate. By the way, let’s introduce this one first. This is called Jindi, and Like me, they are all ten demons."

   Tucker finished, the blond man like bean sprouts introduced himself politely.

   "I have heard Tucker say about you for a long time, and I have always wanted to come and have a look. My name is Jindi, one of the ten demons, and I am the Corruption Lord."

   After listening to Tucker's explanation and Jindi's introduction, everyone was taken aback.

   It's no wonder that Jindy has the same feeling on Tucker just now, and now it's finally clear.

Everyone knows what Tucker is.

   This person is of the same level as Tucker.

   It's definitely fake to not be nervous when such a big person comes.

   I don’t know how this little Devil King City He De He Neng, unexpectedly gathered two great figures of the Sword Demon King and the Corrupt Demon King at the same time.

   This time not only Tucker, but even the Corruption Demon also appeared, which shows the seriousness of the matter.

   Li Muran immediately entertained Tucker and Jindi into the Demon King City for a detailed discussion.

   also asked everyone to prepare the best supplies to entertain Tucker and Jindi.

   Tucker frowned and told Li Muran about the crisis.

   "Didn't you fight the three human nations? You also beat him and the others, greatly reducing their power. This is the cause of the crisis."

   I don’t understand what kind of crisis the Demon King’s army and human beings will cause.

  Besides, the Demon King's army has wiped out them. What crisis is there?

   It should be said that ‘the crisis has passed’.

   Tucker sighed, as if he didn't know where to start.

   "It's just that there is no past. You have caused a catastrophe. The real crisis has just arrived."

   It was Jindi instead of Tucker to explain.

  While he likes to put the stockings sent by Li Muran into his arms, he said slowly.

   "The army he was proud of was wiped out, and his subordinates were also killed. Of course, the Lord Saint King would not be able to sit still. He decided to go out and take care of you himself."

   This statement is also reasonable.

   Li Muran can understand completely.

   Changing Li Muran's position in the position of the holy king would probably lead to a thunderous rage.

   Ascended the heights and wanted to come to Li Muran for revenge.

   But Li Muran still doesn't move, what if the Holy King is angry?

   His main force was eaten by Li Muran.

  What can he do as a polished commander?

   What's more, did a human king get angry and use it to alarm two Ten Demons?

   also makes Ten Demon so nervous.

   When Li Muran asked the core question, Tucker and Jindi looked at each other and told the truth.

   "If there is an agreement between us, we must not expose the existence of other people. We must not interfere with the behavior of other people."

   "But for the sake of my brother, I gave it up. Actually, that guy is not a holy king. That is just his disguise. His true identity is one of the ten demons... Virus Demon King!"

   All mysteries are solved.

   Tucker and Jindi will specifically come to warn Li Muran, the reason for being so nervous is here.

   "Holy King! Turned out to be the Ten Demons?"

   "Yes. Believe it or not. But he is the Ten Demon."

   According to Tucker, the ten demons have different abilities, different personalities, and different working styles.

   The ten demons all arrange their lives according to their own preferences.

   For example, Tucker likes to wander around the world, just wandering around alone.

   One person is the entire Demon King's army, one person is full and the whole family is not hungry.

   Jindi and his men like to be quiet, and they have established their own Devil City away from the crowds.

  Like the Bella Demon King's army who made their home in the Deathsong Forest, they live a life as unknown as a paradise.

   And the virus demon seems to like the excitement very much.

   He especially likes the feeling that human leaders are admired by thousands of people and bowed to their heads.

   So I just pretended to be a human being and became a leader myself.

   After a hundred years of management, he really developed the Holy Kingdom and turned it into a country with a strong influence in the human country.

   All human beings, even many of the Saint King’s men, were kept in the dark by the Saint King.

   "The devil will be the king of mankind?"

   Li Muran made a puzzled voice.

   "Yes. That's what that guy did."

   The saint king turned out to be a demon king? Still one of the strongest ten demons! ?

   Li Muran felt one head and two big.

   Isn’t there always a saying that humans and demons are incompatible in this world?

   This has become the truth. It is the basis for all humans to attack the Demon King indiscriminately.

  The whole world, not only humans, but even the demon king believes in this truth.

  Under such a big environment, Li Muran did an unprecedented and unprecedented thing to establish the Demon King Cult and form an alliance with a human country.

   Li Muran thought he was ridiculous enough.

   I didn't expect that this was nothing but a witch.

  Where is my own?

   All Li Muran did was left over from the predecessor’s play.

   Senior can be more exaggerated than Li Muran.

   What Li Muran did can't even keep up with other people's heels.

   People did not play alliances and establish the Demon King Cult, but the Demon King directly became the human king.

   is not only the king of mankind, but he is also the culprit in propagating the notion that humans and demons are incompatible.

   While establishing the rules of the world by myself, brainwashing everyone, telling everyone to cherish life and stay away from the devil, while playing the double-sided life of the devil playing the role of the king of man.

   is simply the ‘double standard’ to the extreme.

  As everyone knows, the head of the Paladin Legion of the Demon Lord is the Demon Lord.

   Who can think of this?

   Is this staged a different world of Infernal Affairs?

   Really undercover for many years, and finally became the leader of the organization?

   Li Muran decided to wait and tell the news to the holy light.

   See how they would look when they knew that the Saint King they had trusted and respected was the object they wanted to destroy.

   will be surprised and speechless.

   I haven't seen the Lord Saint King.

   But after listening to Tucker and Jindi, I suddenly admire him.

   Originally thought that he was just a jumping clown from a defeated country, but now he really admires him.

   Apart from admiration, the doubts in my previous heart are also resolved.

  Why are the four kings of the human army the devil, and why the commander of the human army is the devil.

   Now it’s clear.

  The masters are all demon kings, so it is not surprising that the subordinates are demon kings.

   Until now, Li Muran no longer believed in those so-called truths.

  Whether humans and demons are incompatible with each other, and demon kings can only have four kills when they meet, they are all nonsense and nonsense to deceive children.

   This world is the same as the original world, everything is driven by interests.

   As long as the benefits are in place, anything impossible can be done for you.

   Tucker and Jindi also talked about the Ten Demons.

   There are rules among the ten demons.

   The first point is that the ten demons cannot interfere with each other's actions.

   As long as it doesn't involve one's own interests, one can't make a move.

   This is also the reason why the virus demon can develop with peace of mind and become a holy king all the time.

   The second point is that there can be no conflicts between the ten demons.

   are world-destroying-level bosses, is this a good fight?

The name    Ten Demon represents the apex of the world, meaning the original demon king, which was born almost at the same time as the world.

   is not a name for nothing.

   In order to prevent the battle between the ten demons from destroying the world.

   That's why the ten demons set a rule that they can't fight each other.

   Ten demon cannot fight ten demon, ten demon will have no opponent.

  The characters and things that I usually encounter can't make the Ten Demons serious.

   That's why the actions of the Ten Demons were completely low-key.

  Big people tend to hide their bodies and lurking in the busy city.

   Only the incompetent guys dance for joy.

   Because of this, people don’t even know the existence of the Ten Demons.

   "That guy has always been his holy king. As long as it doesn't infringe our interests, and doesn't threaten the order of the world. We turn a blind eye to what we do to each other. It's nothing more than murder and arson."

"I heard that he still uses his abilities to do experiments? It seems like turning ordinary people into paladins or something. Let ordinary people have the strength to compete with the brave. It is through this method that he strengthens his strength. These Paladins are the same as none of our Ten Demons, and it is him who can be a little threatening."

"The Paladin game seems to be quite successful. The Paladin was also used by him as a signboard, and it became a means for him to check and balance other human nations and gain international influence. I have to say that he can play, that guy is better than our other ten demons. I can play a lot."

   good fellow.

   The secret of the Paladin is here.

   Originally thought that the paladin had received the grace of God, and awakened his power after being bathed in holy light.

   Unexpectedly, it was the power bestowed by the demon king.

   Not only is the demon king endowed with power, the birth process has nothing to do with religion.

   turned out to be produced through experiments.

   This is really selling dog meat under the guise of a sheep’s head, doing things that have nothing to do with God’s dime under the banner of God’s old man.

   Such a result shocked Li Muran, a well-informed person from another world. There were too many places to complain, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"He used his power to create a Paladin, that is, using a special virus to transform the human body. In the process of creating a Paladin, many humans will die because they cannot bear the pain, and only a few people can persist. Those who persist will gain strength and become a Paladin."

   Isn’t this a ‘cyborg’?

   Li Muran got This virus demon is ‘Father Hoinheim’.

   The cost of making Paladins is very high.

   If a paladin is created, many unqualified test items will die.

   But who cares about dead people?

   There are too many people who have no sense of existence in this world. They suddenly disappear someday, and no one cares.

   Tramps, prisoners who committed serious crimes, children in orphanages... even villagers in a whole village that nobody cares about.

   These are the cheapest and most convenient materials.

   It doesn't matter how many they die.

   For the Saint King, only the one who survived is the one who can become the Paladin.

   Other people are all ingredients that must be attached to get the result.

  Only the one who resists the natural selection of the survival of the fittest is the one who can become a chess piece.

   is brainwashing, telling him that everything is a test of God.

   The death and the birth of others are God’s intentions.

  He is a man on the ground chosen by God.

   After brainwashing, a perfect Paladin was born.


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