Use the XP System To Build the Devil City

Chapter 61: : The Demon King Army's first crusade mission

  Especially Isha, holding the bag of salt nervously as if holding the president’s black suitcase, looking all the way, afraid that someone would take her salt away.

   Isha's appearance as a thief brought a lot of laughter to the team.

  Everyone successfully arrived at the village of the forest spirits. This time, I received a very warm welcome.

   After noticing that the squad horse was approaching the village, the forest elves dispatched the whole village to greet the material squad at the entrance of the village.

   Although everyone trembled, they were obviously more energetic than yesterday.

   Not only that, but the little sister who passed out of hunger also wakes up.

  The forest spirits have all escaped.

very good.

   After everyone carried the materials into the house with all their hands, Li Muran began to teach everyone how to cook with spices.

   Seeing the big bag of salt, the Mori elves yelled and exclaimed for a long time.

   Li Muran and Bella managed to calm everyone down and let things go on.

   Li Muran gave a big iron pot to the elves of the forest.

   After demonstrating how to use the condiments for the Mori, let the Mori prepare today's meal.

   Li Muran went to repair the hall where the elves lived in the forest.

The method of    is also very simple. Use waste wood discarded in the village and nails bought by Li Muran to nail it twice to plug the loopholes.

   Only this level of maintenance can be done by Li Muran without professional skills.

   While Bella was busy repairing the house for the forest elves in Li Muran, the elders looked at the iron pan and nails Li Muran had brought with him, his eyes flashed.

   "This... but real metal. The nails are so well made and so sharp? Maybe... it can pierce the thick skin of the Flame Demon Bear!"


  The basic living conditions of the Mori Elves are guaranteed. After doing this, it should not be a problem to survive the cold winter.

   But Li Muran and Bella have one more thing to do.

   is also the same as food and warm housing, the third thing I decided to do for the Mori Elf from the beginning.

   If this matter is not dealt with properly, the previous efforts may be overwhelming.

   has been in contact with these forest elves, and has developed feelings for the forest elves. Li Muran and Bella didn't want them to die, and ended in tragedy.

   The third thing is to help Isha kill the flame demon bear who is the enemy of the Mori spirit.

   After hearing Li Muran and Bella say that they would help kill the monster, although she was very excited, Yisha still couldn't help frowning.

   waved his hand and hurriedly rejected the two people's kindness.

"I believe in the strength of the two. With the help of the two adults, our strength will definitely be greatly improved. But I can't let them do this kind of dangerous thing. This is the Mori Elf's own business. Two benefactors cannot be involved. Having received so much care, there is no reason to let the benefactor take risks for us. If there is any difference between the two, I will not be able to forgive myself for the rest of my life."

   Yisha was very determined, and she absolutely disagrees with Li Muran and Bella fighting the Flame Demon Bear.

   Although the others looked forward to Li Muran and Bella's help, they did not agree with Bella and Yisha to take risks.

   In this matter, Li Muran and Bella also have their own considerations.

   One is to help the forest spirit thoroughly.

   If you don’t destroy the Flame Demon Bear, it will leave a huge hidden danger.

  If the forest elves are annihilated, the previous investment is in vain, and I will feel even more sad.

   Helping the elves of the forest can also be regarded as safeguarding their own investment.

   Killing the flame demon bear, you can sell the greatest favor of the forest elves.

   No matter from the perspective of human emotion, morality, or interest, it must be done.

  The other thing is that Li Muran and Bella want to increase their combat experience through this matter.

   ‘Heart of the Devil’s City’ has been put down.

   will inevitably conflict with other demon kings afterwards.

   I don’t know about other things, but "War" is already a famous brand, and something will definitely happen in the future.

The appearance of    Tucker sounded a wake-up call for Li Muran and Bella.

   Although he maintains a normal and happy life and implements Li Muran's second life principle of having fun in time, Li Muran has already calculated this in his heart.

   The dog that bites doesn't bark.

   Smart people don’t talk about things every day and make themselves nervous. Instead, he worked hard secretly, waiting for the opportunity.

   Bella is very cruel, except for the ability to fool people, there is no skill that can directly cause damage.

   Although Li Muran's XP system is super awesome, so far, it has focused on life.

   hit auxiliary invincible, but when the c-position output was significantly worse than a few grades.

   As for Heidou and Christian...Apart from making each other cute, they can't think of any other attack methods they have.

   Generally speaking, in the face of the threat of powerful demon kings, the Bella Legion is obviously insufficient in combat strength, which belongs to the category of severely partial discipline.

   But you can't say that if the conditions are bad, you just don't do anything, just wait for death.

   Li Muran always believes in'diligence can make up for one's weakness' and believes in human growth.

   Therefore, it is necessary to increase actual combat experience and increase the ability to respond to crises as much as possible.

   is not only fighting monsters, but also wanting to increase the combat experience against the regular army.

   Li Muran and Bella can't let go of any chance to become stronger.

   Li Muran and Bella didn't say it clearly, but this time the hunt for the Flame Demon Bear actually felt a bit like taking Isha's prey.

   Isha, and the time when the Flame Demon Bear just filled the vacancy where Li Muran wanted an opponent.

   Li Muran and Bella have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

  Because of these two points, Li Muran and Bella absolutely cannot compromise in hunting down the Flame Demon Bear.

   This bear, we are set to eat.

   Even if you elves cry and plead for the bear, there is nothing to discuss.

"No. We can't make concessions in this matter. You are all our friends now. If you have difficulties, we must help to the end, how can we die. If we can't protect even our friends, the reputation of our Demon King Army will be ruined. , There is no majesty to talk about afterwards."

   Bella akimbo, responding to the Mori Elf with a strong tone.

   Yanran looks like an orthodox demon king.

   Of course, this is all rehearsed in advance.

   Bella said so eloquently, all the Mori elves were greatly moved.

  The elves of the forest shed tears, crying.

   "We are just a group of down-and-out people. How can we be qualified to be friends of Lord Demon Lord."

   "It is a great honor for Lord Demon to treat us like friends and take care of us like this."

   "Not only to give us food, but also to help us get rid of the disaster. The demon lord’s kindness will not be rewarded.

   "Long live the Demon Lord."

   "Long live the Demon Lord."

   Supported and praised by the Mori elves, Bella is about to ascend to heaven proudly.

   It can be seen that this is definitely Bella's most proud of these days.

  The desired effect has also come out, and Bella needs to show the devil's aura, while Li Muran is watching the play, saying nothing extra.

   In the end, the Demon King Army replaced the Mori Elves to take over the battle with the Flame Demon Bear, which was strongly determined by Bella.

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